YouTube is becoming digital sharecropping

  • Thread starter Deleted member 67409
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Deleted member 67409

YouTube is going to start reserving the right to remove any content that is "no longer commercially viable." There's a ton of videos, especially gun videos, that YouTube can't monetize and use for ads.

They don't still use the motto "broadcast yourself", do they? They don't really want you to. It should be called "we will broadcast clips of CNN, Trevor Noah and Katy Perry shaking her butt, and you will like it, because we said so".
And do not buy youtube TV or any of that nonsense. YouTube wasn't created on the idea of watching mindless TV. If they are going to screw with us, don't support them with your money.
Nothing lasts forever.
When something better comes along they will go the way of AOL.
How fast that happens depends on how many people they turn off because of their SJW politics B.S.
For those too young to remember , AOL WAS the internet.
It was going to BE the internet FOREVER.
I'm going to miss all the "how to repair this" or "how to do this carpentry task" etc videos. I hope the people who make these videos are smart enough to move them to bitchute and other platforms.
Nothing lasts forever.
When something better comes along they will go the way of AOL.
How fast that happens depends on how many people they turn off because of their SJW politics B.S.
For those too young to remember , AOL WAS the internet.
It was going to BE the internet FOREVER.

Well, actually it was the internet for the clueless. And, most people were indeed clueless. For years before AOL became popular, I was using dialup PPP connections (and even SLIP before that for a little bit, not to mention dial up to Unix command lines), doing TCP/IP straight from my Mac or PC, running my own apps that made use of the protocol, etc. Then I started to observe people who were using AOL... the old geezers at the office were connecting using dialup AOL from the office. It was just so horrific and I was like "wow what are you guy doing this is so lame". My boss made me use his account to try to email files to a customer from his AOL account. 32K limit per email, only text allowed, so here I was trying to use Unix commands split and uuencode to copy hundreds of parts of a file into individual emails one by one. Lame, why not just use Eudora. I'm lucky I survived that horrible experience.

And earlier on, AOL wasn't even on the internet. They provided 100% of the content and it's users didn't even know there was an internet. Then one day, AOL connected itself to the internet and there was a flood of millions of clueless AOL users all at once trying to do things out on the internet, and they were so painfully clueless, doing things like trying to post on usenet by putting the entire post in the subject line with no body, etc. Us old timers were pissed off and were insulting them. It was great.
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