$17 million spent on a temporary hospital didn't see a single patient

While I'm glad they had the hospital in place as a precaution, we're entering some full retard.

1. The more cases we test the more raw positive infection's we are going to find- it's not a helpful number especially if those diagnosed are asymptomatic- we should be looking at raw resources.
2. You don't get an immunity after you've contracted the virus, you can get it multiple times, corona is just going to be left circling in the public for a long time.
3. The true assessment of whether we can reopen is weather or not we have the staff and supplies to not overload hospitals- When covid started we didn't have the PPE to deal with the situation, we might not still have that, we shouldn't begin easing restrictions until we're confident we can lower the mortality rate. Worst case scenario was that ICU's became overloaded with cases and people died because the resourcing was not available.

A belief we can "phase this out" by quarantining everybody is ridiculous- our shitty masks aren't preventing transmission. I'm not on the "reopen now" wagon, but we should be looking at the realities of the situation and becoming prepared for the ability to reopen.
Did the article casually mention corruption and suspicious salaries and casually moved on?

What's up with these people getting paid $2K/day?

I don't think we've seen anything yet on the corruption/ graft end of it.
It may be a couple of years before we find out where all the dollars went and to whom .
I can say for sure, a metric chit ton of it will never make it to the folks that really need it.
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