‘We’re Buying Zimmerman A New Gun’

If it was, Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson will say that he took his time rescue the family and that he only did it b/c he had remaining guilt after the verdict that freed him.

If it was not a black family, Jackson and Sharpton will call him a racist for saving the family and claim that he wouldn't have done the same if the family was black. And there will be protests.

It was an Hispanic family with one grandparent who was black, but they spend their time working as volunteers for the NAACP and Obama For America.
I think they are "jumping the gun" on this one and should wait to see how the federal charges pan out before they buy him something he can no longer legally possess. With the majority of people in this country (including a lot of gun owners) feeling that this trial was a miscarriage of justice, it is quite likely that the feds are not going to let this go easily.

While the TRIAL was a miscarriage of justice, the VERDICT was not.

Zim is NOT currently a PP and if he is eventually turned into on through the antics of the DOJ, the gun can be donated to charity.

Sent from my chimney using smoke signals.
It's funny that Obama is called black even though only half black and Zimmerman is called white being half Hispanic. Do they think we are all dopes?
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