Bombs for sale! OMG!! Sold legally!!! Oh the Horror!!!!

Hardly the same when tannerite can turn a car to shredded metal bits moving fast enough to take off limbs. Just sayin

Hell, an auto accident can "turn a car to shredded metal bits moving fast enough to take off limbs"...are we going to outlaw cars too?

Stupid is as stupid does....use anything idiotically and unsafely it will eventually turn around and bite you in the ass.
I drive around with upwards of 16 gallons of a highly explosive liquid in my vehicle and I buy it without showing ID; I just swipe my credit card and I can have as much as I want.

Don't forget those explosive tanks of gas that people love to keep under their grills.... the grill has an open flame for f*$#s sake!
ANFO and TATP are far more dangerous and used in Oklahoma City and the London bombings. YouTube shows you how to make it, although you may blow yourself up......

You can buy the materials at Home Depot and the like.
Hardly the same when tannerite can turn a car to shredded metal bits moving fast enough to take off limbs. Just sayin

My point was to draw attention to the source, not the means OR the end...
NBC was responsible for the fiction that was the Chevy Truck explosion hazard, this is just more of the same "Oh noes OMG OMG OMG" meme bullsh!t that all the media are using to keep the sheep grazing at their particular pasture.

I'm really surprised that it's taken them this long to find and be outraged by this stuff.

Love the turncoat fudd they got to appear in the video. Typical.


Assuming the guy is even a legit gun owner to begin with.

As much as I'm amused by this video, hardcore gun guys can be even more damaging to public opinion without
their realizing it...

And to think you can buy things like aluminum foil, soda, and drano at a pharmacy or grocery store. And now this? That is just crazy!

What? Fertilizer and Aluminum powder? Not going to happen. They can ban tannerite (ie; the mixture of aluminum and fertilizer) and still not change a thing to protect anyone.

Wait until they find out about Mentos and Coca Cola!
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Did something change because I saw it for sale at Dicks recently when i have never seen it there in the past? Not that i would have bought any of that nasty stuff [wink]

In Mass it's legal to buy and legal to own. Once you mix it you're breaking the law unless properly licensed.
Did I miss the part where they said, "Don't worry, it only explodes when shot with a rifle, and that would mean you're already downrange of someone shooting with a rifle and already have big problems, never mind the tannerite"?
You should see what I can do with Bullseye powder!

or this:

Astrolite explosives, frequently and not too precisely called the world's most powerful non-nuclear explosive, were discovered in the 1960's. Astrolite explosives are formed when ammonium nitrate is mixed with anhydrous hydrazine. This produces a clear liquid explosive called Astrolite G. When aluminum powder (100 mesh or finer) is added to the Hydrazinium Nitrate slurry, it forms Astrolite A-1-5. Astrolite G is a clear liquid explosive that produces a very high detonation velocity, almost twice as powerful as TNT.

I'm really surprised that it's taken them this long to find and be outraged by this stuff.

Me too, people have been blowing shit up with it for almost a decade? and it rarely appeared in the news cycle.

I agree somewhat with the "this is why we can't have nice things" problem, but even if everyone was a safety sally and set it up on a box 100-200 yards away unconfined and only shot a couple pounds or less of it at once, someone would still show up and whine/bitch about it eventually. It's only a matter of time until the statists get around to banning the stuff, or regulating it out of existence or to the point where nobody will want to use it.

You should see what I can do with Bullseye powder!

or this:

Astrolite explosives, frequently and not too precisely called the world's most powerful non-nuclear explosive, were discovered in the 1960's. Astrolite explosives are formed when ammonium nitrate is mixed with anhydrous hydrazine. This produces a clear liquid explosive called Astrolite G. When aluminum powder (100 mesh or finer) is added to the Hydrazinium Nitrate slurry, it forms Astrolite A-1-5. Astrolite G is a clear liquid explosive that produces a very high detonation velocity, almost twice as powerful as TNT.


Astrolite is one of those compounds you really want to have confidence and experience before ****ing around with it.
Alfred Nobel made his millions from inventing a stable explosives. Explosives are easy to make, they are just difficult to control:

Nitroglycerin was later adopted as a commercially useful explosive by Alfred Nobel, who experimented with safer ways to handle the dangerous compound after his younger brother, Emil Oskar Nobel, and several factory workers were killed in an explosion at the Nobels' armaments factory in 1864 in Heleneborg, Sweden.
NBC News Sued For Libel & Slander After Describing Rifle Target Company As Bomb Makers

Posted by Bob Owens on March 30, 2015 at 6:28 am

Mendelsohn, Drucker, & Dunleavy, P.C. is the firm representing Tannerite Sports in the case, and alleges the following defamatory claims (PDF) were made by NBC News:
◾On March 23, 2015, Defendant NBCU released a defamatory “report” that falsely claimed that Plaintiff’s rifle targets are “bombs for sale.”
◾In a related video, Defendant NBCU’s investigative reporter falsely asserted that “I am basically holding a bomb in my hand.”
◾NBCU’s report contains one or more written false statements that were intended to impugn Plaintiff’s rifle targets and Plaintiff’s reputation in the hunting industry.
◾Plaintiff’s rifle targets are not bombs and are not well-suited for use as weapons.
◾A bomb is a weapon that is illegal to make. In the United States, manufacturing a bomb requires numerous federal licenses.
◾Federal guidelines allow consumers to mix and shoot Tannerite®-brand rifle targets for personal, non-commercial use as targets.

The suit alleges that the NBC report constitutes statements that “were made maliciously, intentionally, and with reckless disregard for the truth,” that NBC News published “defamatory statements with malice,” and that the video and print reports ” have, in fact, directly and proximately harmed,” Tannerite Sports.

More here!
I'll read the link in a bit.

But [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] to the company for going after the scumballs!
My grandkids in Fitzwilliam think that tannerite is the best invention since sliced bread. They shoot off their back deck and blow things up. Fun times. Jack.

I hear it in town almost every weekend when the weather is nice. No one is hurt, no damage is done.
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