Blue Flu

I’ve seen them show up and do nothing at riots tearing down statues - so, not much of a difference.
Yep. Ive seen people attacked while cops stood by, attempt to defend themselves and then get arrested. Property owners defend their businesses, get taken into custody and then their business is looted and burned. If the police arent going to help the citizens then they should just get out of the way.
all of MA is getting too crowded. used to have one neighbor across the road, one about a quarter mile north and another more than half mile south. Now there are 2 more north and more than 8 south.
Funny how howard stern never mentions the huge pieces of shit that are roaming the city while ripping the President. Such a hypocrite.
I have such mixed feelings about these demorat cities burning to the ground. On the one hand good enough the asshats voted for these pols now you reap what you have sowed. On the other hand many of these same people are fleeing these rat infested demodump cities and infesting good states with the same voting habits. Virginia comes to mind. I had planned to move there when my sentence is up here. But that's out now.
For a true litmus test they need to take 3 day's off go big or stay home. If things are allowed to fester and go full retard at least the LE response will be appreciated and not scrutinized.
Didn’t they do this already? If I remember correctly the crime rate went DOWN last time.
Didn’t they do this already? If I remember correctly the crime rate went DOWN last time.
Not saying that correlation indicates causation but throwing this out here:

Shootings are surging this week in New York City, with 27 incidents and 36 victims reported since Monday — the day the NYPD disbanded its plainclothes anti-crime unit, The Post learned on Friday.

By comparison, the same week last year there were only 12 shootings for the entire week.
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