Politicians and lawyers are all trained to lie to get what they want.

You can never trust either group.
No surprises here. Just waiting for our GOP pro 2A Lt Gov Elect to come out with some kind of anti-gun statement. Whatever it takes to win...don't trust any of them GOP or Dem.
I think the RKBA community looks foolish when criticizing Gifford for changing her stance on guns. After the traumatic brain injury she suffered, you have to expect massive changes in cognitive function, personality, etc. I can't tell if she's truly changed her mind on these issues, or if she's cognitively limited and being used by others, but you can't fault the woman either way.

The criticisms of other duplicitous politicians are valid, but I think it's poor strategy to hold Gifford up as a poster child for duplicitous politicians. I think we owe Gifford substantial slack, given what she's been through.
I think the RKBA community looks foolish when criticizing Gifford for changing her stance on guns. After the traumatic brain injury she suffered, you have to expect massive changes in cognitive function, personality, etc. I can't tell if she's truly changed her mind on these issues, or if she's cognitively limited and being used by others, but you can't fault the woman either way.

The criticisms of other duplicitous politicians are valid, but I think it's poor strategy to hold Gifford up as a poster child for duplicitous politicians. I think we owe Gifford substantial slack, given what she's been through.

Someone who wants to trample my rights gets shit. She is owed nothing.
Just like when members of the GOP run as conservative and then back Mitch McConnell and John Boehner.

This is why we are all being played. Murica has gotten too big to be a Constitutional Republic.

Do you feel represented? by Chief Lizzie Warren? That guy Markey who lives outside of MA?
All lawyers are not to be trusted??

Politicians and lawyers are all trained to lie to get what they want.

You can never trust either group.
That's a hell of a statement. I don't take issue with your generalization of politicians. The system forces them to swim with the Sharks or get eaten alive. Thefore it is safe to say that even good people get corrupted quickly in such an imperfect system run by imperfect people. We the people still have the power to hold our politicians accountable, but the average voter doesn't take the time to vote responsibly.

But to make a statement that all lawyers are trained to lie to get what they want is completely unfair. I have colleagues who have helped hundreds in need of assistance at great expense and sacrifice by the lawyers who truly serve their clients selflessly. There is a percentage of bad people in all professions. To generalize the behavior of an entire group based on the failures of bad people would then lead to the conclusion that all police are corrupt and abusive, all auto mechanics are crooks, all "fill in the blank" are ..... Come on man. All lawyers aren't trained to lie, all police are not corrupt and abusive, etc etc.

By the way, your class that My wife and I took with you was very informative. Good thing you had no problem taking money from a "liar".
Elections are like sporting events-"We gotta WIN!", and a politician will say and do whatever they feel they may get away with to do that, departures from the truth included. It's up to us to determine if they're trying to B.S. us or if they are sincere. Usually, one can draw a conclusion from the company the aspiring pol keeps.

That said, the majority of politicians I've met over the years are self-servers; you and I are first, right after them.
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