BREAKING: Marco Rubio Wants Your Tax Dollars to Pay for Gun Seizures Nationwide

He's got time to pontificate cause his bathhouse got closed in the federal shutdown. Healthy America doesn't listen to the opinions of fags.
Little Marco can suck it, as can every other RINO in Congress. Traitors, the lot of 'em.

Two words: TERM. LIMITS.
Rubio is a RINO and RINOs are nothing but communist totalitarian statists masquerading as liberty loving Americans
"This idea has already proven successful in states like Florida, and it is my hope that this bill will get all the other states in the country to do the same thing,” Rubio said in a prepared statement.

Successful? How is that determined? It's been 7 months since that law passed. WAY to early to glean any data that would show that "gun related murders" have gone down. This tells my a key point. Red flag law "success" is not about reducing murder's "success" is rated in how many guns are confiscated......PERIOD.
Most of the cucks quit or were voted out. The Donor Class is now doubling down on those that remain. Unfortunately Rubio which wobbly will turn into a Flake under their pressure.

Florida's legislature is already rolling back some of the Red Flag law because of abuse.
He should be removed from that position.

What I find intolerable is that the D-bag was supporting this crap not long ago and thinks everyone doesn't remember.
The guy talks out of both sides of his mouth and thinks everyone else is a tard.
I've been a member for over 40 years and seriously considering dropping them.
Stop coming to me with your hand out looking for money to solve a problem you helped create.
He must be taking notes from the DNC.
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