All American girl


Lonely Mountain Arms
Mar 13, 2005
Starksboro, VT
Feedback: 33 / 0 / 0





dwarven1 said:
Just gotta come up with a good name for her. I don't know... a tough old girl from Springfield... Marge, maybe? [smile]

Go to a local diner and find a waitress that does her job well, has been there a while but still looks pretty good, then read her name tag.[smile]
Cross-X said:
M1 Garand, M1 Garand -- I got it! Mimi!

Unfortunately, I used to watch the Drew Carey show... and I CAN'T call my M1 by that name. She isn't fat, obnoxious and covered with blue eyeshadow. [puke]

Wilma might work, though... slim, elegant... Although I always thought Betty was the prettier one.
She is a beauty! Will the two of you be attending any of the formal events for shooter and WWII/Korean War-era rifle this year?
dwarven1 said:
Well, I only HAVE one rifle! (centerfire, anyway.)


WOW! And I thought I was bad, not having a functioning autoloading centerfire rifle... (Two defunct M1 carbines and an AK-clone in pieces. None currently shootable).

That *will* be remedied in less than one week, though...

(EDIT: Okay, I'm a boorish idiot. GORGEOUS rifle Ross!!!)
Ray P said:
She is a beauty! Will the two of you be attending any of the formal events for shooter and WWII/Korean War-era rifle this year?

Well, there's a CMP shoot at Riverside on May 14th... and the NES shoot on the 20th... and the NES campout on weekend after that. We'll likely be at the first and third; SWMBO might get jealous if I go shooting THREE weekends in a row, though.

Got any other suggestions?
Jay G said:
WOW! And I thought I was bad, not having a functioning autoloading centerfire rifle... (Two defunct M1 carbines and an AK-clone in pieces. None currently shootable).

That *will* be remedied in less than one week, though...

(EDIT: Okay, I'm a boorish idiot. GORGEOUS rifle Ross!!!)

Just never got into centerfire rifles. I have the 10/22 that I bought almost 25 years ago, though... first rifle and second gun I ever bought. I think. It's been so long that I don't remember which was first back in '81, the 10/22 or the Mod 19. But it's definitely the first rifle I ever bought.
dwarven1 said:
Well, there's a CMP shoot at Riverside on May 14th... and the NES shoot on the 20th... and the NES campout on weekend after that. We'll likely be at the first and third; SWMBO might get jealous if I go shooting THREE weekends in a row, though.

Got any other suggestions?

I was thinking of the CMP shoots also; and the Battle of the Bulge shoot at MAJ Waldrons, but that's much later in the year. Still, it's been too long since I've had my M1 out for a long range match.
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