54% of Gen Z say Owning a Gun is Immoral


NES Member
Nov 24, 2005
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It’s a ways down the article, indicating 54% of Gen Z think owning a gun is very or somewhat immoral.

WTF is Gen Z you ask? So did I... Defining generations: Where Millennials end and Generation Z begins Pew Research says they were born 1997-2012, so they are ages 7-22. Walk that to ages 18-34 and you get 37% say owning guns is immoral. Black or African Americans 38%, Democrats 25%, Black Democrat’s 33%, White Republicans 10% (the lowest of many categories).

IMMORAL? That’s a pretty strong judgement - *very*’strong. That lines up more at the Unthinkable end of the Overton Window, along with pedophilia, having sex with your Mom/Dad, cannibalism, eating kitties, etc.

“No offense, but if you own a gun you’re immoral” is permission to ignore civil rights and snuff people - we send pedophiles to prison and they are killed by rapists, murderers, arsonists... Is that what these people think of Gun Owners?
Just another attempt to rid any positive cultural significance of gun ownership from future voters. If it can’t be banned in the short term, it will be bred out in a few generations.
Meh it's a poll and meaningless. About a week ago I was sitting in the cafe eating lunch by myself when a group of millennials sat down next to me. One of the people talked about a rabid animal in his yard and another guy piped up with "I would go get my pistol and shoot it". Then a few other people chimed in and the interesting thing it wasn't 'gunzzz are bad", quite the opposite. Mind you this is a dataset of exactly 1 but it was deep inside the blue bubble and more than half of them would strike me as being bernie bros. I never said a word, I just eavesdropped and smiled on the inside.
The sample size is perfectly fine if they are selected to be representative. But, polling is more difficult now with caller ID, cell phones, etc. and I question how they reached Gen Z. Less than 22 means they are still just dumb kids for the most part.
‘If you’re not a liberal when you’re 20, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative by the time you’re 35, you have no brain.’

They just haven’t been mugged yet.
Hopefully they will grow out of such nonsense.

I used to believe that old saying but at least half of the people I know (not necessarily friends) that are around my age (early 60's) are hardcore moonbats. This goes for people decades older than I am too. I attribute this to them being old hippies that never moved on from the 60's (and have no brains).
‘Freedom is never one generation away from extinction’. One generation/person can truly only take care of their own affairs. Hopefully when they become politicians and judges I’d be long dead dead or so old that I won’t care if I go out in a blaze of glory.

I taught all my children to shoot and drill 2A every chance I get. I view that as my parental and societal duty.
Thanks to public school education and social media supplying the like-minded derps/donks our young people are being nourished as a barely weaned babe who cannot grow up to be a responsible adult. Diapers. Diapers for all of them.
‘If you’re not a liberal when you’re 20, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative by the time you’re 35, you have no brain.’

I had to become a conservative when I had children so they would still have the opportunity to be liberals when they were young.
When the shit hits the fan , those gun hating people are going to look for us gun owners to protect them. I will open the door for my daughters and everyone else can move along. Nothing to see here.
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