AWB predictions

I had to re-watch that clip and I'm not afraid to say, it scared the sh!t out of me.


Maybe we should all volunteer to become members of the Civilian Security Force. After all, many of us already have appropriate weapons.
Such a negative cuss... but not unexpected [wink]

and if they started going around taking guns... yeah... shots would be fired.

If i knew it was comming... i would surely prepare. But would not hand them over without a fight.

While there might be some armed resistance, I think its more likely that we'd see a spike in "boat accidents."

After all, they essentially took away the "right" to carry in MA and there was no uprising, so I find it hard to believe that we are going to see gunfights over an AWB. One has to keep in mind thatthey have already f***ed Us, unless you rich as all hell you can't own a "real" assault rifle. This is really a fight for our right to own weapons that look scary. The fact that we can't buy actual M16 is total BS.

Personally, I feel stronger about my right to carry than my right to own a fake assault rifle. While both are important, in my everyday life the fact that I can carry is very valuable to me and that that my chief could arbitrarily take that right away is huge problem.
Such a negative cuss... but not unexpected [wink]

and if they started going around taking guns... yeah... shots would be fired.

If i knew it was comming... i would surely prepare. But would not hand them over without a fight.
If you fire shots in such a situation, chances are you and yours will die. You're not going to fight off a SWAT team. They're not going to go away. Your choice would be to submit or die.

I'm just sick and tired of the internet chest-beating and swagger. I strongly suspect that 95% of the people who write such things would submit instead of die.
I don't know what made me more squeamish, Dear Leader's ominous words, or the adulating applause from the sheep.

They actually clapped LOUDER (and even a few whistles of approval) when he described how he plans to subjugate the US population.
Why else do you think Obama has both spoken about the creation of a "Civilian Security Force", which in Obama's own words, would have strength and funding equal to the US Armed Forces?

If it comes to be we should all join it... that'll mess up his plans for sure! [smile]
Look at it this way, if they don't get something in place in the next 3 months at least the ground will be soft enough to dig deep holes.

There are a lot of things for this regime to do in the next year, but I believe they are fully able to multi-task and if not there are plenty of people who would work weekends to help draft the necessary legislation and no shortage of desire to remove this "scourge that only belongs on foreign battlefields". I'll bet the UN would jump at the chance to help control small arms in the US.

If the current President chooses not to pursue a weapons ban now it is not because he does not have the time or desire to get around to it… it is (IMO) because he is not ready to spend his current good will on something that has little “up side” when added to his other agenda items and welfare expansions.
There's no way the would try to confiscate. That would be a political disaster to attempt, and they know it. But I'd bet they'll likely try for a California style ban, where you have to register your AW by a certain date and then no more registrations. No 'pre-ban' vs 'post-ban', just 'registered' and 'not registered', and no transfers of registered guns.

+1... They will try to legislate us to death first, it's "cheaper" for them that way. They also want to simply make gun ownership look bad- eg, if they can get more people to look down on others as gun owners, then people are less likely to buy/own guns, etc. Theres a whole psychological game at play, here.

I'm stocking up but I'm not loosing too much sleep either. Look what just happened in NY. Sure, this is important to us but given the rest the dems are going to have to deal with in a short period of time I think this is a secondary or even tertiary issue for them. There are some clanging gongs like McCarthy who are never going to let the issue go because that's all they do, but they're the minority. Sure, we've got no friends in this administration but we're not on the front burner.
We're screwed... Face it, if they come calling for you to turn things in, you can't fight back... The irony is that is exactly what the founders of this country provided for and want you to do...

230ish Years later and now we have been truly stripped of all the provisions our founding fathers made for us to prevent what as happend from happening...

We need to take this county back from the polititions and give it back to the people...
Remember the 4 phases of gun control:

- Legislation

- Registration

- Confiscation

- Extermination

When the time for confiscation comes, here are some questions to ask yourself:

- Do I really want to give up almost everything I own (besides guns)?
- Am I willing to live under extremely uncomfortable conditions for a long period of time?
- Do I really have the training, resources and spirit to prevail?
- Is my personal freedom worth being constantly on the run, a "wanted" criminal?
- Can I look another U.S. citizen in the eye and use whatever force in necessary to stop him from taking my guns?

And the key to the above - What will be the straw that finally breaks the camel's back?

I think that until you ask (and answer) these questions, everything else is just chest-beating.

We're screwed... Face it, if they come calling for you to turn things in, you can't fight back... The irony is that is exactly what the founders of this country provided for and want you to do...

230ish Years later and now we have been truly stripped of all the provisions our founding fathers made for us to prevent what as happend from happening...

We need to take this county back from the polititions and give it back to the people...

I think part of the problem is not so much being "stripped" but it's simply far too easy for people not to do anything. The original revolutionaries were a lot more pissed off and had a lot more at stake. They also got to form armed entities known as militias, and the government wasn't powerful enough at the time to do anything to stop it. Nowadays if a guy says "Hey I'm starting a new peoples militia" and a brick of cocaine miraculously appears in the backseat of his car, or he dies in a mysterious accident, or at a minimum, gets roughed up by someone from an alphabet agency.

Not to mention back then the media wasn't nearly as powerful. There may have been local papers but that was about it- and chances of a local news outlet being sympathetic to the people's cause was probably a lot higher than it is now.

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The best thing that could happen would be if they completely ban all semi-autos and plan to confiscate them.

This is because when you turn the heat up too fast the frog jumps right out of the pot.
Any confiscation would require compensation. The feds can't take your property without paying for it. And the government doesn't want to pay. So any such law would, as a result, grandfather in existing guns.

But I just don't see it happening in the near term. Congress and the President have far too many pressing issues to spend political capital on this.

Pretty soon the govt. is not going to be able to pay for it - even if they did want to.

I have no idea what the average value of guns is - for sake of argument let's say it is $500. I have heard differing numbers for the amount of guns in the US - but again for sake of argument let's say it is 250 million.

This means a buyout of every single gun in the US would run up to 125 billion dollars.

Even if you cut the number in half - you are still talking about something in the range of 60 billion dollars.

Not exactly real money any more in an age when we give away 100's of billions to banks - but still not small change either.
What you mean?
What I mean is, get real.

1) They won't try to ban all semi-autos.

2) They won't plan to confiscate them. First, they would have to buy them at a cost of billions of dollars. Second, most states don't have registration, so they wouldn't know where they are. Third it took weeks to go door-to-door in New Orleans alone, and all they were looking for was dead people, not hidden guns.

3) In the unlikely event it did happen, it wouldn't be Red Dawn. There wouldn't be a revolution. Did a revolution occur in the UK or Australia? No.

4) In the even more unlikely event it did happen, it wouldn't be "the best thing." It would be absolutely horrific.

Your post shows a complete lack of understanding of politics, history, and human nature. Your Walter Mitty, Red Dawn dreams won't come true, and if they did, it wouldn't have a happy ending.
What I mean is, get real.

1) They won't try to ban all semi-autos.

2) They won't plan to confiscate them. First, they would have to buy them at a cost of billions of dollars. Second, most states don't have registration, so they wouldn't know where they are. Third it took weeks to go door-to-door in New Orleans alone, and all they were looking for was dead people, not hidden guns.

3) In the unlikely event it did happen, it wouldn't be Red Dawn. There wouldn't be a revolution. Did a revolution occur in the UK or Australia? No.

4) In the even more unlikely event it did happen, it wouldn't be "the best thing." It would be absolutely horrific.

Your post shows a complete lack of understanding of politics, history, and human nature. Your Walter Mitty, Red Dawn dreams won't come true, and if they did, it wouldn't have a happy ending.

I'm not saying you are necessarily wrong, but reading sentiment like this makes me wonder how this country was ever formed in the first place.
OSAMA said it himself, I can't do anything with what you have for guns BUT! I can make the AWB stick this time....keep in mind folks he swore on Lincolns bible that he would abide by the constitution...I guess he's no different than any other president we've had lately by bending the rules
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