“Semi automatic rifles kill twice as many”

Well that's f***in stupid. Considering the majority of incidents are typically with a semiautomatic pistol, what the f*** else did they expect?

Also, this bullshit:
Researchers who examined FBI data on nearly 250 "active shooter" assaults also found that the chances of dying, if shot, were the same no matter the weapon.

No f***in shit dumbasses!
The author has no clue, article is ridiculous ! No mention of "capacity" at all? Any weapon is only as lethal as the person operating it.... only people kill...., etc
His next article will say that: if a terrorist drives a truck into a crowd of people he will kill twice as many with an automatic transmission than he would with a standard! And put his name at the end
At least they use the term "active shooter" incorrectly every time.

idiotic article said:
Researchers examined FBI data on nearly 250 "active shooter" incidents in the United States since 2000

Every incident is an "active shooter" incident while it is occuring.

idiotic article said:
But in "active shooter" attacks,
Again, every incident.

idiotic article said:
"Active shooters are hell-bent on killing people,"

No shit? They aren't trying to tickle them with a bullet?
the author likely stays up at night thinking...”how in the world is a wound from a semiautomatic the same as a wound from a nonautomatic”
Starting by saying FBI data was the source then ending by saying FBI data wasn't specific so a lot of that information came from "news media reports"... should've switched the order of that.
“Semi automatic rifles kill twice as many”

Yep. Twice as many... 60% of the time, every time...

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Next response. "Bald Tires, frequently sported by Toyota Prius drivers looking to decrease their rolling resistance in a practice know as hypermiling, now reported to cause four times the fatalities of Fully Semi Automatic rifles.". A CDC researcher reports..
wow now that they've discovered that groundbreaking information they should look at full auto machine-guns. I sneaky think they might even kill more people than the semi-auto guns. I don't want to jump to conclusions though so I'll await a full study.
Semi-automatic rifles kill twice as many as other guns, study finds

Stumbled upon this gem this morning.
Absolute garbage. I can’t fathom how someone who writes so poorly has a paying job.

This is straight up fear mongering.

The only way to fully understand what's happening in our society we must first take the spotlight off of the weapons and place that spotlight on the shooters. Sadly, we may never have all the answers but there's one thing we know for sure, if we focus on just the shooters we'll be looking for those answers in the right place.
Considering the overwhelming majority of incidents are typically with a semiautomatic pistol
…(FIFY)...and 99.9% of those incidents are/were due to gang violence or are/were committed by criminals/felons all of whom are/were illegally carrying a firearm while involved the incident.
More people are bitten by a Golden Retriever than by a Tosa. Does that mean Goldens are more aggressive? Absolutely not. There are just many more of them.
since 2000... Almost 900 people were wounded and 718 were killed.

Pushes calculator..., questions if the 900 wounded contained the 718 killed since those killed had to be wounded??

Ok, given that 1618 is the working total and 18 years the event duration, that comes to a little less than 90 per year, of course depending on how you count it out, it could be 19 years. So this total of 90 people a year is important when you look at drunk driving, drug overdoses, physician malpractice, auto accidents, people getting hit by trains and suicide over the same time frame?

Analyzing medical death rate data over an eight-year period, Johns Hopkins patient safety experts have calculated that more than 250,000 deaths per year are due to medical error in the U.S. Their figure, published May 3 in The BMJ, surpasses the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC's)
Just get out of here with your facts and your rational comparisons to problems with much higher body counts.
Cuz guns!!
Impaired Driving: Get the Facts | Motor Vehicle Safety | CDC Injury Center
29 people a day, or over 10,000 people a year. That sounds like a monumental freakin problem.
I don’t see anyone calling for the repeal of the 21st ammendment. There’s plenty of responsible boozers, why punish them all?
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