****Breakjng**** Multiple People Shot in Winthrop MA

Don't be silly. It's a matter of historical record that Israel began with ethnic cleansing, with Irgun and the Stern Gang wiping out i.e. massacring whole villages by the dozen.

My old man was in the Royal Army Medical Corps in Palestine in 1946, he saw the casualties from the King David Hotel.

Israel has, in historical fact, done to Palestine.

In case anybody is interested:

Lehi split from the Irgun militant group in 1940 in order to continue fighting the British during World War II. Lehi initially sought an alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, offering to fight alongside them against the British in return for the transfer of all Jews from Nazi-occupied Europe to Palestine.[15] Believing that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis.[15] During World War II, it declared that it would establish a Jewish state based upon "nationalist and totalitarian principles".[15][16] After Stern's death in 1942, the new leadership of Lehi began to move it towards support for Joseph Stalin's Soviet Union.[10] In 1944, Lehi officially declared its support for National Bolshevism.[17] It said that its National Bolshevism involved an amalgamation of left-wing and right-wing political elements – Stern said Lehi incorporated elements of both the left and the right[15] – however this change was unpopular and Lehi began to lose support as a result.[18]

Convenient how all his publicly visible stuff is totally normal but the racist stuff is all written down offline somewhere, where only the authorities can confirm it. At least we’re assured that it’s all in his handwriting.

And did witnesses confirm that he actually walked past white people post-crash before selectively shooting the black victims? Or did he drive past a bunch of white people while in the truck?
This is one of my points.. show the evidence make it public. With a disclaimer of course.. even then who knows.
Lehi split from the Irgun militant group in 1940 in order to continue fighting the British during World War II. Lehi initially sought an alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, offering to fight alongside them against the British in return for the transfer of all Jews from Nazi-occupied Europe to Palestine.[15] Believing that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis.[15] During World War II, it declared that it would establish a Jewish state based upon "nationalist and totalitarian principles".[15][16] After Stern's death in 1942, the new leadership of Lehi began to move it towards support for Joseph Stalin's Soviet Union.[10] In 1944, Lehi officially declared its support for National Bolshevism.[17] It said that its National Bolshevism involved an amalgamation of left-wing and right-wing political elements – Stern said Lehi incorporated elements of both the left and the right[15] – however this change was unpopular and Lehi began to lose support as a result.[18]

The Nazis made a formal agreement with European Zionists, The Transfer Agreement, to assist with relocating Jewish people to Palestine.

My Israeli friend told me, to my great surprise, that Stalin's birthday is still celebrated (by Russian Jews) in Israel.
I think one thing that needs to be looked at, and I’m sure they are, is if he or somebody close to him, had recently been a victim of some type of violent crime, driving him into this rage without much planning, reason or clear objectives.

crushing truck into random building, running around with no shoes on, pumping 7-8 rounds into a back of a woman ... that sounds like actions done in a midst of an affect. Bath salts, bad acid trip, bad schrooms ... I have no idea, but def the worst planning he had done in his life.
you are confusing birthday with a day of death. 05/05/53.

That's possible, I'll have to check. However, the celebration is for Stalin's life, not his death.

My buddy was born in Israel and lived there until his late 20s. We've had many wide-ranging conversations on various topics. You would be surprised how popular Stalin remains in Israel and in Russia. My buddy and I have drunk Stalin's favorite Georgian wine together. It's total crap by Western standards, intense, sweet and highly alcoholic.

Israel has a social hierarchy with Russian Jews close to the top. My buddy's family was Georgian, lower down the social hierarchy but Georgians are very popular at the endless formal social celebrations for weddings, births, birthdays, etc. as Georgians are notoriously generous.

In Israel the guests are expected to gift large sums when they attend these events, so the events themselves become profit-making enterprises which you can really not refuse to attend. The men make the gifts, almost always cash, while the women keep track of payments received and payments made over the years and expect to break even in the long run. My friend's mother was devastated when my friend failed to get married in Israel as the expected profit from a first born son's wedding was a sweet US$100K or thereabouts - more than three hundred thousand shekels.
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The Nazis made a formal agreement with European Zionists, The Transfer Agreement, to assist with relocating Jewish people to Palestine.

My Israeli friend told me, to my great surprise, that Stalin's birthday is still celebrated (by Russian Jews) in Israel.

Around or after collapse of Soviet Union, there are shitload of people who immigrated to Israel, Russian is like second spoken language there. Natives speak Hebrew or English. The point is, from the millions of imported people, a lot of them came just to get away from the Soviet Union and just because they had a Jewish mother at some point, may be. It was the easiest country to ran away to. There are shitload of Soviet people there who still believe that Stalin was a good administrator ... because all those who didn't ended up in Gulags. But yes, most Soviet songs are translated to Hebrew, which is surreal. This all will be gone in few generations though.
shitload of Soviet people there who still believe that Stalin was a good administrator
some moscow jews can indeed celebrate his birthday. siberian jews - me - mostly celebrate his death. to each their own.

i do not know any single family in israel we know who would celebrate the butcher`s birthday. if some exist - it is sad.
The woman was definitely not in the act of confronting him at the moment she was shot, though what she'd been doing just before isn't something I know about. She was shot in the back and wound up lying in the middle of the road, while he stayed on the sidewalk, the whole thing happening more than a block south of the crash JUST before the turn onto Veterans Road. Either she was on his side of the sidewalk, fleeing across the street, OR she approached him from the other side of the street but then turned to flee. OR she was following him from the crash site, OR he encountered her head-on on the sidewalk. I'm sure the authorities already know.

He'd already encountered lots of people around the crash site by that time, shooting none of them.

I can maybe see her chasing him down from the crash site; nobody else seems to have tried to follow him as he walked away, which surprises me.


Too many ORs so I'm going with nobody knows and we'll never know the truth.
I knew I'd heard this before. The DA got talking points from the DNC.

Team Biden Asks Americans to Report Radicalized Friends and Family

My sisters are all radicalized. Two of them become UNHINGED at the mention of Trump. I mean, visibly shaking with anger. I could easily see one of them wigging out and shooting up a Trump 2024 Rally. Thankfully, they've drunk the Kool Aid and don't have any guns.

Anyway, I should report them. Right?
My sisters are all radicalized. Two of them become UNHINGED at the mention of Trump. I mean, visibly shaking with anger. I could easily see one of them wigging out and shooting up a Trump 2024 Rally. Thankfully, they've drunk the Kool Aid and don't have any guns.

Anyway, I should report them. Right?
Sounds like my dad's gf...
crushing truck into random building, running around with no shoes on, pumping 7-8 rounds into a back of a woman ... that sounds like actions done in a midst of an affect. Bath salts, bad acid trip, bad schrooms ... I have no idea, but def the worst planning he had done in his life.

that’s what I said over the weekend. It seems like someone who was on drugs or had mental problems than anything else. If he were targeting Jews or black people, stealing a box truck in Winthrop etc seems quite odd for a plan. Also no shoes, didn’t hear anything about a stockpile of ammo on him or the apartment so I doubt he had much ammo

he’s obviously a wacko but I’m not sure this attack was race motivated. Rollins saying he passed by a few other people who were not white isn’t significant, he may have pass over them for other reasons, who knows. Rollins is politicking off this, not being objective
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Yeah, I've said that a few times in here. We're post-truth. All we have is Rollins, and that's what'll probably go down as "the story."
Take a look at Turtleboy.. he make a good case from what you said above.

While the loss of the 2 victims who happened to be black is tragic...

This will not bring them back.

Rollins is a complete asshat and doesn't belong as a District Attorney she is unprofessional and uses the position to push here own leftist blame everything as racist on white people.
Yeah, I've said that a few times in here. We're post-truth. All we have is Rollins, and that's what'll probably go down as "the story."

One more observation. Judging by his thick glasses, the shooter was quite near-sighted. He lost his glasses in the building demolition, so he probably couldn't see all that clearly who he was shooting at. Maybe.
What I keep thinking about is what would happen if this happened down south...

It's hard to explain but I can safely say every other person has access to firearms down here. I can just imagine people drawing handguns on him.. coming out of the house with various "black rifles" And coming out of cars with truck guns.

People would probably have still died.. but its very different down here in NC.

You have to come down to the south to experience this.

The term "That's why god gave me guns" is very common down here.
is he really dead then?

Seeing as it wasn't reported that he hung himself with Charmin from a drop shorter than his height, or that he committed suicide in prison 6 months after getting a tattoo which basically states "they're trying to get me, if I'm imprisoned I won't commit suicide, but they might pretend it's suicide" - I'm going to say yes, he D-E-D dead.

I'm just wondering what happened to that light skinned, straight haired, blonde guy with coke bottle glasses from September's wedding - y'know this Allen guy. Did he get a desert-wanderer tan, dye his hair darker, grow a beard, get a perm, and buy contact lenses, all so he could go out and forget how to drive a box truck - which he apparently used to do for a living?

Also do a lot of anti-black racist anti-semites put their "preferred pronouns" on social media and wear soyboy loungewear?
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