Zumbo Responds to Sen. Carl Levin

Jun 1, 2005
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This is reposted from the Outdoor Wire by Jim Shepherd.

In February, hunter and outdoorsman Jim Zumbo enraged shooters across the United States with comments appearing his now-discontinued blog on Outdoor Life. Since that fateful blog, Zumbo's professional life has changed - profoundly. A marquee career in hunting has effectively been reduced to nothingness. Television sponsors bolted, contracts were cancelled and a former front-man for hunting found himself the object of hatred and ridicule by shooters who felt betrayed by his comments.

Zumbo hasn't tried to shift the blame to anyone else. In fact, he pledged to go on the offensive to fight HR 1022, the newly introduced and significantly broadened, assault weapons ban.

Last week, Michigan Senator Carl Levin, a staunch opponent of firearms, used Zumbo's remarks to attack firearms owners, reading portions into the Congressional Record. Zumbo has fired back, sending an open letter to the United States Senate that responds to Levin's action and makes it plain that Zumbo isn't letting that action pass.

Last night, Zumbo provided us a copy of his response to Senator Levin. Today, in the sense of fairness, we offer it in its entirety - without comment.

An Open Letter to the United States Senate

Dear Honorable Ladies and Gentlemen:

It recently came to my attention that one of your colleagues, Michigan Sen. Carl Levin, has chosen to attack firearms owners using remarks I wrote in mid-February as his launch pad. As you probably know, Sen. Levin has been making anti-gun speeches every week for the past eight years because of a promise he made to the Economic Club of Detroit in May 1999.

Mr. Levin has an agenda, and he should have spoken to me before using my name in one of his speeches, especially since his remarks were entered into the Congressional Record. I would like my remarks here entered into the Congressional Record as well.

Sen. Levin is only one of 16 members of the Senate to vote against the Vitter Amendment to the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act. This amendment prohibits the confiscation of a privately-owned firearm during an emergency or major disaster when possession of that gun is not prohibited under state or federal law.

Eighty-four senators voted for that amendment, inspired by the egregious confiscation of firearms from the citizens of New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina in the summer of 2005. Those seizures, you will recall, led the Second Amendment Foundation and National Rifle Association to join in a landmark civil rights lawsuit in federal court that brought the confiscations to an abrupt end.

The taking of private property without warrant or probable cause - even firearms - was considered an outrage by millions of American citizens, and yet Sen. Levin joined 15 of his colleagues in voting against this measure. It is no small wonder that Sen. Levin gets an "F" rating from gun rights organizations. He would have American citizens disarmed and left defenseless at a time when they need their firearms the most, when social order collapses into anarchy and protecting one's self and one's family is not simply a right and responsibility, it becomes a necessity.

That in mind, Sen. Levin must know that almost immediately after I wrote those remarks, I recanted and apologized to the millions of Americans who lawfully and responsibly own, compete with and hunt with semi-automatic rifles. I took a "crash course" on these firearms and visited with my good friend Ted Nugent on his ranch in Texas, where I personally shot an AR-15 and educated myself with these firearms.

Some of us learn from our mistakes, others keep making them. Legislation to which Sen. Levin alluded, HR 1022, would renew the ban on so-called "assault weapons," and dangerously expand it to encompass far more perfectly legal firearms. For the Congress of the United States to even consider such legislation is an affront to every law-abiding firearms owner in this country.

This legislation that Sen. Levin appears to endorse is written so broadly as outlaw not only firearms, but accessories, including a folding stock for a Ruger rifle. As I understand the language of this bill, it could ultimately take away my timeworn and cherished hunting rifles and shotguns - firearms I hope to one day pass on to my grandchildren - as well as millions of identical and similar firearms owned by other American citizens.

It is clear to me that the supporters of this legislation don't want to stop criminals. They want to invent new ones out of people like me, and many of you, and your constituents, friends, neighbors and members of your families. They will do anything they can, go to any extremes they believe necessary, to make it impossible for more and more American citizens to legally own any firearm.

In his final paragraph, Senator Levin misrepresents what I said. I never spoke in favor of a general assault weapons ban. Again, I immediately apologized for my blog statement that was exclusively directed toward hunting and not gun ownership.

I will not allow my name to be associated with this kind of attack on the Second Amendment rights of my fellow citizens.

A few weeks ago, in a letter to Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, I promised to educate my fellow hunters about this insidious legislation "even if I have to visit every hunting camp and climb into every duck blind and deer stand in this country to get it done."

I will amend that to add that I will bring my effort to Capitol Hill if necessary, even if I have to knock on every door and camp in every office of the United States Senate. In promoting this ban, the Hon. Carl Levin does not speak for me, or anybody I know.

James Zumbo
Cody, Wyoming
You could just see this coming. You knew the anti's would take what he saud and run with it.

You can say what you want but this letter, even if entered into congressional record, does not undue the damage in his original blog.

Laywer: Objection
Judge: Objection Sustained!!!! Jury will disregard those remarks....

Yeah, right!!!!

The jury still heard the original comment and even though they are not supposed to allow that comment to weigh in their decision don't you think it does just a little? It does.

They'll just turn this on him and say he flip-flopped and that will shoot holes through any credibility he once had. They'll say he felt pressure from his sponsors so that's why he changed his mund and recanted. And that his feeling against AWB's was strong until is threatened his livelihood.

I said it before and I'll say it again, this guy has done more damage to gun owners than we can ever imagine and he will continue to be a thorn in the siode of legal gun owners for a very long time.

Politicians have a very crafty way to spin things to make themselves look really good. it doesn't matter how many letters Zumbo or his representatives write. He's an idiot and the aniti's know it and they will take him for all the mileage they can.

And we'll get screwed in the end.

Thank you Mr. Zumbo....you ass!!!!
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and what would you say about a politician that flip flopped as much as Zumbo.......how about Romney?????

Sign the AWB and then joined the NRA as a life memeber for his presidential run.....

You can't like one and not the other.

I agree with both of you. It seems now he has plenty of free time on hand to watch for and follow up on his mistake. Time will tell how sincere he is and persistant he is in making up for his lapse in judgement. We all make mistakes, and he should be given consideration for trying to right them. I think he should continue to correct his ignorant blunder, but must confess myself that upon going to my first gun shop in decades, and seeing an ar 15 I also had been brainwashed by the media. I had the same exact impression as Zumbo, but kept them to myself! After spending some time around shooting again, and then putting an AR to the test, I'm happy to report I own an AR 15 NM and also a DPMS 308 longrange AR 10. These guns are popular because their ergonomic layout and mechanical design make them very accurate and easy to shoot. Properly introduce any new shooter to an AR, and no matter how brainwashed, you will have a convert!
Mr Zumbo
Made a VERBAL error and did NOT Openly demostrate against Gun Owners. His actions were in the form of words and not in the form of action.
What I see here is the very type of ally that we need and he speaks now with OUR BEST INTERESTS. With this letter he discredited the Senator and he showed his intent to fight anything against the 2nd. I say he is a man who I would gladly shake the hand of. Not many make a mistake and then apologize and go above and beyond to make it right. He made an error and he has paid dearly for that error, to continue to carry a grudge against him or slam the door in his face would be nothing less than foolish. He still uses his Power and his name recognition to defend the Second and not go against it.
He has my forgiveness and I would stand beside him. I do not see where Zumbo has flipped flopped, He made one error, one time and paid dearly and this letter as well as his actions afterwards are in our best interests. Turn your backs on him and you will remove ONE MORE Brick from OUR wall of defense.
They'll say he felt pressure from his sponsors so that's why he changed his mund and recanted.
What sponsors? He has none left, they all bailed as they should have. And he learded his lesson and is trying to right the wrong he created. He could have just vanished and allowed this misuse of his words to stand. Instead he educated himself and is fighting back. There is flip-flopping/pandering like John Kerry does. And there's people that learn and change their position like Zumbo did. The jury is still out on Romney for me.

I took a "crash course" on these firearms and visited with my good friend Ted Nugent on his ranch in Texas, where I personally shot an AR-15 and educated myself with these firearms.

In pink tiger-stripe. [laugh]
he only admitted it was a mistake after he felt the wrath of the internet. If that comment was stashed in the back of some hunting magazine that nobody ever looked at we still wouldn't have heard about it even now.

And yes he did flip flop. Having an opinion one way and changing it because you were hurt publicly is flip flopping. With the cunning of a politician he flopped his flip on the aw's.....only after the public opinion had his sponsors pulled.

Call it a mistake if you want. I consider his statement a crime against all gun owners and he hasn't done nearly enough time or back peddling to warant my forgiveness let alone my respect.

Lets see how long his original blog is referenced by the antis and how many times he responds. He's up there in years and sooner or later we all go to that great big shootting range in the sky. This will haunt us long after he's passed.

You all revere the guy like he is the second coming...your support for him at this point is ammo for the antis.

When we start seeing some gun control repealed I might consider not hating him as much as I do for what he said as long as it relates to his flip flopped back peddling.

He should have just vanished.
and what would you say about a politician that flip flopped as much as Zumbo.......how about Romney?????

Sign the AWB and then joined the NRA as a life memeber for his presidential run.....

You can't like one and not the other.

There is a difference.... Zumbo isn't running for office. Someone might
argue that he is trying to repair his career, but IMO if he ever gets back into
the industry its going to take him a long time before anyone ever trusts
him again. He doesn't have purely political motives for changing
sides. He could have just disappeared off the radar and that would
have been the end. Instead, he's gone to great lengths to tell people
that he was wrong. Romney hasn't done any of that, and his efforts
look artificial in comparison to zumbos. Anyone who doesn't see that
is pretty blind.

I agree that what zumbo did was damaging, but it's no different than the
john rosenthals of the world pretending that they're gun owners, and pushing
for bans at the same time. We have a bunch of orgs reaking with fraud
out there that pretend to be pro gun but pro gun control. AGS, AHSA,
etc, are all fraud anti orgs designed to give the antis another mouthpiece
from a different angle. IMO these orgs do a lot more damage than
zumbo ever did with his one blog post.

I think he'll do more harm for our cause than good. When he does some serious good for our cause I too will flip flop. But not until then. I also don't think anyone will take him seriously now so I'm not sure how much good he can actually do. I think those politicians that are on the fence about increased gun control will not be swayed to our side because of this man.

I applaud his effort but I think the damage he's done to our cause and his own credibility is far to great for him to overcome. At this point I think anything he says is like using gasoline to put out a fire. Someone is going to get burned and I think its us.

If hea wants to defend his reputation and crrect the references used in his blogs and letters againt those politicians that's fine. I think he's nly really trying to help himself. If we benefit all the better but i don't see that we will.
sksguns, are you also against S&W for 'the agreement'?

BTW, there is no 'reverence' here. Just embracing anyone who is for our cause.

There are still lunkheads who chastise S+W.... they hold old grudges, despite
the fact that S+W is now selling AR-15 rifles (replete with evil features) and
manufactures one of the most media villified handguns in existence, the S+W
500 magnum. IMO in my mind they've righted themselves. Scrivener
even said in another thread that they donate guns to GOAL and probably
other orgs to raffle off for fundraising, etc.

There is a difference.... Zumbo isn't running for office. Someone might
argue that he is trying to repair his career, but IMO if he ever gets back into
the industry its going to take him a long time before anyone ever trusts
him again. He doesn't have purely political motives for changing
sides. He could have just disappeared off the radar and that would
have been the end. Instead, he's gone to great lengths to tell people
that he was wrong. Romney hasn't done any of that, and his efforts
look artificial in comparison to zumbos. Anyone who doesn't see that
is pretty blind.

I agree that what zumbo did was damaging, but it's no different than the
john rosenthals of the world pretending that they're gun owners, and pushing
for bans at the same time. We have a bunch of orgs reaking with fraud
out there that pretend to be pro gun but pro gun control. AGS, AHSA,
etc, are all fraud anti orgs designed to give the antis another mouthpiece
from a different angle. IMO these orgs do a lot more damage than
zumbo ever did with his one blog post.


I agree with everything you've posted here but to some degree you don't feel what Zumbo is doing is artificial? You don't think that he's just doing it to save a little face in the eyes of his hunter following? He may not have a political motive but I believe he does have a motive. With a personal motive you have a bit more time to repair your reputation, unlike Romney who only has until the primary.

I said it already I applaud his effort but for me he has a long way to go and his trip requires some results in our favor.
I think it's a good letter, and anyone supporting the cause should be embraced by it. Being against Zumbo won't help you keep your 2nd ammendment rights, in fact it may hurt them. Maybe some anti's will change their views by his example.
I do not forgive Mr. Zambo as I see no reason to forgive him. As a respected “Gun” writer, although much less respected now, he posted his beliefs that were injurious to the 2nd Amendment and helpful to those who would take our guns. The damage has been done and he can no more repair the damage that he has done then he can travel back in time to change his words.

I applaud Mr. Zambo’s efforts at damage control, his fight to regain his status (and income earning ability) in the gun industry and more importantly to educate that group of shooters disrespectfully known as “Fuds” (of which I am one).

Perhaps the most important single thing to come from Mr. Zambo’s transgression against the 2nd Amendment is the exposure of the rift between the “Hunters” and the “Sport Shooters” and their beliefs.

Forgive Zambo, NO, hope he personally does well, sure.


While I feel that "you can't put the shit back in the donkey" and what Mr. Zumbo said can't be un-said, I am glad to see he has come around regardless of what his reason for "flip-flopping " is. We need all the help we can get and at least he is making an effort.
For God's sake people can't you see that people are imperfect and can be wrong about things. And some of those same people can be shown they are wrong and change their opinion and standing on an issue. In fact I'll bet that there are people on this board that used to be anti-gun. Stop looking for persecution where it isn't. He f'd up, admitted it, apologized for it, and is working to correct it and even more.

As a respected “Gun” writer
He was a HUNTING writer, not a gun writer.

Perhaps the most important single thing to come from Mr. Zambo’s transgression against the 2nd Amendment is the exposure of the rift between the “Hunters” and the “Sport Shooters” and their beliefs.
Oh I don't know, how about his efforts to close that gap?
Personally, I think the guy has been punished enough already.

True, what he wrote in his blog a few months ago was damaging to all gun owners, but only to a minor degree.

We should be more concerned about the agenda and goals of the politicians, organizations and lobbyists whom are genuinely out to restrict and/or deny us our RKBA. Zumbo is small potatoes (I never even heard of him until his faux pas made the rounds)... Levin is giving his statements more credibility than they deserve.

Here's Levins statement if anyone is interested...

Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, the National Rifle Association leadership has stated repeatedly that a ban on assault weapons is ineffective and unnecessary. They assert that guns labeled as assault weapons are rarely used in violent crimes and that most people use them for hunting. However, despite these repeated assertions, the list of people speaking out against assault weapons continues to grow.

Jim Zumbo , an outdoors entrepreneur who lives in a log cabin near Yellowstone National Park, has spent much of his life writing for prominent outdoor magazines, delivering lectures across the country and who starred in a highly rated TV show about big-game hunting. Jim has been an NRA member for 40 years, and, according to his Web site, has appeared with NRA officials in 70 cities across the country. This relationship changed drastically when Jim expressed his commonsense opinion on assault weapons.

Last month, after learning that some hunters were using assault weapons to hunt prairie dogs, Jim expressed his thoughts in his personal blog on the Outdoor Life magazine website. He wrote:

Maybe I'm a traditionalist, but I see no place for these weapons among our hunting fraternity. I'll go so far as to call them ``terrorist rifles.''

He continued by stating that in his:

..... humble opinion, these things have no place in hunting. We don't need to be lumped into the group of people who terrorize the world with them, which is an obvious concern. I've always been comfortable with the statement that hunters don't use assault rifles. We've always been proud of our ``sporting firearms.''

The reaction from NRA officials was swift and callous. They immediately severed all ties with Mr. Zumbo . His TV program on the Outdoor Channel was canceled, and his longtime career with Outdoor Life magazine ended. In addition, many of his corporate ties to the biggest names in gun making, such as Remington Arms Co., were terminated.

Jim Zumbo has worked for years to improve the image of outdoorsmen. As he put it:

As hunters, we don't need the image of walking around the woods carrying one of these weapons. To most of the public, an assault rifle is a terrifying thing. Let's divorce ourselves from them. I say game departments should ban them from the prairies and woods.

We all owe Jim Zumbo a debt of gratitude for his forthrightness, his honesty and his courage. We must put the safety of our communities first by taking up and passing sensible gun legislation that includes renewing the assault weapons ban.
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I agree with everything you've posted here but to some degree you don't feel what Zumbo is doing is artificial? You don't think that he's just doing it to save a little face in the eyes of his hunter following?
He may not have a political motive but I believe he does have a motive. With a personal motive you have a bit more time to repair your reputation, unlike Romney who only has until the primary.

Maybe, but if you compare the two, romney is a hell of a lot MORE
artificial. Romney's version of flopping is buying an NRA card and
having someone leak out a press release. That took him a total of
5 minutes worth of effort. Zumbo on the other hand appears
as though he is trying to get seriously immersed in the pro gun
movement. There's a big difference- at least zumbo looks like he's
making an EFFORT to revert his position. Romney's is so limp
wristed it's like saying "let's feed the poor" and then throwing a nickel
into a beggars cup. Nobody with a brain is buying into it. I don't
think that if zumbo wasn't trying to right himself he wouldn't be doing all
of what he is doing right now... I'd say he was artificial if he wrote one
letter of apology and that was it.

I said it already I applaud his effort but for me he has a long way to go and his trip requires some results in our favor.

I agree, I would say that if he still seems to be a true RKBA advocate a
year from now then that will be a good sign. We cannot condemn
those who have decided to come to our side...

It's nice to know that there are some people who have lived their entire lives without once having been mistaken, said something incredibly stupid in public or (since they never made any) learned from the mistakes and attempted to rectify them.

For God's sake people can't you see that people are imperfect and can be wrong about things. And some of those same people can be shown they are wrong and change their opinion and standing on an issue. In fact I'll bet that there are people on this board that used to be anti-gun. Stop looking for persecution where it isn't. He f'd up, admitted it, apologized for it, and is working to correct it and even more.


The endless tirades against Jim Zumbo now are useless and maybe even counterproductive.

I, for one, am bound to give him some measure of slack (maybe even a little respect) for manning up and trying to control the damage he has done. It would have been easier for him to shut up and leave the shitstorm to take its course. But he's taking the hard road.

I wish him well.
He's in a very unique position to change the opinions and bring the light to many hunters who don't care about other gun rights. If he can help even a few fudds see the larger picture he is a valuable ally. All of the attacks from people here and gun owners everywhere to his post have done their job: convinced him that he was wrong and made him look into the issue more. Wasn't that the goal of boycotting him and his sponsers, etc? Or did you just enjoy bashing on him for personal pleasure? Take the victory and roll with it, the war on Zumbo was a win. The same strategy could be used to turn many people, including politicians if enough people are for the cause. I'd rather see them educated and converted than to hate them forever and have them be against my rights.

As a respected “Gun” writer
He was a HUNTING writer, not a gun writer.---Erebus
By “Gun” writer I meant Gun Industry writer which “Hunting” with guns, as Mr. Zambo is noted for, is included.

Perhaps the most important single thing to come from Mr. Zambo’s transgression against the 2nd Amendment is the exposure of the rift between the “Hunters” and the “Sport Shooters” and their beliefs.
Oh I don't know, how about his efforts to close that gap?---Erebus

Obviously you don’t know.

Mr. Zambo did not use his efforts to close the gap until he first exposed the rift, he himself was part of, between the “Hunters” and “Sport Shooters” and their beliefs.

With out the initial public exposure of the rift and its deservedly harsh response, Mr. Zambo would likely still believe that EBRs have no place in hunting. And would unlikely be making any effort to close that gap he was (is?) so much a part of.


With out the initial public exposure of the rift and its deservedly harsh response, Mr. Zambo would likely still believe that EBRs have no place in hunting. And would unlikely be making any effort to close that gap he was (is?) so much a part of.

Yes, well the exposure WORKED! Maybe some people need that kick in the pants to make them realize something. Like I said, why not consider it a victory and proof that we can get more people on our side?
Yes, well the exposure WORKED! Maybe some people need that kick in the pants to make them realize something. Like I said, why not consider it a victory and proof that we can get more people on our side?---TonH
And who says I don't?


Perhaps I mis-interpreted your comments then jkelly! I apologize. I just don't like the attitude of some that Zumbo is an overall negative, because I feel in many ways that he is a stronger influence on some people than people that were completely pro-gun from the start. A sort of success-story. I hope people will see that.

Lets wait and see how Levin twist Zumbo's most recent letter. Then we'll get a feel for how well he's doing for "the cause".
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