Bloomberg Blames NRA For School Shooting

F_ck Bloomberg!
He a liberal anti gun scumbag who needs to get cancer and die.


Yup, I say the same thing to my parents all the time, mainly because my father will say "So I heard on the news that Bloomberg wants your guns" and I'll say the same thing you just did. IDGAF, he deserves to get anally probed by a post-hole digger.
All the above is true, but he is consistent. By tjat I mean he really believes spoons make people fat. An asshat for sure, but consistent
Yeah, the guy that outlaws large sodas knows what's best for his people. How do people allows these parasites to get into office? Does he focus on crime in NY at all?

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Yup, I say the same thing to my parents all the time, mainly because my father will say "So I heard on the news that Bloomberg wants your guns" and I'll say the same thing you just did. IDGAF, he deserves to get anally probed by a post-hole digger.

Next time he can have them. Business end first.
Could be worse. You could, say, have some no-name actress call for the murder of every NRA member.

What I would love to see is all of these people who make fortunes glamorizing guns and violence having to do it without guns. I don't watch CSI or NCIS or NCSSI or STD or whatever other bullshit TV shows come out focusing on pain and suffering and depravity towards their fellow man.However, it would be really interesting to see them do it without ANY firearms, used by good guys or bad guys. Since 99% of the uninformed base their opinions of guns on what they see on TV, it wouldn't bother me one bit to see guns disappear from it. Think anyone would watch their TV shows if they just used stern language and handcuffs to get the bad guys? These doucherockets have no problem lining their pockets using guns in a manner that is frankly, brutal and ridiculous, but God forbid a regular person wants to excercise their 2nd amendment rights.
One really odd thing I have noticed about some anti gun people is that they say they hate guns, but they love guns in entertainment.
If these people really want to put their money where their mouths are, stop watching Hawaii 5-0, Burn Notice, 24, NCIS, all these cop/military/spy shows. Stop buying video games with guns or shooting themes.
Really want to piss off an anti? When watching a movie or TV show with them that they enjoy, shout out "GUN, turn this off!" every time one appears on screen.
You'll get kicked out of the room in short order.
What the F'in F?

Is it just poor sampling, or does it seem to y'all that the most mouth-frothingly anti-gun nuts are the most violent?
It is unfortunately common to project accusations of your worst behaviors and traits on others. There is definitely a sizeable group of antis who seem to think about the rage in their minds and fear they could not control it. So, they project that on to us.

Little do they know that most gun owners understand the normal range of human emotion and are able to handle it like adults.

Same issue with accusations of racism these past election cycles. They are just lashing out with what is in their own hearts and heads and assuming everyone else is as unable to behave like an adult as they are. So they assume we must all be controlled.

The whole line of thought about "campfire arguments turning to gun fights" when the parks were opened to firearms is a classic example of that.
Well Bloomberg is very brave, he took on the soda lobby.

The soda lobby made concessions. They agreed to ban high capacity sodas, you can still get soda with reasonable restrictions, it's not that big of a deal. You can always just refill your cup. No one needs 32 ounces without needing to refill anyway. Really, how many ounces do you need to quench your thirst?
One really odd thing I have noticed about some anti gun people is that they say they hate guns, but they love guns in entertainment.
If these people really want to put their money where their mouths are, stop watching Hawaii 5-0, Burn Notice, 24, NCIS, all these cop/military/spy shows. Stop buying video games with guns or shooting themes.
Really want to piss off an anti? When watching a movie or TV show with them that they enjoy, shout out "GUN, turn this off!" every time one appears on screen.
You'll get kicked out of the room in short order.

You're actually right on target there.

There's a lot of people out there saying that the REAL culprit in these school shootings is the culture of violence - which is something that pretty much comes directly out of Hollywood. So ..... if we REALLY want to change things - we probably need to start doing exactly what you're proposing.

I'm deadly serious - think of it this way: did the founders put the 2nd there for a reason - or was it just to protect a hobby and let people hunt deer? And if it is there for a reason - then it's there to protect assault rifles. Because that is exactly what we would need if that day ever came.

Which is of course EXACTLY why THIS government doesn't want you to have them. Just like every other government that wanted to run out of control and start stomping all over it's own people.

Swirling all around those basic truths - is all the sturm and drang and bullshit that confuses a lot of people and hides the real underlying agenda. There were a lot of Germans who loved Hitler because he gave them pride in being German again and restored the economy, there were a lot of Italians who loved Mussolini because he made the trains run on time. All of this is noise - and bullshit - that hide the rotten core of what they were really all about.

We need to start making people pay for their bullshit. That's going to mean shutting off TV shows and movies that have actors in them that use guns to make a living - and then crap all over guns once they get paid. It's going to mean stop supporting businesses that crap all over guns. It's going to mean laying into people who want to excuse away mental illness and no gun policies in schools - and then take away the rights of millions of people just because one psychopath killed a bunch of people.

The world just turned - I don't think there's a lot of gun owners who have really come to grips fully with what's going on here.
For some reason I just watched ABC interview bloombitch. Reporter was actually great! Blooms stumbled all over it. For him it's only about hunting. She got him on his armed security detail too. She explained semi v full to blooms and he had no idea, he said he wants to ban all semi. She said that would include almost all handguns, many shotguns and hunting rifles. He said, "no, those are just like you pull the trigger and only one bullet comes out". Her face was priceless. I wish my tv had a filter for raunchy wet douches.
Wait... So antis hate firearms AND black people? Learn something new everyday!

Bet you didn't know the NRA was started to arm Free Blacks so they could protect themselves from the Democrat-founded KKK
Wait... So antis hate firearms AND black people? Learn something new everyday!

If you watch what liberals (which often translates directly into anti) do as far as social policy and government intervention into "black society" - it becomes pretty obvious they hate blacks.

I don't know how you take decades of government run welfare policy - which has translated directly into the massive breakup of black families and something like 1 in 3 black men go to jail - and not come away with: "this can only be this effed up if you're actively trying to screw me".
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