504 Gateway Time-out

Unlike others, I'm not seeing it. However, when I click to log off, the resulting window shows the following message.

502 Bad Gateway

The log off apparently proceeds successfully. I'm using the latest Mozilla Firefox on Windows XP SP3.

To those of you getting the 402 errors when logging out - can you try deleting your cookies, logging in, and then logging back out?

I think I have it narrowed down a bit, but I can't duplicate it on my side because I don't browse the forums nearly enough.
To those of you getting the 402 errors when logging out - can you try deleting your cookies, logging in, and then logging back out?

I think I have it narrowed down a bit, but I can't duplicate it on my side because I don't browse the forums nearly enough.

Yes, that does work. A lot to do just to log out. The time out error came up just a minute ago when trying to change pages.
Got a new one for ya,

Fatal error: Xcache not installed in [path]/includes/class_datastore.php on line 497
Yup. In the middle of breaking some things. It's going to be wobbly here for a little bit.
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