ALERT! Anti's Protesting KTP Saturday December 8th

100% agree, and mea culpa for the inaccurate name correction. And no, it certainly doesn't help. Sometimes poking the bear is ineffective, others excessively so.

The capital of the Confederacy was in Virginia, they fielded a rather large army, no surprise their battle flag got said "label".

No mea culpa required, IMO. You're correct about the flag; it's just what most people "recognize" as the Confederate Flag. That's on them.
To be fair to the moonbat, this is the Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia.

I was always told it was the confederate navy jack (lets face it, the famous red and white striped don't tread on me flag was a navy jack too). If we want to get real picky, the lee Virginia battle flag is square, the Tennessee battle flag was rectangular.

99.9% of the people in the country would call this "the Confederate Flag." The subtle distinction is lost on almost everyone.

Its one of those things that's so closely related it honestly isn't worth fighting over- like the swastika. The swastika has roots in Buddhism and Hinduism that reaches back at least 50 years before Nazi Germany, maybe more. Personally, I grew up with friends from the south and was taught there was a relationship between the "confederate flag" and the American flag depending on how it was flown- alone its a sign of defiance, together its a sign of unity- basically it's become sort of a "New England flag" (or maybe more accurately a state flag) of the south- even though we don't use that particular flag anymore.

Gadsden snake or not, I'm not sure it's presence at the rally was a benefit to the pro-gun cause.

It didn't. It didn't have any business being there whatsoever, and did not help the second amendment cause.
"No one responded to either communication so I reluctantly boycotted the store."
"When I came out of the store last Saturday,"

Not much of a boycott, eh?
The flag in question was a Virginia Battle Flag (Stars and Bars)
... What exactly was this trying to prove?

Uh, maybe
"the South shall rise again,
and when it does,
it will be with guns sold by KTP"?

Knowing it upsets them makes me want to fly it Just Because.

That said, mayhaps it should have been: <Confederate Gay Pride Flag>
The loonie left moonbats feel empowered with all the press on their side. Just a matter of time before they start protesting every gun store they find.
You got to love it when the old Stars and Bars comes out ... Richmond was the capital of the states united against and fighting the War of Northern Aggression.
You got to love it when the old Stars and Bars comes out ... Richmond was the capital of the states united against and fighting the War of Northern Aggression.
Yup. Gotta love it. The flag of the conquered nation. [laugh]
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