Any hope for things to get better in near future in MA?

If the 500,000 or so LTC/FID holders could actually agree on any vote and actually show up to vote we might , maybe , possibly have a slimmer of a chance
I will add that GOAL,COMM2A and other groups can help get people on ballots worth voting on. I get call after call from the Dems asking me questions and trying to poll me but I never get any calls from REP or Independent groups?
How do you think the Ukranians would fare with break action .243s? You fight evil, whether it be from without or within, with the best there is available.
Would you want to be in the crosshairs of that .243 in the hands of a determined Ukrainian rifleman in the fight for his country? No thanks!

“Ello Gov’na”

This, the gun bullshit isnt even the worst part of this state
True, it is not what drove me out of MA either.
The NRA is responsible for many ranges getting insurance. Not everything is as simple as it seems. As you can imagine there aren't tons of companies looking to insure anything 2a
Not really true.
Of course they collected a commission. No service is free. None the less club/ranges that have trouble getting insured are able to do so through the NRA. The top of the NRA is absolute trash but lets not pretend the NRA doesn't have any usefulness.
Most clubs are too lazy to look elsewhere for insurance. Braintree R&P shopped around and found a few other companies would insure the club and even for less money than the NRA insurance. Londonderry F&G is now looking for alternatives as well.
Leftists love freedom rifles in the hands of Ukrainians fighting Russia. In the hands of Americans? They are assault weapons.
Of course they collected a commission. No service is free. None the less club/ranges that have trouble getting insured are able to do so through the NRA. The top of the NRA is absolute trash but lets not pretend the NRA doesn't have any usefulness.
If NRA were into "Servicing members" it would provide information, not act as a commissioned agent. The NRA actually withholds any information about insurers who do not give them a cut of the action. If it's a "membership org", the concentration should be on helping members; if it's a dairy farm ("milking the members") one uses the commission for any referral model. Just imagine an America Rifleman arg talking about insurance mentioning options from vendors other than those who pay up. Not gonna happen.

Another example is the ill-fated NRA "Carry Guard". NRA went to lengths to prevent members from learning of alternatives that did not pay the NRA a cut of the action when it uninvited such firms from the NRA Show/Convention that offered superior products. The NRA actually worked AGAINST the interests of the members attempting to hide the information from them. To top it all off, Carry Guard offered the worst value of any of the plans - no upfront legal or financial assistance, reimbursement only if you beat all charges, possibly including double parking while defending yourself - but definitely not paying out on a plea bargain extorted by the tremendous coercive power of the state.

Oh, and funny thing - the last I checked the NRA insurance excluded any accident involving a firearms in a car or a hunting accident on club property. If the NRA were working for us, you would think they would find an insurer without those exclusions - but that may not result is as big a commission.
Would you want to be in the crosshairs of that .243 in the hands of a determined Ukrainian rifleman in the fight for his country? No thanks!

He better hit me, and have it go through me and hit all my armed buddies, with that one shot! [smile]

Btw, I'm also Tom, born in 1960, if that's what your avatar is referring too. Glad to meet you!
When you see the defeatist responses here, you’ll understand how we got to where we are.
I don't think we start out this way. I know for years I tried to fight the oppression, my time, my money, my health all took a back seat to that fight. I may not have done as much as others but I did what I could, all to no avail. Mostly because of the overwhelming opposition, some to do with those that claim to fight for 2A but are too afraid to push, insisting on perfect conditions before entering the fight, which doesn't happen (if the situation was perfect, there'd be no fight to enter). In the end I was beaten, I gave up and moved north. I miss my home state and town but it was the only way to get away from the oppression that is MA (not just a 2a thing). Ultimately I wasn't defeated by a defeatist attitude, I had it beaten into me. I still send money to those behind the lines in the PRMA, but my personal involvement is over.
I don't think we start out this way. I know for years I tried to fight the oppression, my time, my money, my health all took a back seat to that fight. I may not have done as much as others but I did what I could, all to no avail. Mostly because of the overwhelming opposition, some to do with those that claim to fight for 2A but are too afraid to push, insisting on perfect conditions before entering the fight, which doesn't happen (if the situation was perfect, there'd be no fight to enter). In the end I was beaten, I gave up and moved north. I miss my home state and town but it was the only way to get away from the oppression that is MA (not just a 2a thing). Ultimately I wasn't defeated by a defeatist attitude, I had it beaten into me. I still send money to those behind the lines in the PRMA, but my personal involvement is over.
Dude.....there is no defeatist attitude........why waste your life fighting a losing battle, when freedom is in another state.

Besides......its not just 2A here....its just about EVERYTHING you try and do here.
BS gun laws are a symptom of leftist central power.

Mass needs county government back and state based electoral college.

I though the US Constitution guaranteed a republican form of government. Only for fed gov?
Not in our lifetimes. Democrat policies have to get so bad, that the independents and even a big chunk of the liberals have had enough and vote them all out and replace them with true moderates. Unfortunately, too many people are ignorant and uninterested in politics. It also doesn’t help that the democrats are allowing an invasion and importing illegal voters. The other problem is that we don’t really even have a two party system. We have democrats and we have useless controlled opposition republicans that talk a big game for election and fundraising but ultimately do nothing to stop the wheel. We need things to get so bad that we see another American revolution. Only when things get so bad that we can’t take it anymore will things change. It would be quicker and easier to simply bail out and move to a less communist state. Sadly, I think we‘re living the twilight of America as we knew it. I just hope I’m dead and long gone before it completely turns to shit.
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LOL, know the law, and it's work arounds. We might not be the best state for 2a freedoms, but we ain't the worst. The advantage being that hoplophobic retards write the gun laws, and in doing so they write crap laws that are easily worked around.
LOL, know the law, and it's work arounds. We might not be the best state for 2a freedoms, but we ain't the worst. The advantage being that hoplophobic retards write the gun laws, and in doing so they write crap laws that are easily worked around.
Most of it is because antis don't have enough pull to get big money here. Heavy (CA style) gun control costs money. MA pols don't want to pay for it, but just virtue signal they support it. That's what our current laws are based from.
If NRA were into "Servicing members" it would provide information, not act as a commissioned agent. The NRA actually withholds any information about insurers who do not give them a cut of the action. If it's a "membership org", the concentration should be on helping members; if it's a dairy farm ("milking the members") one uses the commission for any referral model. Just imagine an America Rifleman arg talking about insurance mentioning options from vendors other than those who pay up. Not gonna happen.

Another example is the ill-fated NRA "Carry Guard". NRA went to lengths to prevent members from learning of alternatives that did not pay the NRA a cut of the action when it uninvited such firms from the NRA Show/Convention that offered superior products. The NRA actually worked AGAINST the interests of the members attempting to hide the information from them. To top it all off, Carry Guard offered the worst value of any of the plans - no upfront legal or financial assistance, reimbursement only if you beat all charges, possibly including double parking while defending yourself - but definitely not paying out on a plea bargain extorted by the tremendous coercive power of the state.

Oh, and funny thing - the last I checked the NRA insurance excluded any accident involving a firearms in a car or a hunting accident on club property. If the NRA were working for us, you would think they would find an insurer without those exclusions - but that may not result is as big a commission.
fully understanding the irony/hypocrisy that I teach their material, I say again

He better hit incapacitate me, and have it go through me and hit incapacitate all my armed buddies, with that one shot! [smile]
There have been some 2A victories in the courts in recent times and I am wondering what the current prognosis for the immediate future is for MA for any possible improvements?
Entirely up to SCOTUS.

Even if we faced an invasion here, the libs would rather ask the enemy about feelings rather than let us shoot the enemy.
Hope for them to line up with the invaders for selfies.
You know they would.

Long term...the MA powers that be will have to be pulled kicking and screaming stacked like cordwood into SCOTUS ruling compliance.
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