wildlife observations

Jan 3, 2008
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So far this year, I've spotted a LOT more rabbits (especially), grouse and deer. Typical bear sightings, and all the blueberry bushes in my backyard have just been plucked clean. After not noticing much in the way of coyote activity, I've been hearing more yipping dogs as the sun goes down during the past few weeks. Even the bass fishing has been excellent this season. Our little brown bat has failed to show up though, after hanging out on our front porch for the past six or seven years.
So far this year, I've spotted a LOT more rabbits (especially), grouse and deer. Typical bear sightings, and all the blueberry bushes in my backyard have just been plucked clean. After not noticing much in the way of coyote activity, I've been hearing more yipping dogs as the sun goes down during the past few weeks. Even the bass fishing has been excellent this season. Our little brown bat has failed to show up though, after hanging out on our front porch for the past six or seven years.

The deer, turkeys, and birds of prey have been out in force here on the south shore these past few years in numbers I've never seen before.
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I've been seeing a lot of foxes the past few months along with more raccoons. Saw a lot of skunks earlier in the year, but not many recently.
Lots of turkey, coyote (with dead cat in mouth), deer, red & gray squirrels, chipmunks lately in the yard. Don't see any rabbits the past couple of years . . . I think that I know why.

Had a young coyote run across the road a few 100' in front of us coming home the other night.
Lots of turkey, coyote (with dead cat in mouth), deer, red & gray squirrels, chipmunks lately in the yard. Don't see any rabbits the past couple of years . . . I think that I know why.

Had a young coyote run across the road a few 100' in front of us coming home the other night.

Our neighborhood had been overrun with squirrels and chipmunks up until last year when the redtails moved in and set up shop.
Our neighborhood had been overrun with squirrels and chipmunks up until last year when the redtails moved in and set up shop.

A lot of these in my yard this year. I almost never see porcupines, but I almost ran one over driving to my job at night 3 weeks ago.
lots of hawks, a few vultures, and lots of turkey, i hit one with a car from my work a couple weeks ago, and i just spend 20 minutes watching a few turkeys behind my work. there is a baby rabbit that has been digging at my work, i can get really close to it before it gets scared.

at home my cats catch the bunnies, chipmunks, moles, voles, and mice. but they don't always kill them.
I see rabbits every day, in the mornings before work and at dusk.
I've gone what seems like forever without seeing a rabbit, now they're everywhere.

I've been trapping them with my kids as it gets dark. I do the ole box and stick on a string with food under it. We catch them and let them go. My boys love it!!
Al lthe ladies in my office are riled up because there is a fawn outside of my office building w/o the doe. I keep telling them the mother is bumper meat and the coyotes will get the fawn
Yesterday, at the Hartford gun club, a deer came out of the woods in front of field 3, and over the course of about 5 minutes, ambled along to field 1, then back into the woods.

WHy is this notable? It was during the Ct. State Trap Shoot, and in that 5 minutes, it was more-or less directly downrange of 300 + shots.

It didn't care.
Yesterday, at the Hartford gun club, a deer came out of the woods in front of field 3, and over the course of about 5 minutes, ambled along to field 1, then back into the woods.

WHy is this notable? It was during the Ct. State Trap Shoot, and in that 5 minutes, it was more-or less directly downrange of 300 + shots.

It didn't care.

Deer have calendars. Season isn't open yet. They know.
Yesterday I witnessed some type of hawk absolutely blow up a pigeon in Somerville. I hope these hawks breed like mad and eradicate the winged rats.
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