Amongst all the anti gun press, NC is getting it right!

If one was to use their firearm for a defensive shooting, I highly doubt that anything would be posted by that person on this forum. If they did, they would be stupid as all hell.
To give a refresher to the newbies, if you are involved in any incident that requires the police to be questioning you, you shutup, don't say anything, give them your name only. Contact an attorney ASAP and shutup until your lawyer is there with you to do any talking. If involved in a shooting, you shutup, don't say a damn word, nothing, your going to be handcuffed and processed regardless, the cops will figure out who you are, You don't get ****en brownie points for yapping the hinged jaw away.

If you havent seen this lecture already: put down everything, get comfortable and watch this. It will enlighten you as to the post above. Might even (read: will) save your skin!!
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