Cannon shot backfires: Militiaman faces loss of state permit

I can't wait till I'm about to retire...
Caller: "I'd like to complain about a low flying military plane"
Me: "Sure, let me get my form here....., now, did it have a red star on it?"
Caller: "No, it didn't"
Me: "You're welcome, thank you for calling" click
It's funny cuz it's true!
So next year, he shows up at the event with a cannon, without bothering to apply for any permit. When the time comes to fire, he puts the match to the touch-hole, and a cloud of confetti flies out of the muzzle, along with a banner reading "Thanks, Chief". [laugh]

I still think this whole incident is the result of not just a pig headed fire chief, but a pig headed cannon operator as well. They're both out of line. There's no excuse for the cannon operator to have blown off getting the permit. The law is the law, and if this guy has been doing this for so long, he bloody well knew the law and just plain ignored it. But the stick-up-his-backside fire chief who is inventing fines and then going after the guy's permit only AFTER the court has struck down his invented punishment needs to get taken down a few notches.
The Competent Operator of a cannon must apply for a permit 15 days before the event and the Chief has 5 days to investigate and approve or deny.

Part of the test needed to get the certificate from the Fire Marshal is on this procedure.

The operator was at fault. Of course, the Chief COULD have been a little more diplomatic about the whole thing.

The whole thing can be found in 527 CMR 22.00

It is only by these special "Competent Operator" certifications that certain types of "explosives" can be used by people who don't hold full blasting licenses and all the BS they involve. For this person to so lightly disregard the rules is only going to encourage more rules to be put into place.
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