Will we see the return of Gun Shows in New England this year?


NES Member
Jun 22, 2005
South Central Mass
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The MA shows were crappy before Covid, but I enjoyed going to the NH and ME shows. With Covid, as we all know, the shows shut down. Now that things are coming back to life, do you think there will be gun shows happening before the end of the year? I'm hoping so. Hell, I'll even go to a MA show just to get out of the house and do something I enjoy.

I'm thinking there is a chance for the fall season for gun shows. Hopefully I'm right.
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I would not expect to see any major gun shows in MA during 2021 and possibly not even 2022.

A couple of clubs may put on small shows late in the year, assuming that their town BOH doesn't shut them down.

Unsure about NH shows, but that might be possible later in the year.
I sure hope so. I’ve never been to one, and if they’re anything like HAM fests except with a bunch of guns, ammo, and accessories I’m going to be a very happy camper.
I'm hoping they have them. Let the masses go and kill each other to overpay for Bidenguns. I'll swoop in in 2022 and see normal deals again, I hope. Maybe just normal crowds. I remember that Danvers show that one time. Right after NoBama got in I think. I chewed and screwed out of there in 30 min. It was an unmovable mass. Missed 3/4 of that small show because it wasn't worth moving around.

After about July, it's going to be hard for even Chaaaahhhleee to stop things like this from occurring. "We need to wear masks forever. Because we've worn masks for 15 months." No. That's not how it works. Once you get critical-mass of people vaccinated - and we are approaching that now - masks and distancing will be pointless.

Sure, it'll take mASS and NY and CA a long time to figure this out. But places like TX, FL, MS, MO, and others will show them they are being paranoid for nothing. Eventually, teh scared masses will revolt. Although you'll still see the lingering mask-runner on jogging trails throughout mASSachusetts for a decade or more to come.
Always wondered why this was a thing. Not isolated to gun shows. Any dedicated show the audience refuses to shower

Because its a bunch of fat white guys hurrying around a gunshow up and down every aisle sweating their balls off trying to find the best deal.. In other words, the most exercise they have gotten besides a hurried 11 yard speed walk to the fridge for a pint of ice cream during a Patriot game commercial break.
Events are running this year. The coin show is next weekend at the Manchester Double Tree .
The coin show usually only fills about half the room. (smells just as bad as the gun show)

I think it will come down to profit. If they can make money with capacity restraints it will happen.
The line will probably go out into the parking garage.
There are 4 factors to consider regarding the gun shows:

- The dictator (sorry, I meant governor) and local board of health have to allow it.
- The venue has to allow it.
- The promoter has to agree/schedule it.
- The vendors (mostly old guys) have to feel comfortable enough to agree to be there.

BOH tend to be dictators too and may prohibit events due to COVID almost forever.
Many venues aren't allowing "visitors", don't want to have to do a deep clean before/after an event.
The promoter is from NY, and will probably due what she feels would be OK in NY even though the events are in MA.
Many vendors are "at-risk folks" and may not want to do a show until COVID is declared dead and irrelevant by the "authorities".

I just don't see it happening in MA for the foreseeable future.
Events are running this year. The coin show is next weekend at the Manchester Double Tree .
The coin show usually only fills about half the room. (smells just as bad as the gun show)

I think it will come down to profit. If they can make money with capacity restraints it will happen.
The line will probably go out into the parking garage.
That's NH and NH is a different world from MA. Still traveling between our houses in MA and NH (cleaning out in MA), I see massive differences in people's behavior and expectations.

I can see shows returning to NH, but not in MA.
... its a bunch of fat white guys hurrying around a gunshow up and down every aisle sweating their balls off trying to find the best deal.. In other words, the most exercise they have gotten besides a hurried 11 yard speed walk to the fridge for a pint of ice cream during a Patriot game commercial break.
You're too kind.

Normally the smell is carried in to the venue,
not generated on the fly.
Because its a bunch of fat white guys hurrying around a gunshow up and down every aisle sweating their balls off trying to find the best deal.. In other words, the most exercise they have gotten besides a hurried 11 yard speed walk to the fridge for a pint of ice cream during a Patriot game commercial break.

Surprised we don't see more heart attacks at gun shows.
I would not expect to see any large Gun Shows this year. Even outside events like the ham radio NEAR Fest and MIT Flea Market have been cancelled. NEAR Fest has a couple of large "commercial buildings" but 90% of the sellers are outside. All of MIT is in an open air parking garage.
Has it been confirmed yet if COVID can travel thru the smell of BO and ass?

Seriously. There's a guy at the MA shows I haven't identified yet that I call "Manhattan Breeze." Could drop a buzzard off a shit wagon. Smells mostly like NYC bus station stale piss delicately infused with incense cedar and wet towels. Heinous combo. I'm holding my breath f***ing writing this.
I went to one this past Sunday at the Legion Hall in Augusta. Got a 1" Ultradot for $150; I always find something to buy. Guy had a M1A Supermatch built by somebody. All USGI parts, Krieger barrel, bayo lug on the suppressor. $2400 and he was willing to deal. I didn't think that was a bad price.

$5 to get in.
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