American Militias?

im assuming there either all middle aged, wicked fat, kicked out of the military for "extreme" beliefs, Tea baggers or any combination of those hahaha
Useful idiots mostly, intentionally edited to portray militias in a negative light. Sort of an inept Step n fetch it routine for the media to show militias to be nothing more than overweight, semi-trained, middle aged men playing army in the woods.
Useful idiots mostly, intentionally edited to portray militias in a negative light. Sort of an inept Step n fetch it routine for the media to show militias to be nothing more than overweight, semi-trained, middle aged men playing army in the woods.

I prefer the general public view them all as that or they may want to ban them.
There's nothing wrong with the Tea Party.

Tea Party ? You mean those racist Fox News fans who want to destroy the country by reigning in the suicidal overspending and federal government expansion of the Police State ?

if it's acceptable to call them/me " Teabaggers " , can we call union Democrats "Co**suckers ?"
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