Article: Comm2a Wesson Complaint Press Release

Excellent, every time I read something like this it just screams DONATE once again. I will be doing so in my next pay period. Thank you COMM2A
Someone should have dropped this case before it got this far. Retreat could have been the better part of valor for these towns so I'm glad they pushed it!
These press releases make it much easier to see the receipt come in from my monthly donation. Where would we be without these guys???
This is just ridiculous. Get caught with a joint and you can never get your LTC. Meanwhile I know a cop who is only on the job because he was caught with 2 8-balls of cocaine. When he went to trial the judge gave him a choice go to jail or go to war. He chose war. Then when he came back he took the civil service exam and got on the job because of the vet preference shit. Clearly he is much more "suitable" than a pot smoker.

When the hell are people going to wake up?
"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

OK I"ll stop now. I'm about an inch away from going full rant....
These press releases make it much easier to see the receipt come in from my monthly donation. Where would we be without these guys???

Thanks for the donations but the flurry of cases released recently is not indicative of our overall pace. Don't expect any more cases for a few months at least. Well, after the next one... [grin]

Comm2A is currently running multi-core.

Yeah, but we can't run infinitely asynchronous, I/O blocking will eventually kick in.
I also want to point out, this case is entirely self financed. We are on the hook for the full bill. Your donations are making this happen and the more you donate, the more cases we get to do.
Thanks for the donations but the flurry of cases released recently is not indicative of our overall pace. Don't expect any more cases for a few months at least. Well, after the next one... [grin]

There may not be new cases every month, but the fact that there are several cases underway at any given time is keeping the heat on those that seek to deny our rights. It just brightens my day when I see an update. Keep up the good work!
The libertarian in me loves this. Let me smoke my weed in my mom's basement with my guns in peace!!!
Just to be clear: This is not the reason we brought this particular action.

As TF points out, don't expect this pace to continue. The recent level on activity is almost entire due to the timing of when things come together.

Big shout out to attorney Jeff Scrimo for waging this battle.
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