Any Cape Cod Canal Gurus here?


NES Member
Sep 23, 2005
Merrimack Valley
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Tried it again for the 6th time this weekend slinging eels in the 'ditch'. Skunked again for the 6th time.

In prior years I had some decent outings but recently I have been in a really bad funk. I don't play the tide game as I can't always time my trips. I can only go when I can (usually after 9pm) and so far it's been terrible. Not even a lonely schoolie or blue. I don't even see any choggies in the water as I did in previous trips.

I have my go to spots and been experimenting with moving around a bit. Quite a few folks out that I have encountered, not sure if they had any luck but I have yet to catch any this year.

I am using a 10' surf Rod with a Penn live liner loaded with 50lb power pro. 6/0 hook is tied directly to the line with a live eel hooked under the chin and out one eye. Cast is either at 10 o'clock or 2 o'clock letting it in free spool until it's almost parallel to shore. I then reel it in slowly. Not so much as the sniff. I get about 30 yrds out from shore so I think it's far enough. I've tried putting on an inline barrel weight to get the eel down as well. I know I am hitting bottom at times as I can feel it drag and sometimes weeds get caught.

Jig and 4" wiggleworm trailer doesn't seem to produce either. Lost quite a few in the deep.

Anyone else catching or not recently? Has the fish population diminished to the point of nothingness? Any tips?
The best I have ever done in the canal was just a little north of the Bourne Bridge when I was either staying at the campground or paying to park there. The place is terrible now its so expensive and for the most part full of yuppies the recreation authority has completely ruined it. Anyway I would fish about 500-750 or so yards north of the bridge I would fish clams or chunk bait at the turn of the tides (incoming turn was best) with a 5/0 hook spaced 18"-24" from a 2-3oz weight. With no exaggeration one afternoon my grandfather, father, and I reeled in 5 keepers all over 34". I have the pictures to prove it (we only kept 1). I don't know it there is a hole there or a large rock but I have done very well at that spot on many occasions. I haven't been in 3 years or so sense my dad died but we always killed them there and by the church by the Sagamore
As soon as you figure it out, let us know. I've fished the canal 1/2 a dozen times, and never caught anything other than the rocks.
Been fishing the canal for 15 years a 2-3 times a year with poor results and this year i finally caught 2 -20" strippers 2 weeks ago 1 with a sluggo 1 with a 2 0z plug.
Try low tide and standing out on a rock jettie about 3/4 mile from the train bridge.
I am learning now to only go at slack tide and bring a good assortment of lures and plugs.
I pulled this out of the ditch last month :)

I was using a 3oz Siebel 1 piece floater, whew.
You need to fish the tides first of all. Low tide fishing in the ditch sucks!
This fish was caught about 45min. after the high slack tide at the Scusset beach parking area.
Can you tell I was camping there? It made for a fun ride back on the bike with gear and fishing pole in hand, lol.
This was also about 1/2 hour after my son went back to the camper because "there's no fish in here".
There are fish there I generally don't fish there anymore I know better places to go. Not to mention I have donated more than enough lead to the canal monster for one lifetime.
There are fish there I generally don't fish there anymore I know better places to go. Not to mention I have donated more than enough lead to the canal monster for one lifetime.

Notice my use of a floating lure, lol. I am using 50lb braid so I really don't want to get any snags.
I will admit that I have found my share of lures and weights walking around during low tide.
I cross the bridge every day going to and from work. I never really got confident fishing the canal because I know it can be such a bitch. I usually stick to Barnstable harbor, or Bass River and some of the south side beaches stretching towards the Falmouth area. The only Striper I pulled out of the water from shore this year was a skinny little guy about 19" using squid chunks at Sandy Neck. Most of the time I catch nothing but Skate there!

Edin508, nice fish! I have never pulled anything that big out of the water without being on a boat. This past weekend I went out on a charter boat and we pulled in plenty of nice size keepers. Some Black Sea Bass too. So now I've got plenty of Striper to cook up over the next few weeks, but I always feel like chartering is sort of "cheating". I intend on hitting the shores as much as I can this Fall to try to snag a fat cow. I may try the canal again with some of the suggestions in this thread.
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