Article: Senator Toomey: Orlando Attack Provides ‘Opportunity’ for More Gun Laws

This is a GIANT distraction from Obama's feckless foreign policy and importation of terrorist via his open borders immigration policy and needs to be called out as such.

Instead morons like Bitch McConnell think that supporting more gun control is the answer.
Remember who to thank when the car bombs start going off and the suicide bombings start. I'm partial to the classic methods, or perhaps going down to their offices and physically throwing them out would be okay too. Voting - yeah, the FSA and imported Democrat Voters have us beat.

This tool is from PA, he sees the polls, he knows Hillary is winning and he is hoping to hold his seat - he up for re-election this year. This is a save his own ass and screw the Country and the Constitution move.
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This needs to become our version of Baltimore and Ferguson. Obviously more civilized and organized. These dogs are coming for our guns, no tinfoil hats about it. If you know how to write, I recommend putting your skills to good use and write an opinion piece for your local newspaper. This is some serious business right now as we have RINOs crossing the isle.
unbelievable, but totally expected. Pols utterly fail at their oaths, pols take money from special interests, Pols let crazy islamo-fascists into country by the droves, crazy islamo-fascists kill us wholesale, pols blame everyone but the islamo-fascists and themselves, pols use slaughter they caused as a means to disarm and further take away the rights of the people they no longer represent while simultaniously taking more of their incomes through confiscatory tax policy to buy votes from illegal aliens who will keep voting these scumbags into office. What a shit show our political system is
Obviously speculation, but I'm guessing Obama knew that if he provided refuge for these fanatics he eventually would have another bite at the apple (gun control).
Another political RINO who should be swinging from the end of a rope!!!

No question about it anymore, if you want to keep your guns, there is going to have to be bloodshed in the process.
This is a GIANT distraction from Obama's feckless foreign policy and importation of terrorist via his open borders immigration policy and needs to be called out as such.

Instead morons like Bitch McConnell think that supporting more gun control is the answer.

You realize the shooter in Orlando was born here, right?

That said, I don't disagree that bringing in Syrian 'fugees may be dangerous. The majority of migrants flooding Europe are males of fighting age with no kids or wives from Syria and the like.
Hey Looney,
Why don't you push for more of those so called gun laws for the city of Chicago!
Let's see 40 people shot with 8 fatalities just this past weekend alone.
Seeing as you people in the government can't count that would mean in about five more weekends they would have killed and injured more people than the islamic terrorist did in Orlando this past weekend!
This year in Chicago 1729 people were shot with 262 killed!
Huh, black lives matter much?

We get it, oooh, the outcry as long as they make the headline news!

You can't stop the shootings in Chicago and you think you are going to stop a determined terrorist!
Pull your head out of the sand and realize people kill!
Guns kill no one on their own! Stop going after the tool used!
Think of 9/11 of the box cutters and Boeing 767 planes. Have you banned those?
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You realize the shooter in Orlando was born here, right?

That said, I don't disagree that bringing in Syrian 'fugees may be dangerous. The majority of migrants flooding Europe are males of fighting age with no kids or wives from Syria and the like.

You realize his parents were not born here right?

This is a population that resists assimilating. if the family doesnt assimilate, they may as well be back in Afghanistan in a mud hut. They will continue to spread that crap at home.
Not sure what Ben Sasse's angle is, I lived just across the Missouri River from NE for several years and NE is a VERY conservative state. He's either not up for re-election for a while or he's jockeying for a cabinet position in a hoped-for Trump administration.
OK. Just did some research and the whole "Ben Sasse joined the De-moronic filibuster" is a flat-out lie. Sasse is known to be a #NeverTrump guy, and so is hated as much by many Trump supporters as he is by Demon-Rats. He asked one question at the beginning of the the filibuster pertaining to due process and how it relates to the no-fly list, and the press automatically and deliberately mis-interpreted that to mean he was supportive of the filibuster.

Deliberate lies. That's all the MSM is good for anymore.
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