Anybody here come from an anti-firearms family?

My dad had rifles and shotguns. We didn't shoot or anything until I was older but they were in the house and it never bothered my mom either. She actually shot them too a few times. It was just a thing that they were there and it was no biggy. Like I said though we didn't go shooting until I was older. I was out playing sports or causing trouble as a kid. Ha

P.S You didn't actually stop hanging out with that friend because your parents told you not to right?
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Just set my brother inlaw to be up with a M&P 40c. His family is full of huge ANTIS. I don't hound them or try to convert them, but I do not hide the fact that I am pro2a. Long story short we got back to his house (lives with anti parents) and he eagerly attempts to show them his first gun. My fiance who has LTC A is pumped and grabs it up and locks back the slide checks the sights and function checks it right in front of her moonbat mother. A tear came to the corner of my eye. Anti mother almost pissed her pants and was adamant that the only reason that the gun was sold was because it killed some one. The discussion that a gun will never kill a person, a person kills a person was short to follow.

Just wait till she sees the AR-15 im getting him as a groomsman's gift [rofl]
I grew up down South, so MA and the way people view guns up here is entirely foreign to me. Martha would pee herself and then have a seizure and then fall into a comma if she ever visits my family back home. We were taught respect and gun safety from the time we were weaned. We started shooting junior rifle events shortly after. I got my first shotgun at 9 and it was mine and stayed in my room with shells I bought with my money that I made mowing lawns and doing other hard work. I never saw or heard of a trigger lock until I moved to MA.

I feel so bad for everyone who grew up here. My kids are missing out too, but they will know how to shoot and take care of themselves.
My mom has always been anti-gun, but my Dad was neither pro nor anti. Never been into shooting himself, but took advantage of every opportunity he could to take me shooting (Scouts, family and friends with guns, etc.)

As soon as I was old enough to own guns, I turned it around and I take him shooting every chance I get.
My faimily is very anti but last summer I took my mom who is in her mid 70's to the range. She is a doctor and had never even held a gun before. It took some doing to get her there. After explaining safety rules and how each pistol worked I started her on an SA .22 revolver, then the sr22, and finally the p238 wich she really enjoyed. She lives in alabama where most everybody she knows shoots. On the way home she kept askin' wich was the one she liked and kept mumblin "P238, P238" so she would remember...... Now I'm waiting for the call that she got her own Sig..... I'm still waiting, but hopeful. I think she gets it now.
More of a non gun family. My dad had his own business and started carrying a j-frame in the mid 80s after an ex employee threatened to kill him. He is retired now, and never goes shooting, but still maintains his LTC. The .38 is locked in his safe. I doubt it's been fired in 20+ years.

My parents know I'm a long time gun owner, and don't seem to care one way or the other.
My parents are pretty much non-gun people. My mom comes from a family of hunters, so she is fairly comfortable with the thought of long guns. My dad could barely qualify with his rifle while in the Air Force. I wouldn't be surprised if he was anti, but we've never had the conversation and I don't see any reason to turn over that rock at this point.

I've only been shooting for a few years. My mom does know that I took the safety course only because she asked me to do something on the day I had the class scheduled and I told her what I was doing. I never mentioned it again, but she's not stupid so she probably knows that I shoot and would prefer to just let it be.

What I have found interesting is how there is this whole underground community of shooters that I knew nothing about until I joined the crowd. I have many friends who shoot and I had no idea that they did. I don't advertise that I have guns, but once you find one friend who is into it, they invariably know of several others who are too, and so on. I've gotten some great tips from people that I've known for years who I never knew owned a gun.
I come from a large family that are indifferent to guns. Most think they're democrat but they don't follow politics. They think they're Catholic but they don't go to church, etc.The real thorn in my side is my wife's family. Her father is very anti gun. I never went into my viewpoints with him until recently when I was fed up with listening to complete nonsense about gun loopholes in MA. Since then, I've been invited to less of their family gatherings, so it all worked out.
Had trouble with my older sister , she worked for a local sheriff and was anti guns. She retired and my Brother in Law took her shooting and now she's hooked . So never give up trying you might be surprised. If my sister can change in her 60's then you never know.
I grew up in a very anti-gun house. No youth program at the local rod-n-gun that all my friends went to. No squirt guns. No cap guns. No GI Joes. My Han Solo figure had an empty holster. No kidding. This was mostly my mother's doing, although my father had no interest in firearms either. Then, at career day in High School (then) Officer Xiarhos, our school police officer, let me check out his brandy new Glock 22 (disassembled) he had just been issued. I asked if I could check out the 12 gauge and he said no[laugh]. Now I spend all my time on here, that worked well Mom[rofl] Funny thing is, I actually got into guns for real after inheriting some very ancient and rusty wall hanger .22 rifles that were on my grandfather's wall. Somehow, in the whole time they were on the wall in the house that my mother grew up in, they never jumped off the wall and started killing people randomly!
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my parents are divorced I don't talk to my dad much because he's a prick but regardless he is a Lizzy Warren sheep who thinks we live in lollypop land and that nobody needs guns. If he wasn't a prick we probably still wouldn't talk because of my political views.
From now on, walk around with a GoPro camera on all the time. [smile] It's like a personal drone.

It's a non-issue now. This happened in 1976 and now she owns a few guns of her own and although shooting isn't her highest priority, she still enjoys it when she goes with me to the clubs.
Dad was a cop, and anti was definatly anti gun, wasnt that bad where i couldnt use a squirt gun, but no bb guns and wasnt allowed to shoot with my uncle!! It was when i turned 21, took a live fire course, got my ltc and have been hooked ever since. I think the more you get pushed away, the more you want it!!!
My parents where mixed . Dad was a gun owner. Mom owned guns for some time and used to go hunting with her dad as a kid. But some thing changed after the split and didn't like guns around her.

She new I always had a interests for guns and randomly paid for my class as a gift . It was about the same time I started talking
to my dad and hanging out with him , after 20 years of no real contact. In a weird way gun helped me to reconnect a little with him.

My mom is changing . She now understands why you need to stock pile on ammo. $$$ step dad wants to get his ltc now.
Around here, there really aren't any antis, or at least not too many. Hunting is such a natural and normal thing around here that even those who don't own guns don't seem to have the ridiculous fear of them that I see in other places. My dad has been an avid hunter his whole life, as was my grandfather. I grew up in a hunting house, so there was definitely no "anti" vibe at home. I was taught a proper respect for guns, so not surprisingly, there were never any incidents.

My inlaws on the other hand... they're your typical Connecticut type. They're not "antis" so much as just the type who don't understand. When they came up for Christmas this past year, I had just taken my wife to the range for her first time, and she couldn't wait to show off her target to her parents. The only response out of either of them was for her dad to ask, "You didn't take the kids with you, did you!?". (My kids at the time were 4 1/2 and 18 months old).

Fortunately, my wife has been very open minded, and not only does she love to go shooting, but she likes to post pics of her shooting my AR on the Facebook. Surprisingly, most of her friend's husbands are gun nuts just like me, so her whole group of friends enjoys her AR pics. :D
My father was a fudd growing up, lots of guns but just for hunting. And some target shooting. I guess i started out with a bb gun at 10 or so. I know my mother wasnt thrilled with it but shes in no way anti.

Ive since converted him and he wants to shoot the ar. He realizes his fudd generation dropped the ball by allowing all the anti gun bullshit to happen under the guise of safety. Back then they trusted their leaders and the media.

I teach my kid otherwise. To respect leaders but never trust them. And always question what they say and find the underlying reasons why they say it. I hate that, because it makes them grow up to fast and be cynical. But thats reality nowadays.

My kid has been shooting since he was 6. For fathers day a buddy had a newly gotten garand from the cmp. So i took him out to shoot it. We had an awesome time. Also busted out some gen 4 glocks and let him rapid fire a bunch. Nothing better than seeing a mag full of brass in the air on a sunny day. Deval and Marsha would have both piddled out of their vaginas onto their buckling kneecaps.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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I came from a firearms ambivalent family. Not pro, but not anti, either. Getting a pellet gun at 16 was a process, but my folks encouraged my interests.

My mother is a retired librarian and teacher. We have conversations like this all the time:

I asked her after Newtown what her perspective on the issue was, being a former teacher and all. Her initial answer was "we need to get rid of all these semi-automatic assault weapons". Now, maybe because she is my mom, I didn't jump down her throat, our conversation went as follows:
Me: Do you think I am a safe gun owner?
Mom: Yes, of course. Very safe.
Me: So, why would you want to see almost all of my firearms collection banned?
Mom: You have those kinds of guns? I thought they were illegal.
Me: What do you think a "semi automatic assault weapon" is?
Mom: Like a machine gun, right?
Me: <Explanation of the NFA, the GCA 1986 and the Hughes Amendment, the differences between full auto and semi auto>
Her: I didn't know that. So why the hell are they trying to add all these laws? Seems like there is a lot of regulation already. Are the laws they have now enforced?
Me: Exactly.

So, they get it eventually, but have no interest in learning about it if I don't tell them.
I came from a firearms ambivalent family. Not pro, but not anti, either. Getting a pellet gun at 16 was a process, but my folks encouraged my interests.

My mother is a retired librarian and teacher. We have conversations like this all the time:

So, they get it eventually, but have no interest in learning about it if I don't tell them.

i have had similar conversations w my extended family.
its mindblowing how theyve been brainwashed.
prototypical: "with the gunshow loophole anyone can get an automatic machine gun with a silencer"
not sure if thats full retard or part retard but its somewhere on that spectrum.
I came from a firearms ambivalent family. Not pro, but not anti, either. Getting a pellet gun at 16 was a process, but my folks encouraged my interests.

My mother is a retired librarian and teacher. We have conversations like this all the time:

So, they get it eventually, but have no interest in learning about it if I don't tell them.
I had almost the same conversation with my father, who is an avid hunter and a gun-guy to some extent. He fell for the media's nonsense too. When I told him I bought an AR-15 and that we'd have to go shooting, he declined because he thought I bought a machine gun. Once he found out what the gun really was, the light went off and he realized that the media was feeding him bullsh*t all this time.

This year he joined the NRA for the first time in around 30 years, and went out and bought one of those killy high-capacity semi automatic pistols (Ruger SR9c). :)
I come from a family of non gun owners. Neither of my sets of grandparents owned guns. My dad qualified with something in the ROTC and basic training at Ft. Campbell, KY back in the 60's, but never shot anything ever again. He's still alive, knows I have guns (I've stayed at his house while carrying and he knew it). My mother was closer to 'anti' before I got into guns just five years ago (she passed two years ago). She and my aunt (mom's sister) have no idea why anyone would want or need a gun, except for hunting (which is OK by them).

We had toy guns, cap guns, squirt guns, etc. growing up but we were very aware of the differences between reality, and "play." "BB guns" were not allowed. Nor were dirtbikes, but that's another story...

I think I was making headway with Mom about all the many reasons to own and shoot guns, and that guns don't kill people, criminals do. She saw my pistol and shotgun, and didn't fear the inanimate object -- once I showed and assured her they were unloaded.

My aunt still freaks out and says shit on FB whenever there's another school shooting. I've been chipping away at her, and at least got her to admit that criminals don't obey laws, and that adding MORE laws really won't help. That was a major step.

Auntie is moving to the north side of Chicago to live near my cousin and family. She knows not to make a wrong turn into certain neighborhoods on the south side of the city.

My wife was also raised as a NON (not an 'anti' per se'). She was initially against me owning guns, but recognized she couldn't fight me on it. It took several years, but now she's got her LTC, and owns a P238 of her own.

I have two brothers. Neither are gun owners, but both have gone to ranges with friends, and shot pistols. My brother in NH wants to come down and spend the day at my range with everything I've got. His biggest barrier to gun ownership is cost. He doesn't have a pot to piss in, because his adult children refuse to leave the nest.
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i have had similar conversations w my extended family.
its mindblowing how theyve been brainwashed.
prototypical: "with the gunshow loophole anyone can get an automatic machine gun with a silencer"
not sure if thats full retard or part retard but its somewhere on that spectrum.

Anytime I hear someone spew nonsense about the "gun show loophole" I ask them to explain to me exactly what that is.

Very few have an explanation past the buzzwords, and the explanation is always "gun shows are totally exempt from background checks".
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