Can't remember...

Mar 9, 2005
Haverhill, MA
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Okay - I've fallen behind keeping track of Fed bills - I can't remember the number, but did the bill for reciprocity get passed? Someone at the range last night said it did, but I think I would have remembered hearing that... or did I miss it? Or was it another bill that allows LEO's retired reciprocity?
Lynne, there isn't a chance in the world that a citizen CCW reciprocity bill will pass the legislature we have today. Filibuster would take on a whole new meaning as the likes of Kennedy (multiple) and Schumer, etc. would die at the microphone rather than risk walking away to eat/drink/bathroom break!

GOAL and NRA would be e-blasting us big time if something like this was really more than a snowballs chance in hell.
Thanks Nickle.

Len - I kinda thought that myself, but this guy was positive it had passed. <whew> Thanks heavens - I thought I had fallen asleep at the wheel.
When I got fingerprinted for my NH CCW App Monday, the Chief of Police in Vergennes was saying something about LEO's now having Fed carry rights. I don't know for sure what he was referring to, other than something was in the works.
Nickle, you've been sleeping too much? [lol]

HR218 was passed almost a year ago and signed by Pres. Bush. It's law, but has a lot of "gotchas" in the law. Many states (FL and MA for examples) are denying the carry right (given in the law) to retirees by some administrative maneuvering and interpretations.

Personally, I spent 18 years as a Special/Reserve PO and don't qualify as it is written since I can't get a pension (requirement).

As a Constable, I am LE, but the town won't issue an ID (requirement) to Constables that they appoint, so again I'm not qualified under HR218.

There is NO "state standard" (requirement) for MA or FL firearms qualification, only "recommendations", thus the AG in both states claim that HR218 does NOT apply to retirees (required to qualify annually to "state standards").
It isn't that I was sleeping, it's just that I wasn't paying attention. I figured something had passed, especially since the particular Chief I spoke to is very sharp. Irrelevant up here anyways, since a Permit isn't required in the first place.
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