Attention Mass. politicians and other liberal pukes....She DIDN'T HAVE TO DIE!!!!

I just read the article. They handed out WHISTLES to women? Ok, I'm ****ing pissed. That's an insult. The women should have thrown those whistles back in the cops faces. This is bullshit, and I want to help fix it. What can I do to help?

Hey those are really high quality blue plastic whistles! I own two. If that blue whistle gets blown within a foot of the thug's ears, he/she will be deaf for a week. They shouldn't be blown without wearing ear protection. In fact, I can see a real danger brewing with the improper use of the blue whistle.
You are correct in that women are discouraged from employing a tool that can render some form of meaningful punishment on an attacker. I'd suggest at this point in time, contact your State Reps and ask him/her to support de-classifying OC sprays and allow the purchase without a FID.
Best regards.
Even for Massachusetts it seems extreme for this perp to have been arraigned 34 times as an adult. Why was this guy not in the mental hospital, in jail, or in the ground?
Even for Massachusetts it seems extreme for this perp to have been arraigned 34 times as an adult. Why was this guy not in the mental hospital, in jail, or in the ground?

It's not as uncommon as you might think.
I had a check run on a guy and his record was 6 pages long! Not the least of which was diddling a 15 year old.
Never did any time.
All you have to do is watch the news or read the paper, see how many times a week you see "Long criminal history". or "Well known to police".
There's some scary-assed people walking around in this state free. and that's the way our politicians like it.
In my hometown. Where I live and grew up. A "beautiful, young girl"....a "sweet angel who would help anyone" "amazing child and friend"....

Abducted in broad daylight on a South Boston street as she walked to the gym. Driven to ATMs where she, in hope that it would save her, withdrew cash from her account to give to the "poor disadvantaged young abductor(s)"...Even after meeting and complying with their demands, she is instead driven to Hyde Park and SLAUGHTERED as she begged for her life.

And you, you Massachusetts liberals, you politicians, court officials (make that the entire Mass. "judicial" system, and law enforcement officials who are complicit in disarming our citizenry, making it difficult to carry so much as PEPPER SPRAY in this Commonwealth of Puke-a-chusetts.

Yet another "terrible tragedy", yet another "senseless killing".....yet another innocent life taken by the SCUMBAG CRIMINALS you do your best to coddle, cajole and release back into society. Yet another headline. "Tragedy"...

Well, it's not a "tragedy", fellow Massachusetts citizens. It's yet another example of the DISGUSTING liberal dogma of "release" or "rehabilitate" or "gun control will solve the problem".

Had this, God forbid, been my youngest daughter, the "poor disadvantaged criminal(s)" would have received blasts of Fox Labs 5.3 Pepper Spray in their animal face(s), giving her time to at least seek flight, possibly saving her life. Had this been my oldest daughter, they would have received two .38 +P Hollow Point rounds to the chest from her S&W 442 airweight pocket rocket. And, had this been ME, they'd have received two 9mm +P hollow point rounds to the chest, and then one additional to the face (just for a nice finishing touch) from my pocket "BabyGlock" Model 26.

But this girl instead is force to live her last hour of her life in fear, in terror, in sheer horror before being butchered, pleading "No! Please??!! NO!!" the ANIMAL(S) YOU CONTINUE TO FLOOD THIS STATE WITH AND OFFER THEM AID AND COMFORT.

This one is SQUARELY ON YOU, all of you who seek to further disarm the average, law abiding citizen of the DISGUSTING state in which some of us are forced to reside (because we simply all can't, as many - including myself at times of disgust such as this - say in this forum "Get the hell out of this puke liberal state, since many of us own businesses, have jobs, families etc and are anchored here in this wonderful CommonPuke of Liber-Chusetts).


Another innocent life taken, cut short by HUMAN SCUM. Another "terrible tragedy". Another wake, another funeral, another burial. More "Tears of Sadness" as the headline will read, as the scumbags' court appointed lawyer is already preparing his "my client is just getting his life back together" speech for the benefit of all of you liberals who HELPED MAKE THIS HAPPEN.

This one is on YOUR shoulders! This one is PARTLY YOUR FAULT.

This one is on YOU.

While I agree with your sentiment, it has one basic flaw: you make the assumption that if the process to get and carry a firearm were easier, then this girl would have done so. That is something we simply cannot know.
While I agree with your sentiment, it has one basic flaw: you make the assumption that if the process to get and carry a firearm were easier, then this girl would have done so. That is something we simply cannot know.

Sure, we cannot know that in any individual case, including this one. We do know that in a large population plenty of people will be deterred from defending themselves.

The burden of proof for using a case to make a point in a political discussion is way lower than the one for a science paper... This is not about proving that this particular victim was deterred - it's to point out that this could have been a person that wanted to defend themselves and could not due to the ridiculous MA LTC laws.
I keep hearing the "move to NH" "advice....But my job is quite specialized, similar to air traffic control but even more unique. There are only about 300 of us in the country. "Moving is a better option"??....OK, tell me how moving to NH would work for me, whereas I'd still have to commute to MA, meaning I'd be in my "free home state" even less. I'd still be walking the same streets of MA, bound by the same ridiculous laws. Yes, at home I'd feel I could defend myself easier and without as much fear from the stupid law enforcement system in MA, but I live in MA and have never (thank God) had to draw my weapon inside my home.

I have, however, had to draw 3 times on the street, once in a convenience store in Boston. So, yes, it's much safer if I were to "shelter in place" somewhere other than in MA, where my well paying job is located (like a good job is just SO easy to find in NH, right??) and, in my case, the nearest opportunity for move/transfer is Washington DC. (ugh!!)

Move to NH, spend an extra 90 minutes + in traffic each way. Drive to my job, where I'd STILL be bound by MA laws.

Please, everyone, please consider before you recommend to everyone to "just move, get the hell out of here" etc. Should I transfer to the DC office? Can I carry more lawfully there? Live in Maryland maybe?

Please, guys and gals, the "move to NH" suggestions have to be limited. It does NOT work as a valid solution for everyone. Thanks
This. I don't understand what is so hard about moving. Have a house? Sell it. Have a job? Find a new one. Family / friends? THEY can visit YOU in a free state.

I can't legally move out of the state right now. Well, I could, but I'd be leaving my wife and our little guy if I did.
Tell me why you still live in Massachusetts if you find your way of life so detestable.

Piss and moan.

Pack up and move.

Which would improve your quality of life ?

About 240 years ago, a group of patriots were probably told the same thing. But they opted for a third option...

Take a stand.

Sent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk 2
I don't think you have critical mass here. You have a state where people are happy to blow whistles and piss their pants in order to ward off bad guys. I mean, look at the past couple of senate elections- if that isn't telling about the state of affairs here, I don't know what is.

About 240 years ago, a group of patriots were probably told the same thing. But they opted for a third option...

Take a stand.

Sent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk 2
I lived in Mass. for over 20+ years and glad to get out of that hell hole. It will never change as the majority are looking for ways to beat the system. Everyone is on the take or dole in one way or another. People are working and paid under the table, a majority are dependent on government in some way, many have jobs because the knew someone. That kind of culture breeds the contempt of laws and a society of honesty and respect for others. Most have a "what is in it for me" attitude and that is just a step away from stealing. A rotten society will only get worse and you have places such as Detroit as prime examples.
You are what you are and you now have to deal with it as best you can.
More than likely, BPD would issue the LTC with Restrictions that would make it impossible to use a firearm for Self Defense outdoors. The fact is, this young woman's life, like many, is worth less in they eyes of the BPD and Political Leaders, than the lives of those deemed worthy of an unrestricted license.
Best regards.

Looks like she was beaten in her own home from this article, before then being driven by the attacker to the ATMs, so even a restricted LTC would have given her the opportunity to defend herself in her own home.

Trauma from brutal beating may have kept Amy Lord from fleeing her abductor, specialists say - Health & wellness - The Boston Globe
Looks like she was beaten in her own home from this article, before then being driven by the attacker to the ATMs, so even a restricted LTC would have given her the opportunity to defend herself in her own home.

Trauma from brutal beating may have kept Amy Lord from fleeing her abductor, specialists say - Health & wellness - The Boston Globe

A distinction without a difference - even a restricted LTC is so difficult to get (especially in Boston) that plenty of people who would like to defend themselves just give up when learning of the hoops they have to jump through and that they will get a License to Carry that does not allow them to carry.. We will never know if this particular victim would have chosen to defend herself in a state with normal laws... but we do know that many people who would like to defend themselves are discouraged by the onerous application process in MA in general and Boston in particular.

Laws need to be changed to at least give regular people a choice on whether to carry or not - right now, they do not have that choice if they live in the wrong town.
Anyone who votes for Obama or dems ought to have their head examined, IMO. That still does not mean there are not TONS of pro gun democrats out there. If there were no pro gun democrats, you could not explain Vermont and Maine. Not every democrat fits the MA or CA mold, I'm no fan of them and I think they are destroying our country in other ways via their votes despite many actually being on our side with the 2A. I will take anyone in the 2A camp that wants to be there and be grateful for them.

That's certainly true. Hard to understand though. Nearly all democrat pols are very unfriendly to 2A, and the ones who doe "support" 2A are only supportive of Fudds. I personally know a MA die hard liberal, good friend of mine albeit a total dipshit politically, who recently got a LTC-A. He's a died in the wool Obama voter [rolleyes]. I'm hoping his newfound love of guns will start to wake him up to the other liberal BS. Maybe he'll see how unfriendly his chosen politicos are to his rights and he'll start to change his voting habits...who knows.

I'm right there with you on the pot issue but no state in America is truly pot friendly. Yes, some are less draconian than others. I find it far worse that you can be arrested for possession of OC or ammo (same thing by MA def) down here.

Not entirely true. MA is a $100 civil ticket, non CORI reportable offense. The fine doesn't even really have to be paid. Colorado and Washington state both just fully legalized pot. The pot trend is moving in the right direction. More and more states are waking up to the utter stupidity and hypocrisy of legal booze but illegal pot. In any even, MA still sucks in as much that you can get a ticket for it, but it's significantly less draconian than NH. Granted it was only a few years ago that it was an arrestable offense in MA so there's hope NH will move in the right direction there.

Moving out of MA is not for everyone, I did acknowledge that there are great jobs there for those that qualify. Additionally, it would be stupid in some ways to commute from southern NH because you get the property tax increase which by itself is still cheaper than MA tax burden but then add having to pay for extra gas and MA income tax and we are either at a wash or more likely in the red. I get that.

That's all I was really trying to get at. I'm not defending MA's horseshit politics. Moving to NH would be insanely impractical for me. My job doesn't make for an easy career change, it's very nichey specialized finance.

Also, many of us might not qualify for a higher end, white collar job like yours, I sure as hell would not.
I wasn't trying to make it sound like I have some crazy high powered career. I do ok but it's not really that high end. It's just that it's pretty specialized, and I'm happy with my income level. To be honest, even though I like my career, I'm a bit pigeon holed into it at this point. If I ever wanted to change out, I'd likely have a very hard time of it.

Luckily, I'm stationed in free states by virtue of what I do in the military and down the road can likely find work in a free state ANG Squadron or a w/an airline even if I have to commute from a place like NH. I can sort of live anywhere within reason as long as my life stays on track, if not, well I dont know what the hell I would do as all my outside connections are in the Boston area. So, I have tons of sympathy for the "tied down" situation and could easily be in it myself if I were to get bounced out of the military but also, being somebody who has uprooted and moved someplace knowing ZERO people, I dont consider those that run punks running from a fight
Fair enough. I respect your situation. My "punks" comment was directly in response to someone who basically called me a sellout for not wanted to move to NH since I like my job and income level.
I respect them for being willing to put themselves and their potential well being on the line to move away from a support system and what they know and try to make a go of it in someplace entirely foreign. It takes far more guts to get out of your comfort zone, more than somebody who has never done it will ever know.

I agree. It's respectable to take the risk of moving your whole life family etc. It's not respectable to talk a bunch of shit to other people who have their own reasons for not moving away. I didn't really have a problem with your posts. You're pretty level headed from what I've seen.
Looks like she was beaten in her own home from this article, before then being driven by the attacker to the ATMs, so even a restricted LTC would have given her the opportunity to defend herself in her own home.

Trauma from brutal beating may have kept Amy Lord from fleeing her abductor, specialists say - Health & wellness - The Boston Globe

Sadly untrue in Boston!

- In an apartment, with a restricted LTC, you can only carry WITHIN your apartment as the hallways are considered "common area" and not part of your home (same in hotel).
- If you live in a house (lease or own) your property includes the decks/garage/yard.

Unless this dirtbag was stalking her, it sounds like she was unlucky enough to meet up with him as she was exiting her apartment to head to the gym. In such a case even if she had an unrestricted LTC (almost impossible in Boston for common folks), she would not likely be armed (except maybe with OC) as theft from gym lockers is legion and fear of leaving a gun in a car makes most people leave it at home.
I don't think you have critical mass here. You have a state where people are happy to blow whistles and piss their pants in order to ward off bad guys. I mean, look at the past couple of senate elections- if that isn't telling about the state of affairs here, I don't know what is.

SO SO SO TRUE!!!!! +1
I think the only way to fix this state is to have enough people leave and starve the beast. There's no other way since we are way past critical mass.

But what people do you speak of leaving? What, our small demographic maybe? Sure that will really starve the beast! Just more crazy gun toting libertarians that they won't need to deal with is all, it won't hurt them a bit.

If people could walk into a store and just buy it, they would. Needing to ask permission puts an onerous burden on the process which means people don't buy it.

Which is exactly how the powers that be want it. This is why we have the LTC system as it stands now. Sure, anyone who is not a hardcore felon can obtain permission to own firearms if they are willing to go through the hoops necessary for their particular town. This however becomes a discouraging factor to most who are not dead set on becoming a gun owner, or carrier. I know speaking for myself alone this was very much the case for 20 years! I took my first handgun course when I was in my early 20's and had every intention of filling out the paperwork to get a LTC (or whatever it was called back then). Once I saw that in addition to the course I had to try to obtain 4 handwritten letters from non family members explaining to the CLEO "why" I would be suitable to carry firearms, it became too bothersome to pursue, so as life got busier with work, family, school, etc., it just moved WAY down the list of priorities. Even if I could have found neighbors, friends, etc. to sit down and pen these letters of recommendation for me, I just didn't feel right about potentially putting someone's reputation on the line for me. Some may say that is a silly way to think, but it was how I felt about at the time. It wasn't until almost 20 years later that I once again took the time to do the class, fill out the paperwork, and go through the process again, and fortunately the "written letter" requirement was dropped in lieu of just listing personal references. As I said, this is how they want it because they can clearly say that people are allowed to have their 2A rights as long as they meet the conditions outlined by the CLEO in the town they live in, but that is enough to put off all but the most determined. For instance I have wanted my wife to get hers for years now, but to her it isn't important enough to take the time away from her business, family, etc. to go through the "process" since she is apathetic towards guns in general so it's not a priority at this point. Same thing with pepper spray. She would carry it if it was legal to do so (without going to the police station and going through the bs).
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