Article: MA: Move legislation forward to curb gun violence

Why is it that every time a representative starts a gun control speech they bring up the Sandy Hook tragedy, and yet, not a single one of their recommendations would have stopped that filthy murder from stealing his mothers guns, murdering her, stealing her car, and then murdering the people at the school. Psychotic people are not going to spend the time and money to get the training required for a LTC/FID, apply for the license, wait the 3months to actually get it, and then finally go and purchase a gun from a dealer. <shaking my head>
Lets see one of his comments is related to substance abuse, but here in MA we've now allowed de facto pot legalization. Will possession and sale of pot now not be a disqualifier?
If FID goes shall issue why have it?
wasn't the shall issue FID their linch pin
on how a restricted LTC was constitutional?
Article said:
'At the time of license renewal, require each gun owner to verify and sign an affidavit that he or she still owns all the guns legally registered to him or her and increase penalties for failure to report lost or stolen firearms.'

Umm, well, yes sir. To the best of my knowledge, I did own that gun when I renewed my license. It must have fallen into the water the other day when my canoe tipped over...
Really, how about ending the revolving doors of the court system and actually putting away felons. NOOO, too hard! So we'll attack the innocent law abiding. GFY. "We can do better here in MA", yeah by tarring and feather unconstitutional azzes like you.
At the time of license renewal, require each gun owner to verify and sign an affidavit that he or she still owns all the guns legally registered to him or her and increase penalties for failure to report lost or stolen firearms.
LOL, I've heard that this is the most broken part of the system, people own guns that don't show up, guns that have been sold years ago show up, heck, even the same gun to multiple people owning it is the latest. I used to work with a retired MA LEO who told me horror stories about how bad it is and if the clerk entering the paper file into the database on a Monday would literally throw darts at a stack of papers and enter those that had holes in it.
Umm, well, yes sir. To the best of my knowledge, I did own that gun when I renewed my license. It must have fallen into the water the other day when my canoe tipped over...

Originally Posted by Article
'At the time of license renewal, require each gun owner to verify and sign an affidavit that he or she still owns all the guns legally registered to him or her and increase penalties for failure to report lost or stolen firearms.'

I wonder if that will mean: list all you guns here?
Specify which factors constitute a "suitable person for gun ownership," something currently up to the discretion of local police chiefs.

We have that already, there's a bunch of things in both state and Federal law that say if you're disqualified. "make all LTCs shall-issue" would do what he wants.

The elimination of Class B gun licenses that allow for non-concealed, low-capacity firearms.

Yes, we should do this. Class B licenses are stupid. If you're not a PP, you should get a Class-A

At the time of license renewal, require each gun owner to verify and sign an affidavit that he or she still owns all the guns legally registered to him or her and increase penalties for failure to report lost or stolen firearms.

Wait, does that mean any guns you move into the state with don't have to be on the affidavit? They're not legally registered or recorded because MA doesn't have gun registration, we have transaction reporting.

How could it be even remotely reasonable for a citizen to be forced to sign something verifying a database that we have no access to and the state controls and is horribly innacurate?

Strengthen the provisions of school-based mental health services.

Good idea! How is this a gun issue? Why is it attached to a gun confiscation bill?

Increase funding for mental health and substance abuse disorders resources in urban areas.

Good idea! How is this a gun issue? Why is it attached to a gun confiscation bill?
If any of these types of typical political hacks ever had an original thought I would be amazed..
This stupid state doesn't even utilize the "tough" statutes we already have ..first charges to get dropped during a plea? Gun charges...all BS. Why can't the public wrap their head around this SH!t? Do pols think it makes em tough on crime to go after guns and to continually bring up tragedies? That it gives them the stance of public safety? A$$ clown is more like it.
Sandy Hook can't be "regulated" away as these fools would have empty-headed folks think. Legislation only can affect the law-abiding folks, not the criminals and nut-jobs. Restrictive gun legislation can only take this society in the wrong direction.
Breaking News: Majority of people renewing firearm licenses stated they lost their firearms in boating accidents. State to investigate people who fail to register their boats.
"Many of these recommendations merit close consideration and are in keeping with the goals of the Massachusetts Coalition on Gun Violence, an umbrella organization of leading gun safety groups in the commonwealth."

This looks like a job for "Chad".

You know the only reason they want to know how many guns people own is to institute a tax, fee or mandatory insurance premium on each. Bleed us to death by a million small cuts as they pad thier pockets while using the guise of public safety. There is a method to their madness. All aboard! We about the get railroaded.
LOL ... I followed the link to wicked local new (Cambridge ) to read this article about this Cambridge house member and one of the story links at the bottom of the page was "Cambridge Rindge and Latin student stabbed". Apparently a student was stabbed with a kitchen knife in a Cambridge school today. I think we should write to representative Rogers today and ask him to support legislation outlawing kitchen knives.
Where is OldSoldier with the list he read out loud at Assumption? If you're reading this, you need to post it. I am sure it is much longer than the ones you read. Thank you for doing that!
Don't they already have the noose tight around our necks? I think they are just trying to compete with NY for outrageous restrictions and gun laws.
Move legislation forward to curb gun violence

OK, so my guns, and most, if not ALL guns I have ever seen have no involvement in "violence". So, why do they apply their "violence laws" upon me?
LOL ... I followed the link to wicked local new (Cambridge ) to read this article about this Cambridge house member and one of the story links at the bottom of the page was "Cambridge Rindge and Latin student stabbed". Apparently a student was stabbed with a kitchen knife in a Cambridge school today. I think we should write to representative Rogers today and ask him to support legislation outlawing kitchen knives.

Lets not go crazy . . . Lets start by just registering all kitchen knives . . . unless you brought them with you when you moved here!
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If you have ever voted for a democrat- you have voted against the RKBA.

Have Ma repulicans ever voted against your civil rights? No. They have never had a chance (not that mass R's are r's)
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