Bug In... What do you need

May 2, 2005
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Same scenario as the Bug Out thread.

Here's the scenario:
Dirty bomb/backpack nuke is found to be in the city of Boston, and the detonation is eminent. You know you far enough away from the fall-out. All hell is gonna be breaking loose VERY soon. You believe that Bugging in is the best option. You don't know how long the shit will be hitting the fan for, but you are happy you have taken the proper precautions to ensure your survival and protection.

What are those precautions you have taken?

Again, this is a serious topic, so PLEASE keep this ON TOPIC

For starters, we have a generator so we can power the well,etc. We also have our pellet stove on a UPS. I have kerosene lamps in every room of the house. So if we have no power it is not a problem for us. Now I always have quite a bit of food around,but now we have to take into account 2 more mouths to feed so I will have to stock up more on food.
water always have some bottled water around.
Meds over the counter and prescription. We have a pretty indepth first aid kit. Glenn and I are both EMT trained. We also have a suture kit. With meds and food make sure to rotate out. We have varying degrees of bandages also. We also have a first aid kit for the critters.
Most of us are probably well armed and stocked on ammo also.
We have the following:

+ Gas heat with "millivolt" thermocouple powered thermostat valve, so it can run without AC power.

+ A cord of wood and two woodburning stoves

+ about 20 gallons of drinking water

+ 6-8 weeks of dried or dehydrated food for family of four + 2 guests

+ camping style water purification pump filter

+ 80 lbs of charcoal for grill cooking

+ ten gallons of gasoline, chain saw,

+ extended coverage HF transceiver (and license), VHF xceivers, some gel cell batteries, two 40 W solar panels for charging

+ Miscellaneoous rifles and shotgun for radioactive mutant zombies

+ few weeks supply of paper goods and soap from Costco

+ a few leftover antibiotics of questionable nature

+ hand tools, electronics tools,

+ plenty of epoxy, rope, some plastic sheeting

+ matches

+ coleman lantern, some candles, some LED flashlights

+ crank radio

+ wire guided air to ground missle (Vietnam era) which can be dropped out the 3rd floor window in a pinch (just kidding)
after reading hminskys list,i relized that there would be no way in heck that i am ready for anything close to a bug in.if lucky we normally only keep enough food for a week.and as far as fighting off mutant zombies,all i have is my beretta 92d with maybe 100 rds of ammo.

i think i better get going with stocking up otherwise i'll be in trouble if the S#@& hits the fan. [shock]

btw-i'm glad we have this section. :D
Just a hint...

You can spread out the cost some more, if when you go to buy your ammo, you simply buy an extra 100 rounds, and tell yourself to not touch them.

Adam_MA said:
Just a hint...

You can spread out the cost some more, if when you go to buy your ammo, you simply buy an extra 100 rounds, and tell yourself to not touch them.


i think that's why i'm waiting for the nato plastic ammo that i ordered to come in before i go back out to thw range.i'll just save the real ammo i have for later when i really need it.

only problem with the plastic ammo i ordered is that it has to be manually feed into the gun,it would do it automaticly.
With my supplies I also keep a large roll of 3 mill plastic sheeting; its 12 ft wide and over 100 ft long. With a few rolls of duct tape, you can build nearly anything! Most importantly though, I read that in case of a gas attack or a biological attack it’s best to retreat to the highest elevation in your house and seal the room with plastic until the threat outside dissipates. A large room will hold several hours of air if taped up with plastic. In case of a nuke, it’s the lowest part of your house and the plastic doesn’t do much good so I keep it on the third floor and my iodine pills in the basement.
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