Article: Michael Bloomberg to support Charlie Baker for MA Governor

Bloomberg bought the CO Governor. Look where that gets him in the next election.

Must be a lot of candidates for sale. Most probably come pretty cheap too. At least Charlie Baker is getting big dough for selling his soul.
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He's supporting Baker with all his money, so when he (bloomturd) needs a favor like say a vote against guns or something he can say to Baker owe me because I paid lots to your campaign to get you elected.
I guess that's the final nail in the coffin for a Baker vote from me. Tell's me all I need to know

Same here. I can't vote for Coakley in any form of good conscience and now the same goes for Baker if he's taking money from Bloomberg.

Who are the independents?
Bloomberg and Baker were/are CEO of major corporations. Something tells me this is just old relationships. I visited Tisei's office and came across folks working for Baker as well. I am now a convinced R voter. Neither of them is going to beat their chest supporting 2A but both realize that we are an important constituent and that, to me, is super important...
WTF? I don't understand this, what aren't we seeing??

Charlie Baker is far more anti-gun than Martha Coakley. Sad the GOP backed Baker and not Fisher. Either Coakley or Baker is a win for progressive liberals and a loss for the Constitution especially the 2nd...
Same here, but absent more info I will still vote for Baker (against Marsha)

Better the devil we don't know because the devil we do know is really, really bad?

It's completely logical for Bloomberg. He is a anti-civil liberties Republican.

What about Falchuk. Also a former corporate CEO, but at least not openly anti-2a as far as I can see.

[EDIT] I guess Falchuk also supported DeLeo's original proposal... I was just looking at their party platform. Sigh.
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