Boy Not Allowed To Honor Fallen Heroes With Flowers

Mar 21, 2005
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I Just read this. I always feel for the kids who try to do something good and get blocked by bureaucracy.


Boy Not Allowed To Honor Fallen Heroes With Flowers

Tue May 24, 7:03 PM ET

A Framingham boy wanted to honor the memory of fallen heroes on Memorial Day with flowers at their graves, but the cemetery told him to stop.

NewsCenter 5's Lynn Jolicoeur reported that Collin Kelley, 9, received permission to start planting flowers at the graves, but then the cemetery's superintendent told him he would have to take his good will elsewhere.

Collin said he got the idea to honor the fallen soldiers after a visit to his grandfather's grave.

"I saw (the graves without flowers), and I thought, 'That is sad. No flowers or anything to remember them,'" he said.

Collin held a fundraiser to make his plan possible.

"I am astonished at how this galvanized people and touched people. We had a Korean War veteran come to our door and ask to shake Collin's hand, and he had tears in his eyes. It was very moving," said Collin's mother, Lynn.

The family received permission from the cemetery's superintendent to plant the flowers, but one day after they started, they were told that the cemetery's board of trustees ordered the planting to stop.

"I was upset and sad," said Collin.

According to the rules of the Edgell Grove Cemetery, only families who buy rights to burial plots can plant there.

"Some of them are over 300 years old. I don't think anyone is going to come and plant anything," said Collin.

The cemetery is owned and operated by the town of Framingham.

"Rules are rules, but you can't let one little kid give his heroes flowers?" asked Collin.

No one from the cemetery board was available for comment.
I watched this story on the news last night and got SICK to my stomach! I can't believe they would stop the well-meaning and Honorable actions of this young boy...
SHAME on Framingham!

This is one case where "using the media" may be helpful.

My bet is that a lot of folks will put pressure on the Town and they change their minds rather quickly!
Anyway some of us can contact them and maybe make them change their minds. The cemetary here in town puts a flag in a holder on the graves of vetrans and Memorial Day during the Parade the kids put flowers on the graves. I know they wouldn't have a problem here,that is truly sad.
Bless that little kids heart. It's stories like this that give me a bit of hope for the future generation...and in MA no less!!
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