WSJ: Obama: ‘I’m Not Going to Take Your Guns Away’

I dislike both candidates.

That being said, I would prefer any appointments to the Supreme Court be more conservative than liberal. For that reason alone I would have to support McCain. We won a very narrow 5-4 victory in the SCOTUS decision. The change of one more left leaning "living" Constitutionality Judge could change what we have fought so hard for.
We can't elect a leadership team on a single issue such as gun control.

I'm going to disagree with you here for a few different reasons:

1.) The obvious one being that when you have been stripped of your right to defend yourself you have essentially been made into a slave for those who still retain that ability. For example, a government full of tyrants.

2.) The thought of electing a POTUS who does not acknowledge your constitution is absolutely disgusting and unacceptable. We're only two ammendments deep into the Bill of Rights and already he's throwing it out the window. It doesn't make sense to me to trust that he will acknowledge any of the rest of them.

3.) Single issue voting is perfectly acceptable to me when it comes to my ability to preserve and defend my life and liberty and that of my family from criminals, thugs, and tyrants who otherwise wish to take them away.

4.) Gee, I dont know. How would you feel if he decided that your First Ammendment rights were only valid if you lived outside of a major city?

..there is so much at stake right now, what with a resurgent Russia flexing its muscles, etc... Not sure any of the candidates is the right person for the job, but that is the choice we are faced with.

And just for the record I along with many others here, perhaps even most, agree with McCain's policies outside of gun control more than with obama's. From foreign policy(which obama has actually flip flopped on), tax structure, offshore drilling(which now obama flipped for), etc..
Fascinating...just reading all these posts in pure fodder for any psychological researchers.

What totally absorbs me about all these posts is the denial - denial about the obvious that gets dressed up as Republican support and Democrat bashing. Someone posted a great quote from JFK about an armed citizenry. He was a Dem from MA don't forget. Why do we "believe" that Reps are gun friendly and Dems are anti in such a vehement black and white fashion? Do we truly believe that only reps own guns and support the 2nd amendment?

You forget how far left the "center" in this country has shifted in the nearly 50 years since JFK was elected. Yes, he was a Democrat, but any politician championing the exact same policies today would be considered a fairly right-wing Republican. One rather trivial example: "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." Would you be more likely to hear those words from Obama or McCain?

I don't think anyone here believes that all Republicans are good and all Democrats are bad, but I think it's patently obvious that a higher percentage of Republicans are more in line with our general view of the country and the world, and in particular the issues surrounding gun ownership. One thing we know: come January next year, either McCain or Obama will be President. Like many (most, probably) here, I'm supporting McCain - not because he and the Republicans are perfect, but because they're better than the alternative.
...since JFK was elected. Yes, he was a Democrat, but any politician championing the exact same policies today would be considered a fairly right-wing Republican.

True Dick. Both Bush and McCain are far, far to the left of JFK.
Fascinating...just reading all these posts in pure fodder for any psychological researchers.

What totally absorbs me about all these posts is the denial - denial about the obvious that gets dressed up as Republican support and Democrat bashing. Someone posted a great quote from JFK about an armed citizenry. He was a Dem from MA don't forget. Why do we "believe" that Reps are gun friendly and Dems are anti in such a vehement black and white fashion? Do we truly believe that only reps own guns and support the 2nd amendment?

We can ra ra for McCain / Palin and delude ourselves in the process about the obvious. The plain and simple truth is that NO government of any political color favor an armed citizenry in the future. Just look at Europe ( apart from Switzerland, God love 'em), Australia, rest of the world. Governments don't want armed citizens as armed citizens can team up and resist bad governments and replace the ruling class. I grew up in the UK - just look at the slow and insidious way in which the "government" removed any right of the citizens to own firearms. Most of the law changes were done without the people knowing what was going on - now they are waking up to the reality. The initial drive to remove arms from the people was fired by the revolution in Russia - government didn't want the people having arms to use in an uprising against the ruling class.

I can vote in November and will exercise that right, as a citizen. But I am under no illusion that either dems or reps really want me to have the right to own firearms. Even the issue of gun ownership being a right will eventually come under attack. This is not paranoia, just a reality that has been played out across the civilised world time and again. We can't elect a leadership team on a single issue such as gun control...there is so much at stake right now, what with a resurgent Russia flexing its muscles, etc... Not sure any of the candidates is the right person for the job, but that is the choice we are faced with.

I was so excited at the prospect of voting in my first general election as a citizen, but that excitement has been replaced by a gnawing anxiety.

the dems now are not the semi freedom loving dems of the past they are soft core socalists now and the repubs are now just like the the dems now just with out alot of the socalist flavor.
I agree with you Negotiator. Since the beginning of time every single government has had a life cycle.

An interesting analogy. In addition to a life cycle, government also seems to progress along an evolutionary path becoming an ever stronger, more competitive, more efficient and well camouflaged carnivorous consumer of individual rights.

That seems to be true regardless of the group in power, the location, or the time in history.
An interesting analogy. In addition to a life cycle, government also seems to progress along an evolutionary path becoming an ever stronger, more competitive, more efficient and well camouflaged carnivorous consumer of individual rights.

That seems to be true regardless of the group in power, the location, or the time in history.


This has been a theme of philosophers, theologians, sociologists etc for centuries. Everything about all forms of government is cyclical. Pelaguis / Augustine type cycles of government. Anthony Burgess once described the cycles of government as "Pelaguis is fond of peace, Augustine loves and army". Each cycle will replace the last with and so it goes on. Soviet Communism failed, Rome is cyclical, but slow.

Meanwhile, we have an election in November...[hmmm]
Why don't you all start a thread about government life cycles and the rest of us will stick to talking about obama's statements on taking guns away.
I thank BobKatt and others for the comments. Just one clarifying comment from me - I don't want my original post to be construed as being pro Obama in any way. The man scares me , as does Senator McCain, but for very different reasons. Blind ambition, self serving...long list but in the end it's hard to know precisely what Obama stands for, other than the pursuit of power for powers sake. I know he would take away my right to carry concealed, and that would be the tip of the iceberg...

You make a good point, it's all a measure of degree of concern they generate in each of us.

Well said.... I understand what you mean... [wink]
Yeah...Obama won't take your guns away, the checks in the mail, and I promise I won't --- in your mouth.....Riiiiggghhht!

Just shows how desperate that ahole is when he plays the congress card, whoever believes his brand of bullshit is just a f***tard.
I heard Osama Obama Yo' MaMa talking about guns on two occasions were he referred to gun ownership as a "tradition" in this country. He mentioned nothing about a "RIGHT" in this country. He and Mr. John AWBiden are the worst things right now that can happen to our cause, and to our constitution.
Any political statement that uses the word "sportsman" is coming from a liar.

I won't vote for either one of them. McCain is basically a Democrat and Obama is the goddamn Antichrist.

I am going to vote for Sarah Palin.
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