Wofford = SOLID Pro-2A - running vs Tsongas for Congress in Mass 3rd

Aug 31, 2007
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Ann Wofford came to our Candidate's Night @ LSA at our August general meeting.
If you are Tsufferiing under Tsongas now in your Congressional District, you DEFINITELY want to support Wofford!!

Wicked Smaht & SOLID Pro-Second Amendment!
Here's the video of her short speech & answering questions
https://www.facebook.com/wofford4congress/videos/1259785850712597/ (pardon our "Possum Lodge" decor)

p.s. Think of having a Candidate's night at your Club - we had folks running for Statehouse from 3 neighboring cities & Jen Caissie from Gov. Council

p.p.s. Both (D) & (R) are PO'd @ the AG
We can hope for her. Won't happen though. But, hey, at least she's being opposed.

Pelosi's lap dog, McGovern doesn't have any opposition. Hell, my ballot has one republican on it. And he's not even a republican!
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