Arlington Police Lt. suspended for editorial columns - UPDATE

What BS, these snowflakes think they're superior beings because they're Progressives(cowards hiding behind cops and armed citizens) and they think they can talk thru any situation. What fools.

"Citizens sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to commit violence on their behalf"
A concerned community member should write in saying they can't ever possibly feel safe with this known violent nutcase on the job. He should obviously be disarmed, including an ERPO preventing him from accessing firearms at home, too. He's a lit fuse. A loose cannon. Er sumpin...
Almost to a man, they're decent, fair people. Except for that one... you know who you are, bastich...
True, but how many of these good decent people will be held to the same standards a normal citizen would be in any incident involving a gun? People who express outrage at this sort of abuse like the Duncan case in Framingham (AR ND through neck of non-suspect) do not hate cops, but hate the system that protects them when they screw up.

My guess is that Officer Duncan is probably a good decent person who made a terrible unintended mistake. But, the DA was talking about "accident for which no charges are appropriate" before the body was cold. At the same time, a kid who accidentally shot a friend with a BB gun was being charged and was not allowed the "ooops, I didn't mean it" defense.

Many here do not hate this officer, but hate a system that had him fully protected (even kept his job) while we all know that any one of us making a similar mistake would be very lucky if all we got was prohibited person status for life.

Cop writes three Cop Journal editorials(s). Two are easy to find online:
However while Google had indexed two public copies of the third editorial, it appears that the Cop Journal has lost both of them in a Tragic Intarweb Accident. Nevertheless, the Boston Globe-Retractor sees fit to quote an excerpt from the third editorial which opines that, "Social Justice Warrior Rules of Engagement are killing cops - we need to stop beating around the bush and fight fire with fire".

Social Justice Warriors get wind of this, and the Cop is sent for processing to Arlington Social Justice Warrior Court.

Given the manifest biasin the ASJWC process, it's not even clear to me that they would accept testimony favorable to the accused if any were submitted.

I don't know whether I'd want to be Protected and Served by this cop,
but I'm sure I would never want to be judged by his persecutors.

And I have no faith whatsoever that the persecution will result in
an Arlington PD that better meets my requirements.
Before I could make any judgement against this officer I would need to know how he actually handles himself on the job. I am far from an apologist and feel some cops do get away with too much and even have a couple stories I could tell about a couple of interactions I have had in the past. If he has no or complaints or no "real" complaints against him and does his job professionally I don't care what he writes?
True, but how many of these good decent people will be held to the same standards a normal citizen would be in any incident involving a gun? People who express outrage at this sort of abuse like the Duncan case in Framingham (AR ND through neck of non-suspect) do not hate cops, but hate the system that protects them when they screw up.

My guess is that Officer Duncan is probably a good decent person who made a terrible unintended mistake. But, the DA was talking about "accident for which no charges are appropriate" before the body was cold. At the same time, a kid who accidentally shot a friend with a BB gun was being charged and was not allowed the "ooops, I didn't mean it" defense.

Many here do not hate this officer, but hate a system that had him fully protected (even kept his job) while we all know that any one of us making a similar mistake would be very lucky if all we got was prohibited person status for life.

I completely agree with you on this.

The appropriate response is somewhere in the middle. No free pass "because cop" and no automatic "go directly to jail, do not pass go" for the rest of us.
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