Afghanistan report- US government has misled the public for 20 years

Best is: If Trump pulls us out, the Left is going to lose its mind. LOL. Just like when he decided to pull troops from the M/E a couple of months ago. It's all about the messenger.

Concur about the OBL statement. Once that was over, it was over.

What we need is to find alternative fuels and tell the entire M/E to go figure themselves out and leave us the F out of it.

That was Syria vs Turkey. Afghanistan is almost 1000 miles from there. Different circumstances. Trump also did it very abruptly and against the advice of his military advisors.
Flynn was one of the people calling out the rest of the brass for lying about the situation in Afghanistan and look how they treated him.
I was perfectly fine with the US^wCoalition going into Afghanistan and pounding the Taliban into small pieces.

After that? Well, we should have learned from the Soviet experience. And they should have learned from the Raj:

When you're wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains,
and the women come out to cut up what remains,
jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains
and go to your gawd like a soldier.

Tell me
what war/conflict have we ever been in that guberment hasn’t lied to us about
the masses aren’t smart/evolved enough to comprehend all this guberment stuff
I was perfectly fine with the US^wCoalition going into Afghanistan and pounding the Taliban into small pieces.

After that? Well, we should have learned from the Soviet experience. And they should have learned from the Raj:

The thing is the Taliban was never defeated. And it's still very much a thing. When the coalition leaves they are taking right back over.
they were up to western lifestyle, or whatever lifestyle. Soviet Union has build assload of hospitals, schools and public works projects. A lot of Afgani women went to study to Moscow or were able to study teach in their own country. USSR didn't do it for lulz, they just wanted to keep this border state stable and under control, like Warsaw Pact countries.

So who f***ed with it all? ... yep, US. The Taliban and AlQuaida and ... Bin Laden.

Afganistan is also where most heroin (poppies) come from. It's a great economy for them, which doesn't sit well with the rest of the world. So it's either drug issiues or territorial issues, there is always will be some turmoil there,

They like free stuff so they can be rented for sure. Since they make no actual efforts to maintain anything resembling modern life it's hard to say they want that as a goal.

Lots of US soldiers have noted you can rent an Afghan but not buy one.
The thing is the Taliban was never defeated. And it's still very much a thing. When the coalition leaves they are taking right back over.

Yup, they just bury their heavy shit and wait for people to leave.
These really aren't wars. They are harassment events. Maybe that's ok though. We just don't leave when we should.
What "strawman"? Tell me what aspects of "Afghan culture" would you like to preserve? IED's? Suicide bombers? Preventing women from going to school? Keeping their "culture" in the stone age and fighting just for the sake of fighting the infidel?
You are describing Taliban culture, not Afghan culture.
That was Syria vs Turkey. Afghanistan is almost 1000 miles from there. Different circumstances. Trump also did it very abruptly and against the advice of his military advisors.

My point is the far-Left has been "all troops out of all places in the M/E. Period." He moves troops out - whether it was a good idea or bad - and the Left loses it's mind.

And while it was abrupt, I'm not sure, as mentioned dozens of times before, that our continued presence was going to lead to any more future safety than if we took off for the USA. These people all hate each other. It would be like if Massachusetts was responsible for the School Lunch Program in Alabama. It wouldn't go well.
Y'know if you take the $1 trillion, and figure for people actually earning an income in the US and paying taxes, that's easily $1k or more per person, if you had that money and invested it over 20 years, you'd have about $50k by now. So in essence this idiotic adventure cost each of us probably $50k or more in opportunity cost. In my case more like $100k. I don't mind having paid $100k in medicare tax, but $100k split between Haliburton, Blackwater, and the corrupt islamic warlords running Afghanistan really pisses me off.

I remember reading an article about a scrapyard in Afghanistan where brand new construction equipment donated by the US, bulldozers, etc was cut up for scrap and sold by the local 'businessmen' and gov'r officials, because, well because that's the way they roll over there. It's so insane it's surreal.
Y'know if you take the $1 trillion, and figure for people actually earning an income in the US and paying taxes, that's easily $1k or more per person, if you had that money and invested it over 20 years, you'd have about $50k by now. So in essence this idiotic adventure cost each of us probably $50k or more in opportunity cost. In my case more like $100k. I don't mind having paid $100k in medicare tax, but $100k split between Haliburton, Blackwater, and the corrupt islamic warlords running Afghanistan really pisses me off.

I remember reading an article about a scrapyard in Afghanistan where brand new construction equipment donated by the US, bulldozers, etc was cut up for scrap and sold by the local 'businessmen' and gov'r officials, because, well because that's the way they roll over there. It's so insane it's surreal.

And the amazing part is people still support it. These people think that the war can be won. Against who? The US doesn't even know who the enemy is until we're taking fire. One day it's the Taliban, another day it's random people, and the next day its the Afghan National Army or Police shooting at us. These people who support these actions can and never will understand that you cannot crush an ideology by violence, specifically and most importantly among uneducated populations who've never experience life outside of their hell hole.

I'm ashamed to have so many peers continue to blatantly ignore the writing on the wall. Iraq was a failure shortly after Saddam fell (and why were we even there to start?) and Afghanistan was starting to become an extremely obvious quagmire no later than 2004. I get that the military industrial complex wants us there - it's in their best interest. But why some average US citizen with no financial conflict of interests? Jesus Christ.

And yes, all that shit was scrapped. They scrapped huge amounts of shit from vehicles to office supplies. As if the f***ing taliban is going to be using that shit against us. Just sell the f***ing shit. That place is such a blatant waste of money.
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