Can you articulate WHY contemporary liberalism is destructive to America?

The Pilgrim Colony was set up as a commune, In the first year. Each was expected to do whatever work they could , with the " fruits " stored in a communal warehouse.

By November it was clear that there was not enough food or firewood stocked for the winter. Crime and violence broke out. And when Spring came HALF of the Pilgrims had died.

The Governor informed the survivors that going forward each family would be in charge of their own well being , and could not rely on the work of others.

The following November they had the 1st Thanksgiving Feast , and thrived afterwards.

They do not teach this to our children.
As many contemporary "Conservatives" are fascists.

I'd say many neocons are statists; fascism derives from the power of the people, i.e. the people want to be subjected to the state. Italian Fascism (what we mostly think of as Fascism) was an interesting phenomenon and arose almost solely out of the interwar period. The people were poor, depressed, and saw no power in individuality; Mussolini gave them hope that by submitting to the state he would reglorify the Italian people back to the ages of the Roman Empire - and the people submitted willfully to his reign.

Neocons want the state to be the supreme political building block regardless of the wishes of the people; they choose to dictate their own set of moral and ethical beliefs on a populous that doesn't accept those beliefs as acceptable.

I know I'm splitting hairs but IMHO it's necessary when discussing politics to do so.
Liberals dream of a world where "freedom" means freedom from hard work and worry, freedom from having others that have more than you, shared responsibility and shared prosperity. Problem with this is the shared responsibility part of it. The Thanksgiving example is excellent, because in the first year, enough of the people were lazy enough to not have enough food. Imagine what 100's of years of this will do?
Many excellent comments in this thread. I dislike contemporary liberalism because it is always tied to increasing government power. Government uses force to achieve its ends. The following quote sums it up pretty well:

The more our federal government tries to solve every problem, the more problems it causes. The more problems it causes, the more it spends and the bigger it grows as it tries to fix the problems it has caused. As Ronald Reagan said, "The more the plans fail, the more the planners plan." And inevitably the bigger our federal government grows, the more freedom evaporates as America slides precariously closer to socialism.
Source: Saving Freedom, by Jim DeMint, p.119 Jul 4, 2009
Many excellent comments in this thread. I dislike contemporary liberalism because it is always tied to increasing government power. Government uses force to achieve its ends. The following quote sums it up pretty well:

Love it! The architects of the constitution saw government as a force to be controlled now we turn to it for our every want and need!
I'd say many neocons are statists; fascism derives from the power of the people, i.e. the people want to be subjected to the state. Italian Fascism (what we mostly think of as Fascism) was an interesting phenomenon and arose almost solely out of the interwar period. The people were poor, depressed, and saw no power in individuality; Mussolini gave them hope that by submitting to the state he would reglorify the Italian people back to the ages of the Roman Empire - and the people submitted willfully to his reign.

Neocons want the state to be the supreme political building block regardless of the wishes of the people; they choose to dictate their own set of moral and ethical beliefs on a populous that doesn't accept those beliefs as acceptable.

I know I'm splitting hairs but IMHO it's necessary when discussing politics to do so.

VERY good points. Thanks for the addition and clarification. I trap myself in short comments many times, while a more expansive, detailed response may be more appropriate.
But I digress....

Anway. Anyone here how nancy pelosi has gottern 38 businesses waivers from obamacare?

Liberals are destructive as they require that we do as they say, and not as they do.
Wouldnt it be nice to start a homebrew/beer/moonshine drinking club, with a liberatarian agenda?

In, I will contribute some of my homebrew beer!

NES Shoot & Drink? (Shoot and then Drink .....), or Shoot 'n Brew

Moonshine is tempting, but I feel like having an organized event based around making moonshine would be a tragically bad idea.
In, I will contribute some of my homebrew beer!

NES Shoot & Drink? (Shoot and then Drink .....), or Shoot 'n Brew

Moonshine is tempting, but I feel like having an organized event based around making moonshine would be a tragically bad idea.

Just a concept at this point, but I wonder if my local club would allow it. We have a range, and a private reception area.
You can have your mob rule, as long as I am not a member of your society! I prefer liberty and freedom, thanks.

This is not just an old quote from Franklin, it is quite exactly the truth.

If we had direct vote NO ONE would be safe in their property!!!

As there are always a majority of people who prefer to vote your property to them vs having to actually create or earn anything.

Send me your address in a PM, and I will send you a copy of Atlas Shrugged and a copy of Liberty Defined.

Yeah, the Republic was a good idea. Helps avoid tyranny of the majority, apparently not forever though. :(
Here is my take on it. Stick to the Constitution. Stick to the Bill of Rights.
Give people FREEDOM.
If you want to be a liberal and give all your money to whoever and be anti gun and whatnot... fine. you have the freedom to do so. Just as i want the freedom to say i do not want my taxes going to certain people. If someone thinks oil companies make too big a profit, you have the freedom not to buy from them or the freedom to start your own oil company and show them how it should be done. We should have the freedom to buy insurance of any kind from any great state in the union. If you think their rates are too high or the company employs racist or sexist policies then you have the freedom to shop elsewhere. If you think health insurance companies make too large a profit then you should have the freedom to go shop elsewhere or to just pay cash. If you think hospitals make too much money off people's illnesses then you should have the freedom to start your own hospital and show em how it's done.
If you choose to be anti-gun then you have the freedom to do so, and if i choose to arm myself to the 5th dimension then i would like the freedom to do so.

I wonder... if there were no taxes, would liberals cough up half their pay and give it away to illegals and such?
When will Life, Liberty, Property mean something again??
I'm sic of seeing laws being passed on what you can and can't eat... what companies can or cannot put in their food. Sic of the nanny state, sic of lying politicians who make a career out of thinking they are better than the people who employ them. Sic of people who are accountable to no one.
Ever met a happy, content, self-confident, and capable liberal? Someone you want to hqang out and drink with beers with? Would trust to watch your kids? Me neither.
Because 'modern liberals' believe in....

A weak and ineffective military
Gay Marriage (Civil Unions are insufficient to 'the cause')
Open Borders
Legallization of all drugs
Do whatever 'feels good'
Not paying taxes (let some other sucker do it)
9-11 was a pretext for mideast wars

....oops...I think I was thinking of Libertarians. Nevermind.
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Because 'modern liberals' believe in....

A weak and ineffective military
Gay Marriage (Civil Unions are insufficient to 'the cause')
Open Borders
Legallization of all drugs
Do whatever 'feels good'
Not paying taxes (let some other sucker do it)
9-11 was a pretext for mideast wars

....oops...I think I was thinking of Libertarians. Nevermind.

Because 'modern liberals' believe in....

A weak and ineffective military
Gay Marriage (Civil Unions are insufficient to 'the cause')
Open Borders
Legallization of all drugs
Do whatever 'feels good'
Not paying taxes (let some other sucker do it)
9-11 was a pretext for mideast wars

....oops...I think I was thinking of Libertarians. Nevermind.

i personally think liberals are harmful because they tend to gravitate towards running educational institutions which then pump out their propaganda into the minds of their students, as a student, i see it constantly.... its hard to be conservative when from the top down Americans are taught to accept socialism, social justice, political correctness, and global warming. how do you fight the adversary that has your child's ear?
America ? North Central or South America ?
See post 7 in this thread for a little education on the term america.
As its a Continent not a country!

Showing something that is voluntary to possess so a Federal (fiction) citizen can vote ?

All of these contracts are the bane of human existence, without them we would all be free men.

Guess you have never heard of the Right To Travel, look for the Georgia bill with the same name.

Liberals feel that giving up liberty for a little security is just fine and dandy.

I on the other side of the coin would rather have all of my liberty intact and fend for my own security.

I would be worried about electronic voting mechanisms- how could we verify illegal’s and massive left wing voter fraud wouldn’t occur? We cant even get people to show ID to vote
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Because 'modern liberals' believe in....

A weak and ineffective military
Gay Marriage (Civil Unions are insufficient to 'the cause')
Open Borders
Legallization of all drugs
Do whatever 'feels good'
Not paying taxes (let some other sucker do it)
9-11 was a pretext for mideast wars

....oops...I think I was thinking of Libertarians. Nevermind.

Thanks Titan, I was wondering when our ANTI-freedom, statist members we going to show up.[wave][wave]

What is funny, is that each item listed would be applicable to the modern day progressive statist, but not a single one aligns to the principles of the libertarian. [kiss]

So the libertarian view is:

1) Stay home and defend you self and your country, don't build massive armies to waste money and resources that could otherwise be PRODUCTIVE trying to be an imperialist all around the world. (No aggression is justified)[mg]

2) The government has absolutely NO, zero, ziltch business in private contracts, or religious institutions. (Civil Liberties)[horse]

3) This is funny because the statists say "we need more state!!! Build a wall, and staff it!!"; when the intelligent response is, END ALL GOVT SOCIAL WELFARE PROGRAMS!!! (If you don't leave the damn cookies out, you wont have a freaking ant problem.)[shocked]

4) No human has the right either directly or by agent (the government) to control another human or what they read, put in their bodies, contract, own etc. as long as they don't violate the same rights of others. By tax, by law or otherwise. I guess there are a lot of bullies that grow up and are still bullies.[rolleyes]

5) Why not? Is doing what "Feels Bad" somehow morally superior? And even if it could somehow be, by what authority can you tell someone else they can't [pursue happiness] enjoy their life? [rolleyes]

6) The problem with your statement is that there needs to be "taxes" as you put it. By which I believe you mean income tax. Well, income tax is slavery, and if you need help to understand why that is, give me a call and I can explain it.

7) Honestly, I'm not sure what you mean here... but: 9-11=bad thing = we decided to invade Afghanistan and then Iraq as a direct result.

And ultimately, I am really confused why you (and other statists) think that it is a good idea, or even okay to impose your will upon others.

Honestly, it makes me very sad.[sad2]
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