Application for NH Res P&R


NES Member
Jan 4, 2011
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If applying for a res P&R, what do you put for the reason why you are applying? Also, I assume can pretty much put down any 3 people for references? Thx.
If applying for a res P&R, what do you put for the reason why you are applying? Also, I assume can pretty much put down any 3 people for references? Thx.
Just don't write "Zombies!" and you'll be fine, traditional answer is "all proper purposes"

Name & mailing address of three people who won't say bad things about you -- don't have to be anybody in particular, or even NH residents.

Some towns will attempt to contact your references; you'd make their job easier if your references phone numbers are findable. That said, it isn't your job to make theirs easier, and despite posturing by some chiefs, can't deny you just because you didn't provide phone numbers.
Just don't write "Zombies!" and you'll be fine, traditional answer is "all proper purposes"

Name & mailing address of three people who won't say bad things about you -- don't have to be anybody in particular, or even NH residents.

Some towns will attempt to contact your references; you'd make their job easier if your references phone numbers are findable. That said, it isn't your job to make theirs easier, and despite posturing by some chiefs, can't deny you just because you didn't provide phone numbers.
They can't deny you if you references never respond, or refuse to talk to them, or even really just based on what they say, although I guess they could use what they say as a basis for further investigation. And given the deadline for approval/denial the references thing is really a joke. Most departments don't even bother looking at the references.
Handed mine in at Epping about a week ago. Still waiting. Just moved here and just want all the paperwork over with
Welcome to New Hampshire!

Give Epping a total of two weeks, then call. After all, unless you're going to use it for reciprocity or to carry on an off-road vehicle, it's not like you actually need a license in New Hampshire :)
I know they never contacted my references.

Bottom line is NH follows the law, and the law doesn't provide for a denial based on your references. They can say you're a psycho bitch, but if you've never been ruled mentally incompetent it won't matter.
Welcome to New Hampshire!

Give Epping a total of two weeks, then call. After all, unless you're going to use it for reciprocity or to carry on an off-road vehicle, it's not like you actually need a license in New Hampshire :)
Thanks, the reason I am getting it is. One, if I cross state lines and to make firearm purchases. I still have my Michigan CPL. But, I am sure people here wouldn't take that as a source of I am legal. I have been looking already. Not many revolvers for sale in the area. Also looking for a 92FS as I have mags for it. I had purged about 20 pistols of my collection before Jan. Since Michigan is a registered state. Down to 9 now. Need to bump those numbers up.
Thanks, the reason I am getting it is. One, if I cross state lines and to make firearm purchases.
Just to be clear: your NH R&PL only comes into play for purchases from or sales to a non-dealer who is not personally known to you. You probably know that, but I wanted the information out there for others.

(Legally speaking, that is -- if the other party wants to require a license, that's their right.)

A NH license is recognized by Maine. While ME is also a constitutional carry state, they're not as constitutional as NH -- if you don't have a license recognized by ME, you are required to declare you're carrying during an official encounter with police. Carry in certain locations (like Katahdin) are also banned without a recognized license.

The license does no good in VT, because they don't have licenses. It's no good in MA, RI, CT, or NY. You can carry through PA and OH to MI, though.
MA and NY are the ones that scare me. During the first little of time here. I crossed the MA line and didn't realize it. A little pucker factor I tell ya. As for ME. I would do that anyway as that is what we do in Michigan. I would most likely revert to what I have done before is a stop.

KBCraig, thanks for the explanation any way. It is good to get multiple sources of info. It will be nice when I get things handled paperwork wise. Two vehicles left to get inspected. Need to replace a couple ball joints on my truck today. Funny thing is, my old Vette passed already. Guess I know which is my
MA and NY are the ones that scare me. During the first little of time here. I crossed the MA line and didn't realize it. A little pucker factor I tell ya.

That's the bad thing about living that far south.

The furthest south I ever have to go is the VA hospital in Manchester, so other than heading to the Cape twice a year for holidays with the folks I'm in no danger of crossing a hostile border.

Edit: also see RSA 159:14 for the legal speak on FTF pistol sales with/without a license. "person personally known to him." for buying without a license to him is up to interpretation.
MA and NY are the ones that scare me. During the first little of time here. I crossed the MA line and didn't realize it. A little pucker factor I tell ya. As for ME. I would do that anyway as that is what we do in Michigan. I would most likely revert to what I have done before is a stop.
LOL, the famous Route 3 "OhcrapdidImissexit1" pucker.
MA and NY are the ones that scare me. During the first little of time here. I crossed the MA line and didn't realize it. A little pucker factor I tell ya.
Driving on a major highway? Yeah, that's pucker time.

But, you can also do the Walk of No Shame: leave Pheasant Lane Mall by the southern door, and take a stroll through the parking lot before turning back into NH. [smile]
I take it the mall is on the state line.
The far Southern parking lot is actually in MA, so if you drive all the way around the mall you are in and out of MA. One large store has a funny angle cut to it since MA DOR said that if ANY part of any store was in MA, they were going to demand MA sales tax and corporate income tax from every store in the mall. Thus, the developer "cut a corner" to make sure all stores were in NH.
I have to be careful where I park if I go to the mall, luckily they provide a helpful guideline:
So if you stand north of the line, and there is someone south of the line. Mr. South passed a pile of cash to Mr. North, without any part of his body crossing the line. Then Mr. North lays a gun down on the ground so it is on the line, without any part of his body crossing the line, and them Mr South picks it up, again without crossing the line. Have any laws been broken?
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