ALERT: Feinstein/Schumer sponsored gun legislation that amends the “Brady bill”

Jul 20, 2016
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I'm unsure if anyone has already started a thread about this, if so mods please delete the thread.

Congressman Thomas Massie


ALERT: Feinstein/Schumer sponsored gun legislation that amends the “Brady bill” will be added to Concealed Carry Reciprocity bill (HR 38) in the House this week.

As Chairman of the Second Amendment Caucus, I’m blowing the whistle on the swamp. Last week, Republicans in the House fast tracked through committee HR 4477, a gun bill titled “fix-NICS.” The Senate version of this bill is cosponsored by Senator Dianne Feintstein and Senator Chuck Schumer and it will send $625 million over 5 years to states to expand the national background check database. The bill will also advance former President Obama’s agenda of pressuring every branch of the administration (such as the Veteran’s Administration) to submit thousands of more names to the NICS background check database to deny gun purchases. The House bill is identical in every way to the Senate bill except the House bill will also commission a study on bump-stocks.

What you don’t know, and what virtually no one in Washington wants you to know, is that House leadership plans to merge the fix-NICS bill with popular
Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation, HR 38, and pass both of them with a single vote. Folks, this is how the swamp works. House leadership expects constituents to call their representatives demanding a vote on the reciprocity bill, when in fact the only vote will be on the two combined bills.

How fast did Fix-NICS, HR 4477, move through the Judiciary Committee? This bill broke the previous records for fast track legislation. It was voted out of committee within hours of being introduced in the House. Check the dates on this link:…/115th-congr…/house-bill/4477/text . That means the text of the bill wasn’t even discoverable by the public on until after the bill passed out of committee! The text was however available over in the Senate where you will find Senator Diane Feinstein and Senator Chuck Schumer are cosponsors.…/115t…/senate-bill/2135/cosponsors

If that’s not odd enough, consider this: the fix-NICS bill was introduced in the House by a Democrat two weeks ago.…/115th-congr…/house-bill/4434/text . But, in a very unusual move, the bill was re-introduced verbatim by a Republican two weeks later, with language added to it to commission a bump-stock study. Six Republicans in Judiciary Committee weren’t persuaded by the switcheroo, and voted No. However, because every Democrat voted yes and some Republicans voted yes at the urging of the Chairman, the bill made it out of committee. The deed will be complete this week when the bill is quietly added to the Reciprocity bill, HR 38, and passed without the knowledge of those who would oppose the
the legislation if they knew what was in it.

To recap, what are some clues that you should be concerned with the fix-NICS bill?

(1) The first sentence after the title of the bill reads “Section 103 of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (34 U.S.C. 40901) is amended…”
(2) Senators Dianne Feinstein and Chuck Schumer are cosponsors in the Senate.
(3) It’s being rammed through, without a hearing, in a very nontransparent process, and it will be passed by attaching it to the popular concealed carry reciprocity bill which already has enough votes to pass on its own.
(4) It spends over half a billion dollars to collect more names to include in a list of people who will never be allowed to own a firearm.
(5) It compels administrative agencies, not just courts, to adjudicate your second amendment rights.

In my opinion, #5 is the biggest problem. The bill encourages administrative agencies, not the courts, to submit more names to a national database that will determine whether you can or can’t obtain a firearm. When President Obama couldn’t get Congress to pass gun control, he implemented a strategy of compelling, through administrative rules, the Veterans Administration and the Social Security Administration to submit lists of veterans and seniors, many of whom never had a day in court, to be included in the NICS database of people prohibited from owning a firearm.
Only a state court, a federal (article III) court, or a military court, should ever be able to suspend your rights for any significant period of time.

Does the NICS background check system have problems? Yes, it results in tens of thousands of unjustified denials of gun purchases every year. But like many bills in Congress, the fix-NICS doesn’t live up to its name – it will likely do the opposite. It throws millions of dollars at a faulty program and it will result in more law-abiding citizens being deprived of their right to keep and bear arms.

If we continue to give the executive branch more money and encouragement to add names to the list of people prohibited from buying a firearm (without a day in court) and if the gun banners achieve their goal of universal background checks, one day, a single person elected to the office of President will be able to achieve universal gun prohibition.

House leadership should immediately de-couple the fix-NICS legislation from the concealed carry reciprocity legislation. People hate it when Washington combines bills like our leadership plans to do this week.

A few have speculated that the House is combining the bills to ensure reciprocity will pass in the Senate. I have some news for them: Senators Feinstein and Schumer aren’t going to vote for reciprocity even if it contains the fix-NICS legislation they support for expanding the background check database. If someone is naïve enough to think that’s going to work, and they’re willing to accept fix-NICS to get reciprocity, then they should ask the
Senate to go first with the combined bill.

Here’s a dangerous scenario that’s more likely to play out: The House uses the popularity of reciprocity (HR 38) to sneak fix-NICS through, while the Senate passes fix-NICS only. The Senate and the House meet at conference with their respective bills, with the result being fix-NICS emerges from conference without reciprocity. Fix-NICS comes back to the House and passes because all of the Democrats will vote for it (as they just did in Judiciary Committee) and many Republicans will vote for it. Because Republicans already voted for it once as part of the reciprocity deal that never came to pass, they won’t have a solid footing for opposing fix-NICS as a standalone bill. Then we’ll end up with fix-NICS, which is basically an expansion of the Brady Bill, without reciprocity.

If our House leadership insists on bringing the flawed fix-NICS bill to the floor, they shouldn’t play games. We should vote separately on HR 38, the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Bill, and HR 4477, the fix-NICS bill. And we should be given enough time to amend the fix-NICS bill, because it needs to be fixed, if not axed."
This is exactly what I'm talking about with the Republican leadership being Democrats in (pretty shaky) disguises. Do you see Democrats adding poison like this to their bills? I think not, yet R leadership in the house and senate made sure that there were enough votes to get this amendment added.
The GOP is dead to me.

Time to set some flares to show lil Kim where we want a new large underground parking lot?
These two are obviously the bastions of freedom and what is right with this nation.

Why do I get the sense that Paul Ryan has some little remote control vibrating-japanese-love-egg jammed up his pooper that he switches on every time someone takes a photo of him? Is it just me?
Also, is that Elizabeth Warren's grandma is standing next to him?
Figured it to good to be true...there's always a compromise which usually works against the free people!
I also see the Don signing it into law when it hits his desk
I'm confused now.
I thought the fix NCIS deal was only supposed to make sure people like church shooter boy got put in when they were supposed to.
Is this just arm flapping or are the Republicans making sure they get pooned in 2018?
I was thinking they might not do much to help us, but passing something that will hurt us is a sure way to get ass bit.
This was discussed after hr38 in the judiciary committee video, linked in the hr38 thread. I'm going to have to read all the documents, too much was assumed read to follow every detail, before I jump on any bandwagon. But from the discussion it did not seem to be much more than restating what was already required and some money to study why it didn't work. Don't take this as fact, I need to get more info.

But I don't see anything even close to an attempt to slip this through. It's being discussed openly and is connection with hr38. And at least so far the bills have not been merged, so supporting one is not an automatic support of the other.

The sky is not falling. Let's get some facts on what the bill actually says first.
Ok, now I read hr4434 and it's clear that much here is just wild BS.
There are a bunch of required reports and some accountability, I saw a single increase in money of $125m. What I did not see was any additional classifications to be reported. It does contain requirements that information be validated when entered into the system, this may actually help with false denials and delays.

So other than the money I don't see a down side.

Of course fanning the flames is a great way to kill support for hr38, after the beating the Dems took trying to get a bunch of amendments added.

ETA: I was looking at hr4434 not 4477, but they are substantially the same but with 4477 having additions for tribal governments and bump stocks.
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Ok, now I read hr4434 and it's clear that much here is just wild BS.
There are a bunch of required reports and some accountability, I saw a single increase in money of $125m. What I did not see was any additional classifications to be reported. It does contain requirements that information be validated when entered into the system, this may actually help with false denials and delays.

So other than the money I don't see a down side.

Of course fanning the flames is a great way to kill support for hr38, after the beating the Dems took trying to get a bunch of amendments added.

I think the downside is at the end of Congressman Massie's post - because of political maneuvering, there's a chance we could end up with an enhanced NICS and no reciprocity, once again giving ground and getting nothing back.
I think the downside is at the end of Congressman Massie's post - because of political maneuvering, there's a chance we could end up with an enhanced NICS and no reciprocity, once again giving ground and getting nothing back.

You’d think after taking it for the last 80 years, the idiots in power would have caught on to what the people really want.
I think the downside is at the end of Congressman Massie's post - because of political maneuvering, there's a chance we could end up with an enhanced NICS and no reciprocity, once again giving ground and getting nothing back.

Well that's always possible when you are dealing with 2 bills. And they would have to get the NICS bill amended to do this.

To me, right now, it looks like the Dems are trying to save face by getting a "feels" bill through that really does nothing, so they can tell their supporters they care and got something through the big bad Republican Congress. While at the say time downplaying the reciprocity bill which they don't have the numbers to stop anyway... And the Reps are playing along since they may need to do this some day as well.
Tough stuff, the R’s are better than the dems, but by very little. Sucks.

Even with the house, the senate, and White House all we can is fight off new attempts to attack the rights of law abiding citizens. We can’t pass anything and can’t roll back anything. Awful.
Nothing that Feinstein or Schumer come up with will be of the least bit of help to lawful gun owners. This just does legislatively what Obama tried to do through the VA and Social Security. Extend the number of people who are prohibited without a pesky trial or judge's decision.

As I said in the other thread, getting the federal government involved in reciprocity is a bad idea.

He keeps saying that the bills have been combined for a single vote. He cites Massie as a source and that they were combined in the Judiciary Committee.

But the truth is they have not been combined. Watch the judiciary committee video, they don't even talk about combining them. Anything could happen, but so far I haven't heard of anyone actually saying they should be combined.

Encouraging everyone to go FR over something that is out right wrong is just going to make everyone look stupid. Why is a politician, and a 2a supporter doing this.

Please check the facts, watch the committee video, before you propagate incorrect information.
The more I'm reading about this, the less he seems to know. There is a House version of the bill that is in the Senate. It's pretty much identical and I didn't see anything that authorizes agencies to make the types of determinations he says.

I don't know if he's over reacting, is a wing nut, or if he's on to something. I'm more confused after half an hour of reading the bills and seeing nothing like what he is saying is in them than I was before I started.

Now I'll watch the video and probably get more confused. Ooops, I thought that was the Judiciary Committee video, but it's just the same guy connecting dots that only he can see.

He keeps saying that the bills have been combined for a single vote. He cites Massie as a source and that they were combined in the Judiciary Committee.

But the truth is they have not been combined. Watch the judiciary committee video, they don't even talk about combining them. Anything could happen, but so far I haven't heard of anyone actually saying they should be combined.

Encouraging everyone to go FR over something that is out right wrong is just going to make everyone look stupid. Why is a politician, and a 2a supporter doing this.

Please check the facts, watch the committee video, before you propagate incorrect information.
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