Assuming ABC wanted to show the most shocking "revalation" first, they spent 1 year to show us that out of a group of 10 children who watched a video (NRA of course), followed by a visit from a policeman to teach the class not to touch a gun, 2 of the 10 didn't follow the teaching.....????? Part 2 - the parents reaction!
Having grown up in a house where the firearms were displayed in a lighted wood cabinet like jewerly and where I was taught at an early age and had reinforcedd again and again to not touch, stay away from and only with an adult supervising, handle a firearm, I obviously find this "report" ludicrous.
The study's numbers include "children" who are 18 and 19 years old. There's also a big ramp in the numbers when you get to teenagers 15 and above. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what's going on there.
My wife and I had an issue with the guns being planted by ABC in with toys. I can't help feel that they set the kids up into thinking the guns were toys. I would have liked to see the guns placed in a closet, drawer, or some place "more adult". That being said, kids shouldn't be able to reach a firearm.
My wife and I had an issue with the guns being planted by ABC in with toys. I can't help feel that they set the kids up into thinking the guns were toys. I would have liked to see the guns placed in a closet, drawer, or some place "more adult". That being said, kids shouldn't be able to reach a firearm.

I agree with you
Everyone knows kids can learn something in an hour and only need to be taught it once. This is why public school only needs to be one year long and kids learn everything perfectly. Right?

"News" people are near the top of the list on where the cleansing needs to happen.
Had a little fun with their 7,391 children wounded by firearm per year statistic. Did some math with wikipedia to see probability of other terrible things happening to you.

1. You are 3.5 times more likely to have been still born than injured by a firearm during childhood.
1.8 per 1000 (child gunshot wound) vs. 6.22 per 1000 (still-born)
2. You are over 4 times more likely to be DIE in car accident than be a child INJURED by a firearm in a given year.
7,391 (child gunshot wounds in one year) vs 30,800 (fatal car accidents in 2009 from census bureau)
3. You are over 205 times more likely to be INJURED in a car accident than be a child INJURED by a firearm in a given year.
7,391 (child gunshot wounds in one year) vs 1,517,000 (injuries by car accidents in 2009 from census bureau)

How you like 'dem apples?!
How many of us actually hide our firearms in with candy and toys or leave them hanging around unsecured when small children and teenagers are about? Not for nothing but perhaps we should also safe guard keys to our automobiles too. I believe there are more auto related crimes and children hurt or killed in autos but I don't see more laws being made on who should own one or laws prohibiting their use outside state lines. Funny how a right is treated like a privilege and a privilege is treated like a right in our beloved country.
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Still waiting for David Gregory to be indicted in magazine gate. Nra dude should have had a buddy filming, and jumped up and said "My god this is illegal where I am at". If you argue with stupid there is no doubt you get some on you. Dianne Sawyer.
Ya if we learned any thing from these studies the news has covered in there special reports is

1) they will lie and do anything to get the results they want, like put an exsplosive in a gas tank of a SUV, so it will exsplode on impact for the camera, but tell no one they could not get it to do it on its own

2) make a situation that will guarantee failure, like putting novice firearm handlers in a class room, then have a highly trained marksman attack them (who knows there in the class room) and take them out first

3) leave out facts, like the age brakets there using, or edit them to sound more to there liking, some what on the idea when they cut the zimmerman 911 call so it sounded like he was a racist

Also i believe they would have continued this study with more kids untill they got the desired results, and who realy knows if it was only 10 kids that were tested, and were any of them mentaly challenged or have a lerning disability? Who knows but you just cant trust there special reports at all
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My wife and I had an issue with the guns being planted by ABC in with toys. I can't help feel that they set the kids up into thinking the guns were toys. I would have liked to see the guns placed in a closet, drawer, or some place "more adult". That being said, kids shouldn't be able to reach a firearm.

They pulled the gun out of the box of toys and crayons, there's no doubt that at first they thought it was a toy. I'd bet many people on this forum, even being experienced with guns, would take a few seconds to realize it wasn't a toy. That's why teaching everyone the first three rules of gun safety is so important.

Why don't they try putting drugs in with a jar of candy and see if the children can tell the difference.
There will always be natural selection. How many kids hurt themselves jumping from a high point because they think they can fly? How many kids accidentally hang themselves? How many kids light themselves on fire every year? Surely someone must have told them these things are dangerous. You can't rule out natural selection.
My wife and I had an issue with the guns being planted by ABC in with toys. I can't help feel that they set the kids up into thinking the guns were toys. I would have liked to see the guns placed in a closet, drawer, or some place "more adult". That being said, kids shouldn't be able to reach a firearm.

I couldn't agree more. Yes, it is absolutely necessary that individuals store their guns safely, and out of reach of unsupervised children. But mixing a REAL firearm amongst a bunch of toy-related items seems like a rather desperate way to attempt to prove a point regarding firearm safety.
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