any outdoor ranges with 1000+ yards

if you find any send me a PM i only see 200 around were i am and i wounldnt mind a drive to at least try that distance out once or twice to see how the military guys can shoot that distance.
Pemi is the only range that comes close. They have a 850 but you would have to check with them as far as the requirements to use that range.
Pemi is the only range that comes close. They have a 850 but you would have to check with them as far as the requirements to use that range.

NICE! I clicked your link to check it out.. looks like a great & really fun place.

Quite a drive, but guess it's worth it for a days fun.. I've been thinking about CAS.. would make a nice family day to head up there & watch the next CAS event.

I'm going to look into the range & club, though distance would make it an occaisonal trip for me.
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