~ A Sad Story of Woe . . .

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Maybe we wont have to worry about our gun rights in the future the government will just change the meaning of "arms" and it will be all over and done with and no furthur debating will be required!

From what I can gather from your posts here, you are not a gun owner and have in fact been banned from becoming one as prohibited person. I am surprised you would have the viewpoints that you have since you are reaping the ills of the system. I commend you for hanging in there and taking the brunt of the abuse in this thread. I can almost guarantee that if you do ever get around to clearing your background and get involved with gun ownership, your experiences in dealing with all of the arbitrary restrictions will slowly start to change your opinions on many things.
Not acknowledging reality is giving into the weak minded sheep. That's not a road we should be going down.

Which reality are we talking about? The one where guns are inanimate objects that are used however their owner want to use them or the one where we call them something politically correct because it either pisses off or pleases the moonbat contingent?

If it makes you happy you can call my AR "Mr. Killypants" and my p226 "Frau Shootenhertz." I'll still use them for whatever I want or need to use them for, as the circumstances dictate.
From what I can gather from your posts here, you are not a gun owner and have in fact been banned from becoming one as prohibited person. I am surprised you would have the viewpoints that you have since you are reaping the ills of the system. I commend you for hanging in there and taking the brunt of the abuse in this thread. I can almost guarantee that if you do ever get around to clearing your background and get involved with gun ownership, your experiences in dealing with all of the arbitrary restrictions will slowly start to change your opinions on many things.
Don't you know once prohibited should mean always prohibited since guns are for only killing people.
From what I can gather from your posts here, you are not a gun owner and have in fact been banned from becoming one as prohibited person. I am surprised you would have the viewpoints that you have since you are reaping the ills of the system. I commend you for hanging in there and taking the brunt of the abuse in this thread. I can almost guarantee that if you do ever get around to clearing your background and get involved with gun ownership, your experiences in dealing with all of the arbitrary restrictions will slowly start to change your opinions on many things.

You need to have checks and balances and some restrictions on things to maintan a certain environment. Do I agree the government should say who can and can't have firearms? Yes and No, Yes they should not allow dangerous people to have firearms. No they shouldn't prohibit lawfull citizens from having firearms and is asking to have some safety training with firearms to much? shouldn't be since firearms are can very dangerous especially if you dont know how to handle one.

The constitution was written over 200 years ago and some things need minor adjustments. The world is a totally different place then it was back then or even how it was 60 years ago. People dont respect each other or there property.
The constitution was written over 200 years ago and some things need minor adjustments. The world is a totally different place then it was back then or even how it was 60 years ago. People dont respect each other or there property.

Amazingly enough, there is a process for that. See Article V of the US Constitution. Or just have your favorite federal judge interpret it the way you want, that seems to be the new way of doing it. [angry]
You need to have checks and balances and some restrictions on things to maintan a certain environment. Do I agree the government should say who can and can't have firearms? Yes and No, Yes they should not allow dangerous people to have firearms. No they shouldn't prohibit lawfull citizens from having firearms and is asking to have some safety training with firearms to much? shouldn't be since firearms are can very dangerous especially if you dont know how to handle one.

The constitution was written over 200 years ago and some things need minor adjustments. The world is a totally different place then it was back then or even how it was 60 years ago. People dont respect each other or there property.

there are dozens of things that are very dangerous that noone ever takes safety courses on, most states require pistol safety courses and people can take additional courses on top of that. What would you adjust with the Constitution?
there are dozens of things that are very dangerous that noone ever takes safety courses on, most states require pistol safety courses and people can take additional courses on top of that. What would you adjust with the Constitution?

I think enough has been adjusted with it and maybe to much but some adjustments were needed.

Do gas fitter's, electricians and so on need licensing or certification? or should they just let any one do that work. And your right there are lots of other things that dont require training or licensing but probably should for the safety of every one.
I think enough has been adjusted with it and maybe to much but some adjustments were needed.

Do gas fitter's, electricians and so on need licensing or certification? or should they just let any one do that work. And your right there are lots of other things that dont require training or licensing but probably should for the safety of every one.

i think a profession is a little different than being a gun owner. Your doing work that someone is paying you for.
The constitution was written over 200 years ago and some things need minor adjustments. The world is a totally different place then it was back then or even how it was 60 years ago. People dont respect each other or there property.

When are people like you going to realize that it is different, and it is worse, because of people like you?

The rest of us are sitting around and watching you moonbat, socialist, liberals headed for a cliff but instead of turning around you've got the gas pedal pinned to the floor because you think the problem is what you are running from. But, the problem is what you are running toward. The problem is that you are running in the first place.

When will you nut jobs accept that liberalism is the source of all that you describe as wrong with the world, and not the solution?

People respected each other when the world demanded personal responsibility. All you liberal fools have done is taken personal responsibility out of everything in life. Now, you're bitching and moaning that no one is responsible or respectful, so you try to legislate it. Do you see how big of a fool you are? We do.

The constitution is just as good now as it ever was. The problem is, we don't use the damn thing anymore.
The constitution was written over 200 years ago and some things need minor adjustments.

If you just use the term "for the children" I'll win this round of liberal douchebag buzzword bingo!

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if we want to stop people from doing stupid stuff maybe we could just start incarcerating kids that have an iq less than 100 as those are the ones that tend to do stupid stuff, add in anyone with an iq less than 110 and drinks because that will make you do stupid stuff

We tried that before. So did the Germans - and the Russians. People got pissed off - so we stopped.
When are people like you going to realize that it is different, and it is worse, because of people like you?

The rest of us are sitting around and watching you moonbat, socialist, liberals headed for a cliff but instead of turning around you've got the gas pedal pinned to the floor because you think the problem is what you are running from. But, the problem is what you are running toward. The problem is that you are running in the first place.

When will you nut jobs accept that liberalism is the source of all that you describe as wrong with the world, and not the solution?

People respected each other when the world demanded personal responsibility. All you liberal fools have done is taken personal responsibility out of everything in life. Now, you're bitching and moaning that no one is responsible or respectful, so you try to legislate it. Do you see how big of a fool you are? We do.

The constitution is just as good now as it ever was. The problem is, we don't use the damn thing anymore.

How people act and treat each other has nothing to do with bill of rights. It is how they are raised and brought up. More and more of this country are foreign americans so they bring there views from countries that allow there people no rights so that stays with them when they come here and they do what ever the government wants them to do with no questions asked.

And again pro gun people like you want face off against non gun owners and call them nut jobs because they dont believe what you believe, but that is there right. Correct?
How people act and treat each other has nothing to do with bill of rights. It is how they are raised and brought up. More and more of this country are foreign americans so they bring there views from countries that allow there people no rights so that stays with them when they come here and they do what ever the government wants them to do with no questions asked....

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How people act and treat each other has nothing to do with bill of rights. It is how they are raised and brought up. More and more of this country are foreign americans so they bring there views from countries that allow there people no rights so that stays with them when they come here and they do what ever the government wants them to do with no questions asked.

And again pro gun people like you want face off against non gun owners and call them nut jobs because they dont believe what you believe, but that is there right. Correct?

Hysterical moonbat meltdown, right on queue.
How people act and treat each other has nothing to do with bill of rights. It is how they are raised and brought up. More and more of this country are foreign americans so they bring there views from countries that allow there people no rights so that stays with them when they come here and they do what ever the government wants them to do with no questions asked.

And again pro gun people like you want face off against non gun owners and call them nut jobs because they dont believe what you believe, but that is there right. Correct?

We call them nut jobs because they use rediculous information to try and infringe on peoples constitutionaly protected rights. Not because their opinion is different then ours, if a person doesnt like a gun thats their view, its when they try to shove their view down our throats.
No melt down here at all. But it will be hard to keep any of our rights since we are quickly becoming the minority in our own country.
Hysterical moonbat meltdown, right on queue.

Funny all this coming from some one who is in the governments main brain washing branch! What would your role be during marshall law? Oh ya round people up and take there guns away!! ironic!
How people act and treat each other has nothing to do with bill of rights. It is how they are raised and brought up. More and more of this country are foreign americans so they bring there views from countries that allow there people no rights so that stays with them when they come here and they do what ever the government wants them to do with no questions asked.

Brandon, I think you may have just had a stroke. You're talking all sorts of wacky. Go get checked out. Do you have any numbness?

Oh, and by the way, the immigration rate right now, isn't much different than it was in the early 1900s. It actually went way down during the mid 1900s and is back up similar to where it was.

I guess that blows your argument of how people are acting worse now because of more immigration.

But, who is arguing facts outside of everyone else but you, anymore anyway? Right?
Funny all this coming from some one who is in the governments main brain washing branch! What would your role be during marshall law? Oh ya round people up and take there guns away!! ironic!

Normally I don't do grammar nazi, but you are killing me, since you've done it over and over. Listen up...

THEIR... THEIR... THEIR... It's a possessive, like "their guns" - the guns that belong to them.

THERE... THERE... THERE... It's a place, like "over there".

Got it?
No melt down here at all. But it will be hard to keep any of our rights since we are quickly becoming the minority in our own country.

I'm already a minority. What of it?
How people act and treat each other has nothing to do with bill of rights. It is how they are raised and brought up. More and more of this country are foreign americans so they bring there views from countries that allow there people no rights so that stays with them when they come here and they do what ever the government wants them to do with no questions asked.

And again pro gun people like you want face off against non gun owners and call them nut jobs because they dont believe what you believe, but that is there right. Correct?

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Funny all this coming from some one who is in the governments main brain washing branch! What would your role be during marshall law? Oh ya round people up and take there guns away!! ironic!

Lol. I'm coming for you first, Huckleberry. [rofl]

(Besides, everyone know that the government's main brainwashing branch is the DAO....)
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wow this leaves me speechless

It should when it eventlly happens. So many anti government types on here but they are all going say I'm a f*ckin a-hole for saying that but the truth is the military is the governments police force. Look at the the other countries where people are revolting against the government, what do they do bring in the military then start arresting and killing the people. It would be no different if it happened here.
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