AbbyOakley Gets 228 on AQT

Sighted in at 25 yards, and just hold low, a little low, on, and high at 1, 2, 3, and 400 yards respectively. I actually found it easier than 25m shooting, though I'm not sure why. I can't recommend it enough!

You know the sights have little knobs that you can adjust, right? [wink]

Just kidding. Good job!
Pics or it didn't happen [wink]

Seriously though....CONGRATS!!!!!!

You know the sights have little knobs that you can adjust, right? [wink]

Just kidding. Good job!

It wasn't my rifle/ammo, and we didn't get any sighters the different distances. Worked out well enough that I might use that method more often. I was offered the come ups, but that would have been cheating[laugh]

Congratulations on your accomplishment! Congrats, too to your folks for putting you on the right path. You should be as proud of them as they are of you!
Hmm... I was out of the country back when this was posted so I never saw it before. Well done, Abby!!

Now that is shootin' like a girl.
Yeah... Annie Oakley. [wink]

Congrats! Very nice job and an awesome score.

What is the significance of the purple vs the regular green patch?

It's in honor of the first RWVA Instructor who passed away, Madam Yotnottin. She always wore something purple, and as soon as she managed to shoot a Rifleman score, she immediately put her rifle down and started helping the shooter next to her on the line.
PHenry said:
To All:
Yesterday one of our best was called home. I learned late yesterday from Willorith that Madam Yotnottin had passed away. There will be a service later in the month. She is in the attached picture, kneeling near the center and wearing a pink scarf.

She came to an event at Myakka last year as an attendee along with her boss (Willorith). She liked it so much that she attended a second event, worked hard, got into shape and made Rifleman on the third try. She then set out on the IIT trail and was getting very good at passing on the heritage to her fellow Americans.

Although I only knew her briefly, I came to greatly respect her. She was always very positive and had a habit of wearing something purple - both traits that I personally found most endearing. She was as helpful as she was pleasant to be around. Unlike me, she needed no instruction on leaving her ego at the door as she had none to begin with.

I just served with her last Sunday and she worked closely with a female attendee that we had all tried to assist, but with little effect. Madam Yotnottin (as in "ya ought nottin to do that") took her from a score not worth repeating to the upper 100s in 30 minutes.

As we all shook hands to leave the event last Sunday, I don't suppose that any one of us didn't expect to be here the next weekend. Words cannot express the sadness I feel. Carpe Diem - you never know when it will be your last.

The light of Liberty has one less hand supporting it today.


At Fred's request, I will add something that I thought was better left unsaid, as I considered it to be "horn honking". Fred disagreed, so here it is:

One of the reasons that I was so touched by this woman is that she came to me after her second event and told me that I had personally inspired her to return. I initially shrugged this off and told her no, it was the heritage that did it. She was very insistent - no, it was you that caused me to return. She said that my enthusiasm had inspired her and that she intended to keep at it until she made Rifleman.

I never forgot that - it humbled me. Here was this clearly intelligent woman who looked me squarely in the eye and assured me that it was me - personally, that had inspired her to get involved in the program. It had a profound effect on me. Sure, it was an ego boost, but is was more than that. It caused me to strengthen my own resolve to stay the course and even to increase my level of participation.

Those that know me, know that I have put a lot into this thing that we call Appleseeds - less than some, but more than others. It is people and moments like the one described above that keep me going.

If not for Appleseeds, I would still be adrift, angry, and frustrated at the course of my country with no productive outlet for my angst. If not for people like Maddam Yottnotin, I would not still be here. I owe her and all of the others who have shaken my hand after an event a debt that cannot be repaid - only paid forward by continuing to serve this program the best I know how and enjoying the personal peace, camaraderie, and sense of great accomplishment that it brings me.

Fred said that Maddam Yottnotin's name should perhaps be used as an award for "Best Improved" or something along those lines, as she is the first Appleseeder to be called home to the Founders. I cannot think of a better name for it.

God bless you Maddam Y, may your days be filled with many rewarding hours walking the firing line and evenings chatting with the Founders around the campfire.
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