Wife's LTC application question

I didn't have my application filled out when I showed up at my PD to apply so when I came to that part I asked them and they advised I should list my maiden name.
When it says "Have you ever used or been known by another name?" should she put down her maiden name?

I put down my maiden name as well.
However, when the guy who took my application entered it into the computer, he left that field blank, and my LTC doesn't have my maiden name on it anywhere (technically it's my middle name now so I usually include it, for example it's on my checks and y debit card).
Yeah I had her fill out her maiden name. When I applied they just filled out the "online" application with me in the room, so I'm sure it will get handled correctly.

Thanks all! Hopefully we'll get her submitted sometime this week. Already got her signed up to GOAL.
Quentin Hapsburg: I don't recall your name on the guest list.
Lt. Frank Drebin: That's OK. I sometimes go by my maiden name.
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