Bang Bang Lulu, Lulu Bang Bang...

If you SEE something, SAY something!

Hey, I see a toaster! neighbor was wheeling in his kids basketball stand and hoop into the garage yesterday, if i were a fun loving kind of guy i should have called it in as a potential rocket launcher. think of the fun and laughs rehashing the story at neighborhood bbq's in the years to come.
We should just start doing that to cops. See a local leo walk in to a store. Call the staties, "I just saw a man dressed all in black walk in to <store> carrying a gun! I think he had a bulletproof vest on too!" Now that would be good for laughs...
Mic stands should come with an orange safety cap to prevent such mistakes in the future [smile]
Maybe a simple call to the inn, first,
would have been in order.[thinking]

on a positive note, lulu's does not allow dogs.
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We should just start doing that to cops. See a local leo walk in to a store. Call the staties, "I just saw a man dressed all in black walk in to <store> carrying a gun! I think he had a bulletproof vest on too!" Now that would be good for laughs...'d want to do that with a burner phone though...but don't buy too many burner phones at once.
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