Can you articulate WHY contemporary liberalism is destructive to America?

Honestly, it makes me very sad.[sad2]

You know what, it makes me sad, too. And I got into an argument/discussion with a statist friend of mine on his FB page a few weeks ago, and when after miles of text we could not come to a compromise I explained to him why I cannot compromise mans freedom, and HE told ME that made him very sad.

It's all a big game to some people. All that matters is what they want. They don't have core principles or beliefs to stand behind and be the judge of them, all they see in front of them is the next move in what is essentially a political land grab for the seats of power in this country. All a big infinite game of football, essentially.
You know what, it makes me sad, too. And I got into an argument/discussion with a statist friend of mine on his FB page a few weeks ago, and when after miles of text we could not come to a compromise I explained to him why I cannot compromise mans freedom, and HE told ME that made him very sad.

It's all a big game to some people. All that matters is what they want. They don't have core principles or beliefs to stand behind and be the judge of them, all they see in front of them is the next move in what is essentially a political land grab for the seats of power in this country. All a big infinite game of football, essentially.

One of my brothers is the same way.. I just don't get it.

You are right people just want others to be as miserable (or poor or whatever) as they are. They REFUSE to ALLOW prosperity, or happiness by VIRTUE of effort and work, they just covet the ability of others to live life.
I would be worried about electronic voting mechanisms- how could we verify illegals and massive left wing voter fraud wouldnt occur? We cant even get people to show ID to vote

Are you OK with right wing voter fraud? I think fraud is a problem whether done by the left or the right.
Because 'modern liberals' believe in....

A weak and ineffective military
Gay Marriage (Civil Unions are insufficient to 'the cause')
Open Borders
Legallization of all drugs
Do whatever 'feels good'
Not paying taxes (let some other sucker do it)
9-11 was a pretext for mideast wars

....oops...I think I was thinking of Libertarians. Nevermind.

Wookie? Is that you?

Sorry friends and fellow members.

I will now accept my punishment for troll feeding.

Oh, and BTW, I believe that folks like Titan (statists) are soiling themselves more and more. They don't understand how based on EDUCATION and VALUES alone, a strong political concept can spread like wildfire. Its easy to placate the masses when everything is hunky-dory, but now we have unemployment at almost 20%, inflation at near 10% annualized ( and the every day tax-payer and mortgage holder is starting to realize that big government and violation of freedoms and liberty are not in any way okay, or conducive to the prosperity of the individual.

And we can either FIX this great nation by RETURNING to the EXACT LAW of the constitution or watch our once great republic fall at the hands of the demopublicans who just want to STEAL every last dime from every American while the getting is good.

Either way, I'm actually okay, and prepared for those eventualities. I hope that with actual education and not FEAR and ENVY, I can get the 100th monkey.

We shall see.

Titan, I'm sorry, it must be a bleak and scary world that you live in, in constant fear of your fellow human that you will never control.
I am eager to hear from you, my friends and colleagues-

Why do you think liberals are harmful?

In a word, bankruptcy. Fiscal and social.

And let's fix the terminology: So-called Liberalism as practiced by the American left is Socialism by a different name. The name Socialism doesn't fly because there is (thank God) not a true social contract in America.

But the left want us to still function like there is. The result, when the left gets their way, is an unfunded "pretend" social contract, but one that nevertheless costs us dearly. Both in money (fiscal) and the nature of America's founding and success (social). And both are killing us as you have implied.

Other than that, I don't see a problem.[laugh]
Ever met a happy, content, self-confident, and capable liberal? Someone you want to hqang out and drink with beers with? Would trust to watch your kids? Me neither.

I'm sorry we haven't met! In fact I wonder if you've met any liberals (note: I am not counting Democratic sheep as liberals, as they are not at all the same thing).
Without going into a big long diatribe I have come to think of modern day "liberals" as being harmful for two major reasons:

1) They are completely out of touch with reality. Nothing they do is based on any sort of reality about the way human beings operate or historical evidence about what works in human society and what doesn't.

2) That lack of reality leads them to deny reality - which means they turn into liars and manipulators and eventually become anything but "liberal" as they try to force their ideas of how the world "should be" down your throat at the barrel of a gun.
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