WTF is wrong with people? Bathroom & guns

Feb 6, 2012
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Someone posted this in a group I'm in

Please don't be this guy... Dude went into a stall, left the door open, put his gun on the wall BEHIND him, looked back and SAW me standing there waiting for him, and proceeded to piss. Only open stall. Urinals are open.

If you're gonna take off your gun:
1) Close the fcking stall door.
2) Do not make it easier for OTHERS to reach your gun then you.
3) Don't make it so fcking obvious that you have a gun to ANYONE in the bathroom.


Good way to get knocked out and have your shit taken
Just another DBag attention whore. Look at me! I haz gunz!

Just close the door idiot. He’s the kind of guy that purposely tries to let others see his heater while he’s out somewhere. And that, will most certainly come back to bite him on the ass someday.
Who wears those stupid jeans?

Taking pix in the bathroom is dumb as well.

I do. Easier than trying to weave your junk thru two sets of sharp teeth.

Regardless, deductive reasoning tells me that with appendix carry if you’re wearing button flies it will flop upside down right quick on you as soon as you unbutton. Doesn’t change the fact that this guy is an idiot-just to stay on topic.
Wait why the f*** you taking off your carry to piss??? To shit? Fine.

Appendix Carry maybe???

That seems to be the "It Way To Carry" right now for all these "TV Trained Tactical Carriers"...

CC is CC for a reason, don't let anyone see your JUNK ;) :( :rolleyes:

Should of just closed the door, I hate folks standing up to take a leak into the toilet, use the darn urinal, that's what there there for!!! I bet the guy didn't even lift the seat!!!

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Two ATF agents got bounced for forgetting their guns at the Home Depot restroom. Same HD different days. Guns turned to local PD
^^^^ Deep breaths buddy. Deep breaths. He’s not worth flat lining over.
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