Black security guard killed by officer after restraining shooter.

I was spotted carrying once. Officer making a routine traffic stop "smelled gunpowder", asked if we were armed. Answered "yes" and received polite and professional treatment, although he did call for backup in case someone needed to shoot us.

Chances are that officer would have treated a car full of three blacks the same way (this was on Rt 9 in Wellesley), however, I would venture a guess that the chances of a diverse person in an urban area getting the "out of the car an on the ground" treatment would be much higher for a jeans and T shirt black than for a middle age white guy similarly dressed. Racism is not a thing of the past.
hold the cop for murder, like they would do to you or I.

No, IDGAF about "you only have seconds to determine....blah blah, yada yada...mumbo BS" If your first instinct is to kill, then you're a worthless piece of sh!t. Go find a different job, a$$hole.
Maybe if some more NFL players keep kneeling during the National Anthem this will stop

As a free speech advocate, this has always been my sole objection to that business. It's the same with gun control. Everything they say is a smoke screen for what they're really all about. Once in awhile it even slips out.

As for this case, I don't have enough information to comment. One thing maybe we can agree on is that regardless of what the cops should be doing, if you draw your firearm and police arrive at the scene, you should already have asked yourself the question "What do I need to do to avoid getting shot by the police when they get here?" And by the time a cop lays eyes on you, you need to have implemented the best solution you could come up with. If your plan relies on everybody else to make all the right decisions, your chances are not good.
I also saw someplace that the guy had on a hat and jacket that said security on them .
We'll see if that was the case.

It's in the 4th amendment lawsuit:
Attorney Gregory Kulis, who represents the family of 26-year-old Jemel Roberson, filed a federal civil rights lawsuit seeking more than $1 million. He says Roberson, who worked at the bar, was dressed in black but wearing the "security" hat.

Alderman Keith Price said he learned from witnesses that there are security cameras inside and outside the bar. He urged the Cook County State's Attorney's Office to launch an investigation.
No, IDGAF about "you only have seconds to determine....blah blah, yada yada...mumbo BS"
You can count on the system not buying that line if a legal gun carrier makes a good faith mistake and shoots someone who does not need a shootin.

Just ask a cop spouting that line "Would you arrest someone who made a good faith error in a self-defense shooting and killed an innocent?". If the answer is yes, (s)he is being a hypocrite.
For a whole different direction to take this conversation...

Wouldn’t just hauling off and shooting someone who was holding a gun in someone’s back be a bad idea to begin with? Might you not just end up with 2 dead people instead of 1?

Set me straight if I’ve seen too many movies and am talking bologna. Seriously, am I wrong? Heat of the moment and all that aside, even if you know for certain he’s “the bad guy”, if he has his gun literally in contact with someone, finger on the trigger, it seems like shooting him would be the wrong call to begin with. No?
For a whole different direction to take this conversation...

Wouldn’t just hauling off and shooting someone who was holding a gun in someone’s back be a bad idea to begin with? Might you not just end up with 2 dead people instead of 1?

Set me straight if I’ve seen too many movies and am talking bologna. Seriously, am I wrong? Heat of the moment and all that aside, even if you know for certain he’s “the bad guy”, if he has his gun literally in contact with someone, finger on the trigger, it seems like shooting him would be the wrong call to begin with. No?

You're using logic. They don't teach that to police in large cities.

Sort of relevent video

This is obviously different since the security guard was holding down an active shooter that had potential to do much more damage than a car jacker.

Whoa! That video is just full of awesome. I can't believe I have never seen it before. It should be used as a training tool for Police and CCW holders. Stuff I LOVE about this video....

1. Armed citizen shows great trigger discipline. Never had his finger inside the trigger guard.
2. He has clearly received training as evidenced by proper stance and presentation of the firearm. He did not extend his elbows in typical Hollywood style, but kept his firearm close to the body, thereby protecting his firearm. This also draws less attention to the scene.
3. As police arrive, he puts his firearm on the deck, keeping himself between the perp and the pistol, and shows empty hands to the responding officer. This is very smart and very prudent.
4. First comment I heard from arriving cop was " good job man". Then he shakes the guys hand. This is also very smart, as well as very respectful. Many cops would have ordered the guy to the ground and cuffed him, until " we get things sorted out". The cops courteous and professional approach put the ccw holder at ease right away.
5. When the cop asked him to clear his firearm, the guy asked if he could put his gun back in his car. He did not just pick it up and start walking. This showed respect to the cop. He very politely asked " May I put it back in my car?" and the reply was " Yes, you may". Mutual respect
6. The gun owner was very calm throughout the entire incident. He was not loud or animated. Nicely done.
7. " Did you wake up stupid?" Pure gold... " Did you go to bed last night and wake up stupid?"

I tried to find out where this took place. The responding officer was obviously not a rookie and is a credit to his department. May we all be so lucky as to a cop like this respond if we are ever in a similar situation.
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