Another "ultimate" FUDD

I'm sure he's a proud defender of something. Just isn't the Second Amendment but apparently he likes Odumbo's political action groups.
Who's to say that this guy is nothing but a paid stooge? Anybody here remember the so-called American Hunters and Shooters Assn? It was a front organization for the animal rights and anti-gun industry, even though they claimed that they "represented" many hunters and gun owners. There was also a twink here in Massachusetts (whose name I can't recall) that went around actively promoting an anti-gun agenda while claiming he was a shotgun shooter. I can also remember a protester at the opening of the Crane's Beach Reservation to deer hunting who claimed that while he was a "hunter" he was opposed to it because it wasn't "necessary" in his opinion.

I've learned to expect such frauds appearing when there is a political agenda involved. The best way to deal with them is to expose them for the paid hacks that they are.

Remember:When you follow the money, you'll find the motive.

Expect to see more of this.
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Here's my message to Jerry. Speak for yourself, just like the NRA doesn't represent you, YOU don't represent me or any gun owner I know. Perhaps you've taken money from someone? I'll keep my extra killy magazines and rifles while you play the part of a spineless mole.
Nuff Said about the organization-Socialist and Progressives and proudly sponsored by G. Soros

Main article: History of
MoveOn started in 1998 as an e-mail group,, created by software entrepreneurs Joan Blades and Wes Boyd, the married cofounders of Berkeley Systems. They started by passing around a petition asking Congress to "censure President Clinton and move on", as opposed to impeaching him. The petition, passed around by word of mouth, gathered half a million signatures [9] but did not dissuade Congress from impeaching the President. The couple went on to start similar campaigns calling for arms inspections rather than an invasion of Iraq, reinstatement of lower limits on arsenic and mercury pollution, and campaign finance reform.

Since 1998, MoveOn has raised millions of dollars for many Democratic candidates.[10] In November 2007, a drive spearheaded by MoveOn caused Facebook to change its controversial new "Beacon" program, which notified Facebook users about purchases by people on their friends list.[11] As of 2009, MoveOn had 20 full-time and 20 part-time staffers. As of 2012, MoveOn claims a membership of over 7 million people.

Since the 2000 election cycle, the MoveOn PAC has endorsed and supported the campaigns of candidates, including the 2008 candidacy of then-Senator Barack Obama, presidential candidate, nominee of the Democratic Party.[12]

In 2007, was a co-founder of Avaaz, a similar organization with an international focus.

On February 9, 2012, in preparation for the 2012 elections, MoveOn purchased the domain name "".[13][14]
Was the hysteria this bad in 1994?

I was only 17, but after the original AWB was passed, my hatred for democrats took firm hold.

We need to confront these democrats/liberals/progressives/leftivists, or they will win.
Nuff Said about the organization-Socialist and Progressives and proudly sponsored by G. Soros

Main article: History of
MoveOn started in 1998 as an e-mail group,, created by software entrepreneurs Joan Blades and Wes Boyd, the married cofounders of Berkeley Systems. They started by passing around a petition asking Congress to "censure President Clinton and move on", as opposed to impeaching him. The petition, passed around by word of mouth, gathered half a million signatures [9] but did not dissuade Congress from impeaching the President. The couple went on to start similar campaigns calling for arms inspections rather than an invasion of Iraq, reinstatement of lower limits on arsenic and mercury pollution, and campaign finance reform.

Since 1998, MoveOn has raised millions of dollars for many Democratic candidates.[10] In November 2007, a drive spearheaded by MoveOn caused Facebook to change its controversial new "Beacon" program, which notified Facebook users about purchases by people on their friends list.[11] As of 2009, MoveOn had 20 full-time and 20 part-time staffers. As of 2012, MoveOn claims a membership of over 7 million people.

Since the 2000 election cycle, the MoveOn PAC has endorsed and supported the campaigns of candidates, including the 2008 candidacy of then-Senator Barack Obama, presidential candidate, nominee of the Democratic Party.[12]

In 2007, was a co-founder of Avaaz, a similar organization with an international focus.

On February 9, 2012, in preparation for the 2012 elections, MoveOn purchased the domain name "".[13][14]

Destroy Destroy Destroy
I hope the whole plan backfires as many not so well thought out ones do. As we all know attitudes about guns are changing. Maybe letting people know what elected officials are NRA supporters will actually get more votes than it takes away.
Actor, useful idiot, whatever. Who was he last week? What job did he hold for the last year? Does it matter? Even if he's 100% who he says he is, he's just a useful idiot being promoted by moneyed political interests.
We need to find a pile of those Clinton-era "Charleton Heston is My President" stickers
Anyone who thinks the guy in that commercial is who he and Move on claim him to be has the IQ of a common fruit fly. How can you be so frackin stupid to buy into this propaganda?
There are so many idiots out there who front for these groups that it is really sad. I met one jerk at the range I go to who said that I needed a machine gun license to shoot my AR-15 more than one round every minute or so. I just looked at him and asked if he was a moron. I also ran into the astro-turfing anti-gun nuts when I was in college and had a class on goverment and such that I was forced to take and part of it was an argument on the 2A and hunting. Some idiot girl was talking about how guns are bad, hunting is cruel and bad.... When I asked her about her claim to have gone hunting and other things she claimed she saw that supported her argument; she could clearly talk about any of it. The story changed every question and you could tell she was BS'ing everything but most of the others seemed to believe her crap. Of course those were the city and suburb junior socialists while the people who actually have gone hunting saw all her incorrect "facts" and such for what it was, a complete line of crap she read off of a bunch of antigun and antihunter websites.
1) This guy was either well compensated and briefed on what to say; or 2) The Brady Campaign trolled every shooting sight for hours to find FUDD prime.
Who's to say that this guy is nothing but a paid stooge? Anybody here remember the so-called American Hunters and Shooters Assn? It was a front organization for the animal rights and anti-gun industry, even though they claimed that they "represented" many hunters and gun owners. There was also a twink here in Massachusetts (whose name I can't recall) that went around actively promoting an anti-gun agenda while claiming he was a shotgun shooter. I can also remember a protester at the opening of the Crane's Beach Reservation to deer hunting who claimed that while he was a "hunter" he was opposed to it because it wasn't "necessary" in his opinion.

I've learned to expect such frauds appearing when there is a political agenda involved. The best way to deal with them is to expose them for the paid hacks that they are.

Remember:When you follow the money, you'll find the motive.

Expect to see more of this.


Other side of same coin: pro-2A groups need to be cautious about infiltrators - and I don't mean just the antis. Believe it or not, we had to deal with this once and awhile when I was a LPCT officer. We cautioned our people to be careful during meetings NOT to say, um, the kinds of things some NES posters like to say. [wink]

Seriously, though, who gets infiltrating the LPCT as a duty assignment? The kind of spook who doesn't quite cut it to infiltrate the Red Hat Ladies? [smile]
MoveOn is in no way a pro second amendment group. This is just another way the administration is trying to put out misinformation. They figure they can flood the air ways with idiots like this.

I wonder how this guys neighbors who are gun owners feel? I hope they give him an ear full. My solution, keep up the fight by writing my reps etc., donating or raising money for pro second amendment rights groups.
People like this exist and they are our worst threat. They make people who have no opinion feel lime hey if gun owners dont feel its necessary why should we. It is no coincidence they get paraded around by the media. They are scum.
When I joined a club about a month ago the president, in a meeting with all the new members, announced that he had an AR but only put three rounds in the magazine, just to make sure the gun would feed. He also hadn't heard about Patrick's proposed new gun laws.
I totally don't believe this is a real guy.

Sometimes they are, sometimes they aren't. I had one arguing with me on a local forum that he was a gun owner, but then making the usual Fudd points. Later in the discussion, it became "didn't see a need for a gun that could take more than one round." Still later, in another discussion (with his fellow antis), he outed himself as COMPLETELY anti-gun. And the guy's for-real - I know him; he lives down the street. He's also an incurable lefty.
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