10 Round Glock Mags [Availability Thread]


NES Member
Jan 11, 2011
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I'm looking for some.
Why? I've got a bunch of pre-bans, none drop free. I wanna start shooting some IDPA or USPSA style matches for fun and it will make a difference if I don't have to pull the mag out every mag change. For some reason I see them going for ridiculous money on eBay. Anyone know of shops or anywhere selling them at non FR pricing?

Thanks guys
Don't the u-notch mags drop free when they're empty?

Nope, they are not FML.

- - - Updated - - -

I'm looking for some.
Why? I've got a bunch of pre-bans, none drop free. I wanna start shooting some IDPA or USPSA style matches for fun and it will make a difference if I don't have to pull the mag out every mag change. For some reason I see them going for ridiculous money on eBay. Anyone know of shops or anywhere selling them at non FR pricing?

Thanks guys

Last time I was at Flint Arms they had a bin full of G19 10 rounder's for $29.00 I think, that was a few months back however.
These have been tough to find ever since a handful of other states went FR with cripplemag laws. They come up at Midway every now and then and sell out in a few minutes.
Undercover Arms in Hudson had plenty of 10 round Glock magazines for around $36 bucks.. 17's, 19's and 22's. Not sure about the 21's. You can always give them a call, (978) 212-5778
You may be able to get the mags to drop free, depending on their age and condition. First, and this may be a little too late, never leave them loaded unless absolutely necessary as they will swell. Then try some car wax with silicone or some other super friction reducer in it. This may work, especially on mags that are empty when you try to drop them. This worked for me with some Glock 40 hi cap mags.
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